The Unexpected Switch

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A/N: This week's art is by @_-_-Jin-_-_ ~! Katsumi's so adorable it should be illegal for him to be that cute lol (ˊˋ)

Early the next morning, Bakugou Katsuki was woken up by the sound of a doorbell.

When he opened the door, he saw Kaminari waiting outside anxiously. He held up his hands cautiously, "Bakubro, don't explode on me, this is really urgent! If you don't go home right now, Katsumi's gonna destroy the place! They couldn't get in contact with you or Midoriya, so I had no choice but to come here myself!"

Izuku instantly became wide-awake. "Did something happened to Katsumi? Then what are we waiting for? Let's go back!"

Leaping out of bed, he speedily grabbed his backpack and helped Bakugou pack up his stuff in ten seconds flat. "Let's go, let's go!"

The three of them quickly rushed back to the Bakugou residence. As they approached the front lawn, Izuku couldn't help but stare blankly at the stage before him. He rubbed his eyes, but the strange, round red machines were all he could see running amok. It felt like he had just stepped into some kind of parallel dimension or something.

"W-What's going on? What are those?!"

Kaminari side-eyed him. "Can't you tell? They're robots!"

"Um, I can see that, but..." Izuku swallowed in disbelief, "Why are there so many of them?!"

The Beta facepalmed. "This is just one of Katsumi's hobbies. It's been a while since he took them out to play with. Isn't it great? But now that he's gone off the rails, he let all of them out to take this place over. It's like a warzone out here!"

Within their sights, they could see a few dozen robots wreaking havoc everywhere. Digging up the lawn, spinning around in dizzying circles, ripping out the flowers, and so forth. One of them even picked up a maid. Another shot out colourful rave lights. Accompanying all this chaos was the panicked screams of the servants. The whole scene really was a huge mess...

Kaminari continued despairingly, "We would've gotten this under control by now, but Katsumi's instructor took this the wrong way. Instead of helping us shut them down, she thought this was a competition and a challenge from her student, so she's kinda fighting back...? Iida's trying to bring her back to her senses..."

He pointed out the bespectacled butler earnestly speaking to pink-haired woman, gesticulating furiously as he spoke, but she didn't seem to pay him no heed of mind. Instead, she seemed to be entirely focused on cheering on her 'babies': shiny, silvery white humanoid figures facing off the rebellious automatons.


Seeing that the maid was about to fall from the hands of the robot, Izuku immediately opened the car door and ran over, managing to catch the girl before she crashed into the ground. "Are you alright, Bobbi?"

Bobbi was still in shock as she patted her heart, then she looked up at him gratefully. "Welcome back, Midoriya-san. Thank you for saving me! Now that you're back, please go see Little Young Master! Hurry!"

In the Bakugou residence, all the servants, especially the maids, were cautious and unaccepting of the Omega's presence. They simply didn't dare to show their hostile attitude in front of him. Besides Iida, it was Bobbi who had the most interaction with him since she regularly handled the deliveries of Katsumi's homemade fruit juices while Izuku was on set.

After getting to know the greenette, she had an overall positive impression of him as well. Izuku didn't take advantage of the doting attention from the ash-blond duo to throw his weight around the Bakugou residence, nor did he try to bully the servants despite their cool mannerisms towards him. Instead, he remained modest and respectful of their duties.

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