The Unexpected Reveal

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A/N: Welp, our new highest ranking is now 9th place in #bakugokatsuki lol Σ()
Holy poly, we're at 30 chapters!
Credits to @Black_Masked_Secret for this week's cutie~! ( '͈)*

On that night, Izuku didn't sleep well at all.

He dreamt several times during the night, and in those dreams, he was running as per usual. The scornful, mocking voices were back, and they were determined to catch him this time.

The Omega continued to run through an excruciatingly terrifying dreamscape that made all struggles seem pointless. He knew that the outcome was brutal, but was unable to stop anything from happening. All he could do was keep his eyes open as everything irretrievably went to a route of no return.

Making a random turn, he abruptly found himself standing within an empty forest. There, in front of him, was a tree no taller than him free of leaves. A wishing tree.

Without a second thought, he started throwing red ropes at it. There was an entire barrel nearby full of ropes, and Izuku scooped them up and threw them all one by one at that lone, solitary tree.

Hopes. Wishes. Dreams.

Everything he'd ever wanted, but was never allowed to have.

He threw and threw until his arms were sorely aching and the barrel empty, but when he looked up—the tree was as bare as ever. Panting in exhaustion, he glanced at the ground but all those red, red ropes that had his markings had disappeared. There were none on tree or on the floor, so he was about to check the barrel for more and try again when a low laugh caught his attention.

Lifting his head up, he saw someone crouched within the tree's branches. There was a tangled bundle of Izuku's red ropes in his arms. His lips were hooked up in a smile but not a smile at him and asked, "Who do you want to marry?"

Those sharp brows, straight nose, smirking lips and pair of gorgeous shimmering crimson eyes were as edged as knives. He was none other than Bakugou Katsuki.

Izuku opened his mouth to answer, but found himself falling, falling back to that night he was drugged. He dreamed that he lost control and pushed the Alpha down onto the bed, straddling his hips and the scene continued to spiral out of his control—


He jolted himself awake, panting and gasping for air. His heart was going crazy as he stared wide-eyed at the ceiling. Why would he dream of something like that?!

Izuku took a long moment to get his breathing under control, before getting up to use the bathroom. He grabbed and pulled on his hair as he stared into the mirror, knocking his head against the glass for good measure.

Turning on the tap, he splashed his face with cold water. Ah well, he didn't have time to think about it. Today was his first day at Ground Zero after all!

Just as he was leaving after breakfast, Bakugou looked over his newspaper and told him, "Good luck."

Katsumi also offered his encouragement, holding his tablet above his head: [Ganbatte!]

The little robot next to the pup let off fireworks, and intoned in a chirpy voice, "Ganbatte, ganbatte!"

"Thank you, thank you!" Izuku kissed Katsumi's brow, and stiffly bowed to the Alpha, unable to meet his eyes. Because in his dreams last night, he almost assaulted Kacchan, how embarrassing...

Standing in front of the imposing tall building, facing a whole new beginning, new opportunities, and new challenges, Izuku's blood boiled up in his chest and pumped him up. As he walked into Ground Zero, he only had one thought in his mind:

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