An Unexpected Match

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A/N: Mild warning for imaginary bullying. Enjoy~!

It was already bad enough that Izuku was late, but the fact that the rush hour had just started by the time he left the hospital only served to make things worse. He arrived an hour late, just as the last of the auditions were wrapping up.

Itsuki and Mineta were smiling ear to ear as they stepped out of the audition building. Instantly, they were surrounded by an adoring crowd armed with supportive banners and shouting congratulations. As Itsuki met the green eyes of her sweat-drenched, disorderly older brother, she gave him the exact same look from five years ago.

She looked at him as if he were nothing more than an extra pebble in her path.

Izuku watched his sister climb into her van, arrogantly driving away with a trail of dust left behind. However, he didn't have the time to see her off, darting right away into the building. He wasn't too late; there was still enough time for one more audition.

Izuku burst into the auditorium just as the last person on stage was bowing at the end of their performance. All eyes turned towards him in various forms of surprise and amusement. Usually, no one would bother to come inside if they were this late in arrival.

"I'm sorry I'm late!" The Omega bowed deeply in apology for his rude entrance.

A few of the casting judges exchanged looks amongst themselves, frowning and murmuring their annoyance. No one liked people who were late. The assistant director kept a straight face: "The audition's already over. Why do you even bother stumbling in at the last minute? I swear, youngsters these days are so disrespectful!"

"O-Oh, uh, but I'm not here for the lead role!" Izuku protested, firmly standing his ground.

"Hm? You're not here for the lead role, Le Million?" the scriptwriter, Horikoshi Kouhei asked curiously. "Then who are you auditioning for?"

"I'm here to try out for the role of Deku! As far as I know, you haven't found anyone suitable for this character from the last couple of auditions, so I thought I'd give it a shot." The greenette smiled sheepishly. He still didn't have his phone, so he was unable to let them know ahead of time.

The panel of judges took another moment to share a couple of whispers. They literally held the gateway of whether or not the Omega was allowed to try his luck or not. Finally, the director, Aizawa Shouta, held his hand up to silence their chitchat. He then asked, "What's your name?"

"Midoriya Izuku."

"Midoriya Izuku, huh. From Golden Age Entertainment, right?" He flipped through a stack of papers, finally finding Izuku's application at the very bottom. "So it's another Midoriya. I thought you looked familiar. Fine, I'll give you a chance, so get yourself on that stage. Do the best of your abilities and show us why you deserve to be Deku."

As Izuku made his way to the stage, he reviewed the general storyline of the character once more inside his head.

[Zero to Hero] took place in a world filled with superheroes, their powers aptly named 'Quirks'. Every person lived their daily lives with these Quirks, all except for an unfortunate 10% of the population. Deku, the character Izuku was trying out for, turned out to be one of the unlucky few. And yet that was all he ever wanted, to have a Quirk of his own, to be just like everyone else, to be a hero.

He tried so hard to gain one, just any Quirk would've made him happy, training and pushing himself to the limits, took notes and observed the heroes he respected and adored so much, all for naught. No one believed in him, not even his own mother after she had brought him to a doctor to check things out.

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