An Unexpected Offer

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It was the next morning when Izuku woke up.

The first thing his sleepy green eyes saw was the attractive Alpha sitting in the chair across from him. The blond didn't seem to have noticed that the Omega was awake yet, thoroughly engrossed with his phone. Izuku took advantage of this moment to give him a once over.

He was lounging comfortably with his long legs crossed, wearing a dark fitted tailored suit that clearly displayed his broad shoulders and slim waist, though he wore no tie and a few of his shirt's buttons were carelessly undone.

Under the morning sunlight, there was something familiar about his ash-blond hair, but he couldn't quite put his finger on why.

Then the Alpha finally detected his gaze, for those intensely crimson eyes abruptly rose up—pinning Izuku in place.

That menacing stare was a bit too aggressive for the Omega's liking, as if the blond was examining him like a menu. As if he were a meal to be devoured. It made Izuku uncomfortable, not being used to this sort of attention and scrutiny, so he broke their eye contact and looked down to examine the hospital bed he was laying in.

However, try as he might, he couldn't ignore the stranger forever, so he finally tried the awkward silence of the room and asked, "Excuse me, sir, but can you tell me how I got here? Oh, right, I guess that really doesn't matter right now. Um, have you seen a young pup earlier? About four to five years old, doesn't really like to talk? He has light blond hair, a little dull maybe, but he's really cute!"

Cute . . .

The Alpha raised an eyebrow at Izuku's attempt to describe the pup, shifting his eyes to the right of the hospital bed and asked gruffly, "You mean Katsumi?"

The Omega followed his line of sight and, to his relief, found the pup sleeping soundly in a cot next to the bed with an IV attached to the back of his hand.

"Yes, that's him! His name is Katsumi?"

Izuku finally felt at ease, tension leaving his body as he reached over to test the pup's temperature. Thankfully, his fever had gone down overnight. He had been worried about sending the pup out to search for help. He was so young after all, and had a fever to boot, so the Izuku was afraid of the sick pup collapsing before someone found him. What if something had happened to him as he tried to make his way through the maze-like bar?

The Omega turned back to face the Alpha, "And you're this pup's—?"

As the words fell from his mouth, Izuku immediately wanted to swallow them back down. They were just like two peas in a pod. That ash blond hair, those narrowed suspicious eyes, it was obvious they were related.

Sure enough, the ash-blond answered, "Father."

"Hey, look who's up! How're you feeling, stranger?"

Suddenly, a cheerful face popped up from the side, smiling and adorned with familiar-looking spiky red hair. "I'm Katsumi's godfather! Thanks for saving him last night by the way. It's nice to finally meet you!"

Izuku instinctively flinched and scooted back until he had a good look at the newcomer. Wait, wasn't that—?

"Kiri-Kirishima Eijirou?" he exclaimed in disbelief.

This man was the Bakugou Corporation's second-in-command, Ground Zero's spokesperson and representative! He was well-known in the entertainment world, making more appearances in headlines and magazines than most celebrities and artistes due to his eye-catching appearance and friendly personality.

There was no mistaking that toothy smile.

So if he was Katsumi's godfather, and the blond stranger was Katsumi's father . . .

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