An Unexpected Reversal

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A/N: This week's art is by @dud1242 ~! Villainess Itsuki, that one girl we love to hate, walking down the red carpet ʅ(*'')ʃ ・・・・・・†_(゚ー゚*)β
Okay, so like lemme say another BIG THANK YOU for you guys. It's been a while, and I kinda forgot to do this when we got to +30k eyeballs. Like holy cheese now we got 43k reads and 2k votes!!! (.ˇд ˇ; )
Please enjoy this chapter~! *。ヾ(><)ノ゙*

Inside the hospital, Itsuki laid in her bed contentedly, with red wine in one hand and her phone with the other. She was in absolute delight as she scrolled through Hooter, reading the incoming comments flaming Izuku. Yarra massaged her calves, chirping admiringly, "Itsuki-san, your legs are amazing. They're so long and straight!"

Actually, they were only slightly better looking than the legs of most people. After all, the amount she spent on maintenance and plastic surgery ran into the millions every year, so why wouldn't her legs look better than the average person after all that effort?

Still, Itsuki clearly enjoyed the praise. Pleased with herself, she said, "I was born this way."

For some reason, Mineta was feeling uneasy. She spoke up worriedly, "Itsuki, it's been a while since Izuku showed his face. Do you think that he's just biding his time to get back at us?"

When the greenette heard her words of concern, she sneered disdainfully, "You're overestimating him. Even if that idiot sells his body to a hundred Alphas, he won't be able to turn the tables on this matter!"

"That's true. In the entertainment world, for an actor with such a bad record, the consequences will be no less severe than they were for Olixandra. It'll be useless no matter who tries to clear his reputation!"

Speaking with newfound conviction, Mineta calmed down a little. "By the way, I already sent Izuku an email with the ultimatum: if he doesn't make an appearance in the office before tomorrow evening, we'll blacklist him. He'll definitely come out of hiding by then!"

"Remember to arrange some reporters to wait for him tomorrow~!" Itsuki was all smiles. She was about to respond to her fans' distress about the state of her injury, when a new email notification popped up at the top of the screen. But who would send her an email this late at night?

Furthermore, it was addressed to her private inbox as well...

Itsuki didn't think too much about it as she opened it straightaway. But with just one glance, she immediately tensed up in shock and ended up spilling her wine all over herself.

"Oh no, Itsuki-san, what happened to you?" Yarra hurriedly grabbed a tissue box to help clean up the red stains of alcohol.

"Itsuki, what's wrong?" Mineta asked suspiciously upon seeing the frightened expression on her employer's face.

"See for yourself!" With hands trembling with rage, Itsuki threw her phone at Yarra's face. "You little bitch, what the hell did you do! You left such an obvious trace behind! Why did you send that freaking email from my apartment? And how many times did I tell you to use an anonymous account to send the money?!"

Dazed, Yarra took a long while to recover from the blow to her head. She held onto her throbbing forehead as she read the email on the phone, then also stilled in horror. Instantly filled with panic, she cried out tearfully, "Itsuki-san, it's not my fault! I really did use an anonymous account! A-as for the email... you were there when I sent it, and you didn't say anything then!"

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