An Unexpected Interruption

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A/N: Welp, I didn't even get to thank you guys for 10k because we've already went to 11k reads and about to reach 700 votes lol... :;('');:

This lovely work of art was drawn by @nooo_u ~! Bless your gorgeous soul~!~!~! (ˇˇ)o

Anyways, as per usual, here's a loooong chapter for you! Enjoy~!

Upon arriving at the movie backlot, Izuku noticed a large group of girls near the film set. There was a head of blond hair in their midst as well. It was obviously Neito and his fangirls.

He was about to take a detour around them and make a break for it, when suddenly someone in the crowd screamed, "Ah! It's Midoriya Izuku!"

Izuku thought he was done for and braced himself, raising his arms to protect his face. The last thing he expected was for them to line up in rows, bow, and speak in unison: "We're sorry!"

After delivering their apology, the girls all looked at him with stars in their eyes and talked all over each other:

"Midoriya-san, we're really sorry we misunderstood you!"

"Please don't hate us! We love your acting!"

"No matter what, you must keep playing as Deku!"

"That's right, that's right! You're amazing, and we love you and Monoma acting together!"

"I played that ten-second clip of you and Monoma on repeat all day yesterday!"

Overwhelmed from their enthusiasm, Izuku looked questioningly at the Alpha. Neito smirked knowingly as he explained, "Hizashi-san released behind-the-scenes snippets yesterday, remember? One of the clips shown was the bondage scene we shot the other day. After seeing that, they all joined your side!

"Really," he turned to mock-pout at his fans, "is everyone that happy to see me being pushed down?"

"Uh..." So that's what happened.

Although fans were infatuated with their stars, very few of them would ever try to get into contact with their idols in real life, as their chances weren't very high to begin with. Therefore, films and other forms of media became mediums for them to live their fantasies.

If a lesser star was going to perform with your idol, your first reaction might contain a little jealousy. Especially if the lucky one turned out to be a terrible actor, the fans would cry out injustice to their idol and riot in protest. But if the opposite was the case, fans would imagine themselves as the person acting alongside their idol and gain the ultimate satisfaction from an excellent performance.

This was Izuku's current situation.

"Monoma, I heard that you two have a lot of intimate scenes. Is that true? Is there going to be a kissing scene today?" A fan asked excitedly.

The blond raised an eyebrow at her. "How'd you know there was going to be one today?"

"AHHHHHHH—!" A wave of enthusiastic screaming arose from the crowd. They began to clamour all at once, "Can we watch? Can we? Can we?"

"The scene we're filming today will be outdoors, so you could catch a glimpse from the outskirts. But it'll be pretty far away, so you might not be able to see much from there."

"That's okay, we all came prepared!" They all rummaged in their bags before proudly showing off a must-have item for any fan stargazing: binoculars.

Izuku was rather speechless at the sight. With so many people watching, the pressure was going to be intense!

After excusing themselves from the well-wishes of the fans, he and Neito made their way to the breakroom, where the Omega couldn't resist asking, "Speaking of the kissing scene, exactly which one was it again?"

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