Chapter 10 - What the f-----?

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Thursday was slow as hell and I wondered how long it would take for Saturday to just come already.

I was sitting in my room on Thursday night while texting Aaron. He had told me that Naomi was going to bring some Jason person with her for the group date.

I was definitely not looking forward to Saturday, but there was this part of me that felt good to even go out with someone apart from friendly outings. I mean, it was going to be my first time going out on a date.

I wanted to be Sarah's date but since Miranda had already agreed to be my date, I really didn't have a say left. Aaron was terrifying when I told him that I was backing out of it. I hadn't seen him look so frightening before as he practically ordered me to do no such thing as backing out.

Out of all of this, there was definitely one person that was enjoying this particular group date.

Miranda had been all over me and by the way she kept holding my hand around school, made me feel like we were already a couple. Anyone could tell just from her voice how excited she was for our date.

I liked Miranda, she had a great personality and she was even pretty, but I just wasn't interested in her like that.

Aaron had been texting me about the details of the date.

'So, I wanted us all to go to the amusement park. You know it's just an hour drive from here. And we could go there early too. As in after school. What do you think?' Aaron texted.

'Whatever. I wouldn't even mind if we go to a library for this date. ' I sent a reply back to him.

'Aww, don't be such a sourpuss. Whacky Jacky. ;) ' Aaron texted.

'Whacky Jacky. Seriously. How long did it take for you to make that up? : / '

'Just a minute. But that's not the point. I want u to be excited because I'm going to help you at this date. :D '

The way he texted was enough to tell that he was extremely excited about this date.


Last night was just horrible.

The whole night I could hear Barbie movies playing from the next room. Guess whose room was it? Ding, ding, ding, ding, we have a winner! It was Ravenna's room.

The irony of it all was that I had those movies' music stuck in my head. I mean what type of 16-year-old teenager watched Barbie movies.

But today was going to be way worse than last night because of the date thing. I just hoped everything would be okay and I wouldn't end up going home feeling sad.

But you know how the universe tells you that there can be more things that could take up the position for the absolute worst thing ever.

Well, that just happened when Aaron invited Brad over to our lunch table. Brad just kept glancing over at Sarah every now and then, and Sarah kept glancing back. And I was the third wheel that was sat between their blooming romance.

'Help me.' My text for help reached Aaron in just a second. He looked at his phone and then at me. He smirked before going back to conversing with Lara while I stared at him with my mouth open in disbelief.

This guy is gonna get a good beating from me and he won't even be able to go on his date.

I kept glaring at Aaron, which probably made him uncomfortable as he stood up from the table before coming over to get Brad. The buff guy was confused when Aaron took him away somewhere. I was just glad that the damn glancing contest finally ended.

Our lunch table looked really full at the moment because of the usual people here. The only addition was of Brad and Lara. I was okay with Lara but with Brad, I felt somewhat indecisive. I wanted to have him around and at the same time I didn't.

He was a cool guy, but a cool guy that also liked a girl I liked, so that's not so cool.

After a while, Brad and Aaron come back from God knows where, laughing with each other. Aaron went to go sit beside Lara, while Brad came to sit beside me. But that was just the thing, he didn't sit down.

I raised a questioning brow at him while he smiled at me before asking me to get up. "Uh, why?" I asked while standing up from the seat.

He didn't even say anything as he sat down on my seat, while I awkwardly stood there watching him do that.

I saw Aaron and Lara glance from Brad to me, while Miranda and Naomi were smirking. Adam looked unamused as he looked at Brad.

What the actual fuck, man?

I just stood there angry and slightly confused. Brad didn't even care as he began to converse with Sarah, who looked a bit uncomfortable as she glanced my way.

I sat down on the seat that was supposed to Brad's as I frowned.

So, I had a crappy night because of the loud movies, I got my seat stolen from me. The day surely hadn't been the most ideal of days.

I just wanted lunch break to end now since I had no reason to even be at this table anymore as I simply watched all of them conversing with each other.

"I'm gonna go get some, uh, fresh air." I spoke as I stood up from the table.

Aaron shot me a concerned look as I waved my hand at them before leaving the cafeteria.

I think I really do need some fresh air. Maybe that would be nice for me.

Sarah's POV:

I never knew Jack would react like this.

Yesterday, I was really annoyed because of Miranda.

She kept clinging to Jack like a fish out of water, and to top that off, Jack didn't even mind. It was like she wanted Miranda to cling to her like that. That not only made me jealous but also furious.

I felt pity for Brad as I watched Jack walk out of the cafeteria. Brad shouldn't have taken her seat like that. And not just that but I kept glancing over at Jack to see if she was okay with Brad sitting with us.

She didn't seem so excited when Brad had come to sit at our table. I think one of the reasons for that was how he kept glancing over at me. He even tried to start conversations with me that would always end up going nowhere.


After school had ended, I was going over to my car when I saw Jack sitting on the hood of her car.

Our eyes met for a brief second before she immediately looked away. I bet she was going to avoid me now.

I walked to my car and stood beside it watching her. I didn't know when I had become a creep. I guess it was just the effect that Jack had on me.

Although I was staring at her pretty intensely, she didn't even care. It was like she didn't want to even look at me.

Who would? Ugh, this brain.

After a minute or two, her sister came out of the middle school building and went to her. Jack just got off the hood and got in the car followed by her sister.

When she was securely in the car, she backed up and drove away, leaving me looking at her drive away.

Hah. I have a feeling this date is not going to end well.

Not for me. Or anyone else.

How could it when you have two people crushing after you? And one of them is a girl, I actually really like. 

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