An Unexpected Confrontation

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In the early hours of the morning, Bakugou Katsuki was woken up by a sudden racket.

Slowly opening his eyes, the Alpha stared at the unfamiliar surroundings. He tensed up for a second, before relaxing shortly after recalling where he was. Right, at Midoriya Izuku's apartment. He laid there for a moment, breathing in all the sweet, soothing scents that permeated the air of the apartment. It had definitely been worth the trip coming all the way here.

Another sound caught his attention and he sat up, noticing the light coming from the kitchenette. He silently got up from the couch and made his way over to the doorway, where he saw the Omega pouring himself a glass of water. One hand rested on his stomach and his freckles were starkly prominent from the paleness of his face.

Bakugou was immediately by his side in seconds, concerned eyes examining the shorter closely and wondering what the greenette was doing up so early. "Are you okay?"

Izuku startled at ash blond's sudden appearance, almost dropping his cup. "A-Ah, Mr. Bakugou. Sorry for waking you up. It's no big deal, I just felt thirsty."

The Alpha's sharp eyes missed nothing, noticing the boxes and bottles of medicine on the counter. "Does your stomach hurt? Is it from—?"

He thought back to last night's meal, recalling the exact amount of spice he had put in. He hadn't taken the Omega's preferences into consideration, cooking the food as he usually did for Katsumi and himself. "Fuck . . . I'm sorry."

Izuku's eyes widened in surprise at his words. "Oh, no, no, it's fine! You don't need to apologize. I've been meaning to increase my spice tolerance anyways..." The greenette weakly attempted to laugh it off, cringing as another wave of pain twisted his upset stomach.

"Allow me." Bakugou took the box of medication, briefly skimming through the instructions before opening one of the bottles and counting out the right number of pills. "Take these with cold water."

"Thanks." Izuku quietly expressed his appreciation for the help as he reached for the medicine.

Feeling those small, cool fingertips lightly grazing his palm, Bakugou was tempted to yank the vulnerable Omega into his arms, to warm him up from the chilly air, to go even further—

But those were dangerous thoughts. As he watched Izuku take his medicine, he knew that he should leave and give Izuku space, but his inner self persisted in staying, to do more and soothe the Omega in discomfort. Words were spilling out from his mouth without him thinking about it.

"Are you feeling any better? Do we need to take you to the hospital? Fuck, I'm so sorry, I should've asked you first—" Izuku watched in amazement as the Alpha rambled on and fumbled over his words. This was the first time the greenette was hearing the ash blond say so much.

To think that he was originally worried about Katsumi eating too much spicy food, but in the end should've been more mindful of how much he ate himself! Well in this case, he only had himself to blame for being such a glutton for good food.

"Like I said, it's fine!" Izuku insisted. "I don't need your apology—actually, it should be me apologizing for not being able to handle your amazing food! Besides, I've already taken the medicine, so I should be right as rain in the next couple of hours."

The two of them didn't say anything for a while, allowing this moment of silence to calm their minds before Bakugou spoke up again. "Then allow me to apologize for dropping in on you out of nowhere. The little rascal wanted to see you again."

Izuku was surprised to hear that. "Katsumi wanted to see me?"

"Ever since you saved him from the storeroom, he's been stuck on you." Bakugou explained, though the greenette couldn't tell if his tone sounded fond or not. But the Omega could see that the Alpha's features were softer as they talked about his pup. He didn't seem as scary as he did earlier in the day.

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