An Unexpected Save

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The next morning, Izuku had thought at first that he wouldn't be able to sleep at an unfamiliar place, but to his surprise, he had an unexpectedly good night's rest. Not a single dream or nightmare to haunt him either.

He discovered that Katsumi had woken up before him, curled up next to him while reading a book quietly. He was clearly a well-behaved pup, yet the Omega really couldn't imagine how bad it could be when he exploded...

"Good morning, honeybun~!" Izuku greeted him warmly, pulling the pup into a cuddle.

Katsumi looked up happily from his book, pleasantly surprised. Although he didn't say anything, Izuku could tell that he was in a good mood from his expressive eyes. They glittered brilliantly under the morning light.

Amused, Izuku reached out lazily to flick an unruly lock of ash blond hair away from the pup's forehead. His bed head was almost as bad as the greenette's. "I don't have work today, so I can stay with you all day long!"

At these words of good news, Katsumi became visibly happier, practically vibrating with excitement as the corners of his mouth curled up into an enchanting smile.

Izuku almost died from all the cuteness. He couldn't resist reaching out and giving those round cheeks a squeeze, laughing, "Honey, you should smile more! You're too cute when you smile!"

After washing up, they went downstairs where breakfast had already been prepared. The Omega didn't see Bakugou, and none of the servants mentioned anything about waiting for him to eat, so he assumed that the Alpha had gone to work earlier.

When they finished their breakfast, Izuku was worried because he didn't know anything about taking care of the adorable pup. It wasn't like anyone had left him an instruction manual to follow. What he should do if he couldn't keep Katsumi happy...?

In reality, it turned out that his worries were all for nothing.

Throughout the whole morning, Izuku lounged on the sofa in the living room as he looked through his script, while Katsumi was sprawled out by the table by his side, alternating between reading and doodling.

They didn't speak, but the atmosphere was peaceful between the two of them. The servants only appeared every once in a while to deliver snacks and water, carefully tip-toeing around the ash blond pup.

It seemed that they were afraid of disturbing the little monster.

Peeping at them from a corner, Iida Tenya the butler, observed the pair relaxing in the living room as he 'reorganized' a nearby bookshelf. He noticed that the Omega wasn't acting as he assumed the greenette would do. Instead of desperately trying to do anything to win Katsumi over, he didn't even try to get close to the pup at all, focused instead on reading and taking notes during the entire morning.

Meanwhile, little young master was spending his morning as he usually did, reading his books and drawing. It looked like there was nothing out of the ordinary, but upon closer observation, Iida noticed that Katsumi would sneak a peek at the Omega from time to time. The expression on his little face was both vibrant and content.

Iida felt worried from the moment he saw the greenette, the very first to be invited to stay at the Bakugou residence. Although he seemed to be very plain and docile, that could just be a cleverly crafted mask. From what Iida had seen so far, the Omega hadn't done anything to cross the line, but he could just be waiting for the right moment to strike...

There were so many people who desired the position of Mrs. Bakugou, trying to think of all sorts of ways to become Katsumi's step-mother. There was still the memory of that terrible incident two years ago because of this, and little young master almost...

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