An Unexpected Meeting

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A/N: Welp, hello there again! Glad to see that you're interested in seeing what happens next. Just to let you know, Izuku and Itsuki were both 18 and Shouto was 20. However, now this chapter's got a time skip, so add 5 to that yourself. Enjoy~!

Five years later . . .

Inside a bar, in a corridor on the empty top floor, Izuku stopped in front of a pair of doors with a splitting headache. He had been drinking for the most part of the night, accompanying some investors.

With his mind pounding up a concert in his head, he searched for somewhere nice and quiet to sober up, but to his surprise his manager had followed him.

He could only gather up the last dregs of his energy to ask her: "What is it, Mineta?"

Mineta Minoru sniffed self-importantly before stating, "Izuku, did you sign up to audition for the movie [Zero to Hero]?"

"Yeah, I did. Why?"

"You're not allowed to go tomorrow!" The sound of his manager's shrill voice only made the ringing in his head even worse.

Although purple multi-bun headed annoyance was his manager, she was, ironically enough, trying to prevent him from auditioning for a role in a promising block-buster movie, something that all the other major entertainment companies were competing for.

Izuku tried to step away discreetly, but his manager stuck to him, as persistent as a fly. Fine, this was bound to come up eventually. Might as well deal with it now. He sighed, attempted rub a few soothing circles on his temples, and went, "Reason?"

"You went to sign up without checking with me and you still want a reason?" She scoffed indignantly. "Didn't you know that Golden Age Entertainment already made arrangements for Itsuki to audition?"

"Then tell me, in what way does my decision to audition clash with our company's arrangements?" he asked, waiting a few beats for an excuse.

His manager fumbled for words, to which he responded, smirking, "That's what I thought. Itsuki sent you to me just to say that? Don't tell me that she's scared of me, a nameless, useless nobody, and that I just might end up stealing her precious role?"

"What, do you think that you have the ability to steal Itsuki's role? You're still dreaming!" Mineta retorted, shocked at his nerve to talk back at her. "I'm telling you, don't waste your time trying. The Midoriya family invested 30 million into this movie, so Itsuki's practically guaranteed that role!"

"Then why so worried?"

"I'm your manager, so you're supposed to listen to what I say!"

"Oh, wow," he drawled, leaning against the doors, "Tell me something I don't know?"

"Okay that's it, Izuku! Since you won't listen to me, don't blame me for this!"

Suddenly, his manager charged at him and pushed him through the doors. Taken by surprise and still enduring the backlash of his headache, Izuku couldn't react in time and fell into the storeroom, his phone clattering to the floor. She quickly scooped it up and left, slamming the doors shut behind her with a bang.

Some manager she was. Izuku sighed and laid there on the cold floor, listening to her footsteps fade away. Once he was sure that she was gone, the Omega gingerly picked himself up and half-heartedly tried the doors. He wasn't surprised to find out that they were locked.

He didn't bother to shout for help, knowing that it'd be useless. They were on the top floor after all; who'd even hear him? Leaning against the door, he slid back to the floor with an indifferent expression, taking this time to reflect on his journey up to this point.

Star Damaged [BakuDeku]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora