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I was trying my hardest to keep my emotions together because of the fact that we were at Anthony's mothers viewing. I was so angry. All those emotions I felt that night was all coming back. I couldn't even make eye contact with him.

I looked at Keenan and he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer towards him, and I felt Kendall interlock our hands behind her back and she rubbed my hand to stop my shaking.

"Hey, I'm Lani" Lani introduced herself. Bre's smile faded when she made eye contact with me and she hurried up and looked away before we'd just stare at each other. I didn't even look Korey's way.

I'm not sure if I ever even told Cassie and Lani what happened. of course Kendall and Skylar know, but I forgot to tell them. Dammit.

"I'm Cassie" Cassie introduced herself. Anthony was looking at us three confused. "You guys okay? You look like you've seen a ghost or something" he said. "I did" because Korey is dead to me.

I removed myself from Keenan's hold and Kendall's grasp and walked away from them.

"Ti wait" I heard Korey call after me "Don't you go anywhere near her" I heard Keenan stop him. "Guys please, not here. It is not the right time or place" Bre said. "Am I the only one that's confused?" Anthony asked "no you're not alone" Lani said.

I hurried up to the car and just stood there at the drivers door. I felt myself becoming incapable to breathe properly. I think I'm having a panic attack.

Breathe Ti Breathe.

I can't breathe. I felt my vision starting to become blurry and the last thing I remembered was everything going black.

* 2 hours later *

I finally was awake. I looked around the hospital room and my aunt Yasmine and Shawn were talking to the nurse. She turned around and looked at me and noticed that I was up.

"Oh my gosh Tiara" she hurried up to my side of the bed. Her cheeks were tear stained "please don't ever scare me like that again" she breathed "I'm sorry" I mumbled. "It's okay" she brought me into a hug "Keenan explained everything to me, I had no idea Korey did that to you, your mother forgot to mention that to me when she was telling me about you and Keenan" she said. "I think because she knew you were going to hunt him down and probably end up killing him" I told her truthfully.

My aunt Yasmine is a different type of crazy I swear.

"Well .. you're not wrong" she shrugged, "are you okay Ti?" Shawn asked me "yes, I am, I guess I never prepared myself to ever come in contact with him again, let alone see him" I explained.

"He's a dick. I never liked him anyways" she said "you loved Korey" I told her "yeah until I found out what he did to my niece" she started. "I wanna square up with him so bad right now, its taking everything in me not to go two piece that mother". "Yasmine, calm down" Shawn interrupted her.

Yasmine started getting heated and I grabbed her hand "Yasmine, I promise I'm fine" I ensured her. "You're not fine. Stop lying to me. Look where we are, in a damn hospital because you had a panic attack from seeing him. You are not okay" she almost yelled.

"Where are my friends?" I looked over and asked Shawn, "they're all in the waiting room, waiting for us to tell them that you woke up" he told me.

"Can you go get them please?" I asked "of course" he said and left out of the room to go get my friends.

Seconds later they all came running in "Ti! You scared the hell out of us" Lani said. "Why didn't you tell us what happened with Korey? I would not have introduced myself to them" Cassie said.

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