An Unexpected Distance

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A/N: This week's art is by Amaura1406 , the very first piece of fan art that took me this long to post I'm sorryyy xD ( 'l|) Take this long chapter as my apology lol ()'ω'()

Now that Izuku had a half-month break, he wasn't about to waste a single day doing nothing. A few days later, he took Katsumi out again for another expedition of fun. This time, his plan for today was to spoil the pup with clothes and toys. Except, he hadn't received his paycheck yet, so he still had to use Kacchan's Infinity and Beyond Limitless Black Diamond credit card.

Just as they were about to head out the door, Iida worriedly called out to them, "Midoriya-san, do you want to wait for Master Bakugou to come back from work before going out together?"

The bespectacled butler couldn't just stand there and watch anymore, prompting the Omega with good intentions. Izuku awkwardly scratched his head. "Ah... it's fine, he's so busy right now. I don't want to bother him. We'll be fine on our own!"

After all, he had picked a time to go out when Kacchan wasn't around on purpose. There was no way he was going to wait for the Alpha to come back from work first!

"Then, please allow them to follow you. This is all according to Master Bakugou's instructions, we cannot take Young Master Katsumi's safety lightly."

The Beta gestured at three tall bodyguards wearing black suits and sunglasses nearby. It wasn't an unreasonable request, and Izuku had no reason to turn it down, so he could only agree and set out with them in a tow. This way, he didn't need to rely on Neito to carry all their bags and purchases.

Still, why did he have a feeling that Kacchan had made arrangements like this on purpose...?


While they were window-shopping, Izuku discovered a newly opened children's clothing store. The flashy banner had caught his eye, and the adorable display of garments peaked his interest. Seeing all of those cute and trendy clothing on sale, he switched to his shopping mania mode and eagerly brought his honeybun inside to start exploring.

"Honey, this'll look good on you! Go try it on!"

Katsumi nodded and obediently carried the chosen outfit to the fitting room. As Izuku waited with bated breath for the pup to change his clothes, casually looking through more racks, he noticed two familiar figures passing by outside the store.

It was Itsuki and Shouto, his sister holding onto the Alpha's arm as they strolled and chatted together.

"Wow, this store is so cute!" she chirped excitedly, entranced by the style, "Shouto-nii, shall we go inside and take a look? Sumiko-chan's son's birthday is next month, so why don't we buy him a jacket as a gift?"

"Mm," Shouto answered passively.

"Have you seen her pup? He's so sweet and chubby, so adorable! Shouto-nii, if we have a pup in the future, do you think he'll be as cute?" Itsuki asked coyly, fluttering her eyelashes.

"I wouldn't doubt it," he said. It was obvious that the Alpha wasn't in a good mood as he responded robotically to her questions.

"Shouto-nii, are you still mad at me?" Itsuki looked like she was at a loss.

She bit her lip, already tearing up, "I've already apologized publicly on Hooter, and you heard Yarra's explanation for yourself. As for that phone call... it was because Shouto-nii wouldn't talk to me after seeing that press conference, and after you left... I had too much to drink. I desperately searched everywhere for you, worried and scared, and when Izuku-nii called... I lost it. I didn't know what I said, but I was really drunk and I really do regret it—"

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