Chapter 22 - Smirks, Sideway Glances and Nudges

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Since the incident where Naomi slapped Brad, I've been getting weird smirks from Brad and Ravenna. I don't even know why.

I mean it's not my fault Brad got slapped, he just had that coming. It was a good thing Naomi slapped him sooner or else I would've done it myself. He spoke some really mean things that day.

But the weirdest part of it was that, Ravenna kept giving me sideway glances, smirks, and nudges and that was bothering me a lot.

"Look, you're thinking again." Aaron singed which made me smile fondly.

"Ugh, I am not."

"You're lying again too." Aaron spoke with an eyebrow raised.

"You're annoying again." I mimicked him. "Oh wait, you never stopped being annoying." I continued, getting a groan and a glare from him.

"You're mean." Aaron said in a baby voice.

"Tell me something I don't know." I smirked.

"So, I heard Sarah isn't talking to you." Aaron returned my smirk now.

"Yeah and I don't even know why."

"Aw, don't be sad. I think it's just a lovers quarrel." Aaron laughed while I rolled my eyes.

"We are not even lovers yet." Sighing out, I looked at Aaron.

You're sighing a lot today.

I've got a lot on my mind today.

"Yeah... And you think I'll believe you." Aaron squinted his eyes at me.

"Yes. Because I'm telling the truth." I spoke hesitantly, not knowing what it was with me and Sarah yet.

"Oh please. You both have been texting each other since that group date and give sideway glances to each other too. And you both smile at each other a lot to-". I cut him off.

"Okay, okay. I get it."

As usual, we were in class and it was boring because the teacher was absent yet again which meant we had free study.

"Why don't you give her flowers?" Adam jumped into our conversation.

"Why don't I give you a noogie?" I shot back.

And that shut him up.

"You're being way too aggressive today." Aaron stated.

Should I tell them about the weirdness that is happening around me or not?

I don't know.

That was a rhetorical question and it wasn't meant for you, stupid brain.

You're a rhetorical question.

Wow. Nice comeback.

"Hey guys." I said grabbing Aaron and Adam's attention.

"What?" They both asked in unison.

"There's something weird happening." I hesitantly spoke as I looked at both of them.

"And that is?" Adam questioned.

"I've been getting weird glances and smirks from Brad and Ravenna. And I wanted you two to help me figure out what they're up to." I blurted it all out.

They looked at each other and then at me.

"You mean to say you're scared of them?" Adam asked.

"I mean to say I need to know why are they giving me the creeps." I clarified.

"Ravenna doesn't give people the creeps, she gives butterflies. Colorful butterflies." Adam sighed dreamily which made me gag and frown, and then roll my eyes.

He's a lost cause now.

"Hey Romeo. Snap out of it. And help me." I snapped my fingers in his face.

"Okay, okay. But you have to get me another date with Ravenna." He stated which made me sigh in defeat.

"Okay. As much as I hate seeing you go on a date with the devil, I'll get you a date with her."

"We, my friend, have a deal." Adam spat on his hand and extended it for me to shake which made me cringe before I took a tissue out my bag and shook his hand with it.

"Ew. The tissue is absorbing your spit." I threw the tissue in the bin near my seat.

Adam just grinned at me.


"Hey Aaron. You're awfully quite." Adam stated looking over at Aaron.

He is quiet. I wonder why.

"Oh. I was just thinking. Yeah, just thinking." Aaron said stuttering.

Adam and I looked at each other and then back at him with squinted eyes. We let the subject go after a while and concentrated on our free study.

Ravenna's POV:

When I get my hands-on Brad, I'm going to hurt him.

What was he thinking putting a stupid note in my locker?

All my friends now think Adam wrote that note and that he's just being romantic and stuff.

It's a good thing they didn't read it.

"Meet me at the school's garden after school. I have an idea how to go through with the plan." – Brad

I can't believe I'm going to the school's garden to meet him alone. I walked out of the school's double doors and went to the garden behind the building.

There he is. Oh, he is so dead now.

I walked to him and pushed him from behind.

I don't care if he's a jock or some dumb sports man or something, I will not tolerate his stupidity.

"I told you to keep our relationship discreet. Don't you know the meaning of that? And what's with this stupid note you put in my locker?" I shouted.

"Note? But you're the one who called me here." He answered getting up from the ground and dusting his clothes off with a frown.

"Why would I call you here when I clearly said that we will only talk with each other on the phone and nowhere else?" I questioned him feeling angry.

"But then if you didn't write that note. Who did?" Brad asked.

"I did." We heard someone say from behind us, which made us turn around to see the guy.

"You. What are you doing here?" Brad screamed.

"Saving your sorry butts from getting exposed too quickly." He screamed back.

"I thought you were Jack's friend?" I asked calmly.

"Were. I don't think I'll be considered a friend after this." He smirked.

"So now you want to join us? How can we trust you?" Brad asked.

"Because if you won't let me join you, I'll tell jack all about this plan of yours that I know." He smirked again.

"Okay." I simply said.

"What?" Brad said.

"But he's Jack's friend." He continued.

"Was Jack's friend. Not anymore." I simply stated. I extended my right hand for him to shake which he gladly took with a smile.

There's a storm coming for jack and she won't even know from where.

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