Chapter 1 - Jump Me

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I woke up to the sound of birds and the light of the sun. My family and I had just moved to a little town that I didn't even know existed on the map, and today was my first day of starting high school. And to top that off, first day of senior year too. I was excited and nervous, at the same time, because I was never too good with new places and new people.

I got off from my bed and groggily walked towards the bathroom to brush and shower and you know get ready. I was about to go in my bathroom when my door shot open and my older sister, Sandra, walked into my room and sat on the bed staring at me as if I was an alien. Although she was the eldest but her actions said otherwise.

Not wanting to ask her what her problem was, but since I had to or else, she would've killed me with all the staring, I asked, "What is your problem? And why the hell are you staring at me like you're waiting for me to disappear or something?"

She just shrugged, "I just wanted to make you uncomfortable because I love doing that. But my main reason for coming into your ugly and boring-ass room is that I wanted a ride to the shopping mall and dad told me that you would take me there."

Oh, how I so wanted to strangle her right there and then. First, she comes into my room then she makes me uncomfortable and then she calls my room ugly and boring. She so crossed a line there. But I didn't want to ruin my mood by talking to her so I just went in the bathroom and closed the door.

Smirking in satisfaction when I heard her stomp her foot through my bathroom door, I started brushing my teeth, smiling and thinking about how my day will be.

After a long and soothing shower, I went down the stairs towards the kitchen to see my parents already seated at the dining room table. I walked pretty casually towards a chair and pulled it out for me to sit. My breakfast was already on the table and believe me it looked exquisite. I was about to dig in when my father interrupted my eating time. "Take your sister to the mall today, she has to buy new clothes and you have to take Ravenna to school with you." I heard him command while he flipped through the newspaper in his hands.

Ravenna is my other annoying sister, she's the youngest and she acts like a child too. Sandra and Ravenna are both daddy's girls. They are just too pampered. While me, I was just really close to my grandma before she passed away.

Now that my father had practically ordered me to do the two most annoying things in the world, my mood was nowhere near good. So, I just finished my breakfast as soon as I could. I was just gonna stand up from my seat when I saw my uncle coming to the table.

Yeah, my uncle Rick lived with us. He wasn't married and well I think he didn't want to get married. But I still loved him from the bottom of my heart.

"Jack!" He exclaimed in surprise before he glanced at the wall clock above the arch of the kitchen. "Why are you still here, don't you have school?" He stated while looking at me with an eyebrow raised.

I stood up quickly with a frown.

"Thanks for the reminder, Uncle Rick!"

I had to sprint to the front door just in time to see Ravenna coming down the stairs with a hell lot of make-up on her face.

"Great, you're ready to go too then." The only response I got from Ravenna was an eye-roll as she walked over to the door just to open it and walk through.

I followed her out before saying my goodbyes to our family. We made our way to my car which was parked in the driveway. I unlocked my car and watched as Ravenna got in the passenger seat. Getting in next to her, I started up the engine.

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