An Unexpected Intervention

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Inside an office of Golden Age Entertainment, Mineta was fuming with rage.

"Izuku auditioned and managed to snatch the role of Deku!"

"Deku?" Itsuki frowned at the news. Something about that name sounded familiar. She picked up her copy of the script and began to flip through it, looking up Deku's role. "Didn't you follow our plan to hold him back? How was he able to make it on time for the auditions?"

"I know right? I had to go investigate it myself, and it turns out that stupid Beta let him go even though I hired her to lock him up until the auditions were over! I should've asked for a refund, what a waste of time and money..." Her manager muttered irritably.

"And then, right after we left when the auditions were ending, somehow he managed to convince the judges to give him a chance even though he was late!" 

Mineta shook her purple braids in disgust. "Who knows which one he slept with to get the role!"

She stopped herself from saying anymore after that. Although Izuku's looks were more on the plainer side, they could be considered appealing enough to snare any unsuspecting Alphas who were into short, green-haired, freckled Omegas. Mineta wouldn't be surprised if that actually did happen.

Originally, back when she first signed Izuku into Golden Age Entertainment, she had planned to raise him as an actor. Although he didn't stand out that much, his passion and acting skills made up for it. However, out of nowhere, Itsuki came into the picture. 

One was a talented rookie lacking reputation and support. The other was practically a celebrity with an important family background. Between the two, the choice was obvious.

The entertainment circle was not a place where one could survive purely on talent.

Itsuki was pissed. "Even if he isn't one of the main characters, this is still a huge production! And Deku's the biggest role my idiot brother has won so far..."  Her maroon eyes narrowed dangerously, deep in thought.

Mineta could tell what she was thinking, but had to inform her: "I don't think we can steal the role from him. Golden Age already invested a lot into this movie, and the boss is pleased that two of our artistes have been casted successfully. If only we could somehow replace him with someone else from our company, but the judges are stubborn about keeping him as Deku."

The greenette seemed to have thought of something and stilled. A deadly calm aura surrounded her before she suddenly laughed. "Fine, if he wants to play a useless, Quirkless extra, then I'll let him have it! After all, the role suits him so well!"

Then Itsuki paused, tapping a perfectly manicured finger on her chin. "Actually, now that I think about it, Izuku-nii's name could be read as 'Deku' as well . . . Ah, how nice! I have a new nickname for him now! Too bad I didn't come up with it before!"


Izuku soon received a text from his manager, reminding him that he had a shoot today. It was a fairly simple scene, where Deku got beaten up by his classmates after school for saying outrageous things in class again. At least, he thought it was, seeing as it was supposed to be only five minutes long.

However, in reality, filming those five minutes took about two hours instead. The actors who played as his classmates were inexperienced and had to be yelled at repeatedly by Director Aizawa because their expressions didn't match their actions. That meant Izuku had to be beaten up over and over again, rolling around the dirt underneath a blazing hot sun.

Honestly, he wouldn't be surprised if Itsuki was behind this. Both Golden Age and the Midoriya family made significant investments into this movie. It was no wonder why his sister would allow him to keep this role. She had plenty of opportunities to mess with him. Izuku bore through it all patiently. He'd show her that he wasn't that easy to break.

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