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Today was Alexis's funeral. I've been there for Keenan since he has gotten out of the hospital but he hasn't been the same. He's way more quiet and to himself. I don't even remember the last I saw him crack a smile.

No matter how much I didn't like Alexis , I know for a fact that Keenan did love her. A love I will never understand and I can't do anything but respect that.

The last thing me and him want to talk about is him confessing his feelings for me. So talking about us has been completely put behind us for now, I just want him to get better mentally and physically.

We were back in Detroit at Keenan's home. His father has been working none stop to cover the rest of the hospital bill, his siblings have just been going to school, and Miss Nikita has been making sure they're staying busy because she doesn't want them to see Keenan like this.

Miss Nikita has truly been going through it though. One night I found her in the kitchen at 3am balling her eyes out.

* two nights ago *

After Keenan fell asleep I made my downstairs to go grab a bottle of water. When I walked into the kitchen miss Nikita's back was facing the door.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, I saw her jump to my voice "oh tiara you scared me" she said, I watched her arm go towards her face showing me that she was wiping her face.

When she turned around and looked at me her eyes were super puffy. "It makes me upset seeing him like this also" I told her. I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug.

"Then his little brother and sister are far from dumb , they know exactly what's going on and I know it's worrying them seeing their older brother like this but I don't want them worrying, I want them to stay focused on their work and school" she cried.

"He'll get better, he just lost someone close to him and that car accident took a huge toll on his body. He just doesn't feel like himself right now" I explained to her. "Did he tell you that? Like in actual words because he won't even talk to me. My own son won't even talk to me" she started crying some more.

No Keenan didn't tell me that because he won't talk to me either. He just lays in his bed, face glued to his tv screen or he's sound asleep. I don't even remember the last time he picked up his phone.

The girls and Anthony all called to check up on him and I've been keeping them updated with everything, but I haven't been telling them the full truth.

I don't tell them that he doesn't eat, doesn't move out of his bed unless it's to shower. He doesn't talk to any of us. His body is just here existing. This is not my Keenan.

"No. He didn't tell me that." I told her truthfully. "What are we gonna do Ti?" She asked me. I really don't know. "We're going to be there for him as much as we can. We're gonna take things step by step" I told her.

I've never seen such a strong woman break down like this. I mean her son is hurting so she's hurting.

"I just want my son back" she cried "I know, I want my best friend back".

* current day *

I was helping Keenan put his tie on. He wouldn't even look me in my eyes even though we were centimeters apart.

"How are you feeling?" I tried asking him. He looked down at me for a split second and I tried to take it in before he hurried up and looked away. I sighed once he didn't respond to me.

I handed him his crutches and opened the door for him so he could get through. I closed his door behind us and then he handed me his crutches so he could make it down the steps.

BestFriends {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now