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"I'm afraid about the fact that even though me and Keenan were best friends before any of this happened. That we will hurt each other so bad that none of that even matters" I was explaining to my mother.

"See now that's where you're wrong already. How are you going to go into something with a negative mindset ? It's like you're trying to find excuses as to why you shouldn't pursue a relationship with Keenan" she said to me.

I didn't want to admit it but she was right. I would never tell her that though.

I sighed. "You know I'm right" she spoke. I just looked away.

"I say go for it. Even though I know you're going to do what you want at the end of the day, but if my opinion matters at all, I say go for it"

My mother's opinion is the one that mattered to me most. She would tell me if she felt like being with Keenan was wrong, but her and miss Nikita have been wanting me and Keenan together since we first met.

I'm gonna talk to Tay'Vian then I will finally make my decision, it's like I already know what I want to do, but I have to see what Tay'Vian says.

"Hey sis" I knocked on her door, she turned around and looked at me.

Something looked off about her but I decided not to ask since I don't really have that much time.

"What's up?" She asked me "I wanted your opinion on something. I've been asking pretty much everyone and so far all the answers have been the same or different in a way" I explained to her.

"I'm listening" she sat up and looked at me giving me her full attention.

"Well if you didn't know, Keenan and I have had feelings for each other for some time now and just the other day we admitted to those feelings. He asked me if I wanted to take things serious with him on some boyfriend , girlfriend type stuff. I'm really stuck because I feel like things would be really great with Keenan but things could get really bad with Keenan. And that's a risk I'm scared to take, you guys know how I got when he wasn't talking to me at that one point. I'm scared that if we date and break up .. I'll lose him forever"

I opened up to Tay'Vian about the whole Keenan situation, I watched as she took in every word I said.

I also noticed a lot of changes about her , her hair is getting longer and curlier. Her chocolate skin was glistening. She was now starting to wear 25mm lashes making her look more grown and don't even let me get into her shape.

Tay'Vian was becoming a beautiful young adult.

"Well one, you know that no matter what happens between you and Keenan he is not letting you go. Everyone knows that boy has been in love with you since the day you introduced us to him. We watched you guys grow closer and your love grow stronger , we saw how deeply y'all effected each other. Noticing that only Keenan can really hurt Tiara and only Tiara can really hurt Keenan. Yes y'all are young but there's this saying "when you know you know" and I know that you and Keenan are meant to be".

I wasn't expecting all of that out of her , but I couldn't disagree with her.

I sighed. "So what are you going to do?"

"I'm gonna follow my heart"

"What path is your heart taking you down?"

"My heart wants to be with him... but my gut tells me don't do it"

"I think for once you should follow your heart. You've been second guessing for so long. Stop that. Be with the man you love"

Tay'Vian was right. I should follow my heart , my heart wants to be with Keenan.

BestFriends {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now