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"Tiara Gold Thomas, I should slap you like you're crazy! Y'all went to Atlanta and didn't tell anyone? I had to find out from your aunt ? And you were in a hospital ? You have a heart condition? You are getting on a flight to Detroit tomorrow morning. And if I don't see you at that airport. I will fly down to D.C. myself and drag your aśs right back home"

My mother has been going off on me all morning about everything that's been going on.

I really didn't feel like we had to tell her that we were coming to Atlanta for Anthony, I know I should've but it was such a spontaneous thing, it never crossed my mind.

"Mom I know you're mad"

"Mad?!? I am livid- Yolanda please calm down" I heard my father cut her off.

"You do not tell me to calm down" she yelled back.

Aw man.

I heard him sigh and then shut the door.

"Right now is not the time to be mister calm." She mumbled.

"Can you please listen to me. You only know what aunt Yasmine told you. And no I don't have a heart condition. My heart almost gave out because I had a panic attack. We came to Atlanta for Anthony's mothers funeral. I saw Korey and Bre. Bre is Anthony's cousin. When I saw him, my body went into shock mom..." I explained to her.

I heard her crying "I could have lost you Tiara! What if the phone call I was receiving was your aunt telling me that you were gone! I don't care how grown you think you are. But you are only 18 years old. When you are catching flights to other states you tell me and your father." She was going off.

She wasn't even on speaker and I knew Keenan heard everything she said. He was rubbing my leg trying to comfort me.

"I know and I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get you all worked up. But I'm not coming back home to Detroit. It's my spring semester of my freshmen year of college. I'm staying" I told her.

"You're heart- my heart is fine" I cut her off before she could say anything else that might lead Keenan to asking me a bunch of questions.

I really don't need either of them on my case right now.

I heard her sigh. "You scared me, you scared the fück out of me Tiara" she stated.

"I know and I'm really sorry ma.. I am" I told her.

"When you're alone, I want you to explain everything that doctor told me. I have to get to work. I love you and call me as soon as you land back in D.C." she said.

"Okay I will, I love you too" I said and then hung up the phone.

I fell back onto my bed and just laid there.

"We have to start getting ready for the funeral" Keenan said. "I know, I just need five minutes to myself please" I told him.

He got up and kissed my forehead then left out of the room.

I started to take deep breaths and get myself together. I looked at the pills bottle aunt Yasmine left on the dresser for me.

I grabbed it and popped one Xanax. I grabbed my water bottle and then swallowed the pill.

I haven't told Keenan anything about what the doctors said. I don't want him worrying about me or questioning himself and our relationship.

I will be okay.

He came back into the room with his towel wrapped around his waist.

"Showers all yours" he said.

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