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* Keenan's Point of View *

"I'll be right back I have to take this phone call" Ti said. "Okay" I said back to her, she smiled then walked out the door.

It's been about a week and a half since Alexis's funeral. I still can't believe she's gone but I do know that at one point I have to move on.

Sometimes the accident replays over and over in my dreams that it keeps me up at night. Sometimes when Ti and I are laying down she falls to sleep and I just be up by myself either watching tv or staring at the wall.

The only thing that puts me to sleep is my medicine so I guess I'll be dependent on those for some time.

The Oxy's knock me right out, as bad as it may seem I need them to sleep or I'll just be up or having nightmares about the car accident.

Ti has been nothing but helpful and of course it's not surprising. I don't care how much she tries to deny it , I know she loves me as much as I love her. Our love goes deeper than just friends.

I'm determined to make her mine, but not yet. I have to wait for Korey to go back to school because I know he's stuck in the back of her mind.

Sometimes I do miss having Korey as a bro, but he knew how I felt about Ti and still took it upon himself to go at her.

* sophomore year of high school *

"I think I wanna make things happen with Tiara" Korey said. "What?" I asked confused. "You think she likes me back?" He asked. "Again ... what? Bro I literally just told you I had a thing for her" I said to him.

"But you also mentioned that you guys were gonna just stay best friends since y'all both know that's the right thing to do" he said.

"Yeah but it's still the principal of things" I said "oh come on Keenan, if nothing is ever going to happen between the two of you why should I stop myself from pressing down on a girl that I really like?" He asked me.

I didn't even know what to say to him "exactly" he finished off. "I love you and all bro, but you had your chance with Ti and being boyfriend and girlfriend isn't the type of relationship you two are meant to have. Y'all are best friends. And best friends only" Korey said and then got up from the table.

He can't be serious right now. Does no one believe in bro code anymore? Yes I do know that nothing is going to happen between Ti and I now but still he knows exactly how I feel about her. He's the only person who knows how I feel.

I knew once I found out that Korey liked her that he was gonna go for her. This is a bunch of bs.

I watched as Ti came into the room. Her chocolate skin was glistening. Her long natural brown hair was flowing down her back and her smile could brighten up the entire room. Her eyes met mine and I couldn't help but smile at her, she smiled back at me and waved.

She began to make her way over to me until she was stopped by Korey. Her smile brightened when she saw him. I knew she liked him back, whenever she came over my house all she would talk about is Korey. It sucks but me of course playing the best friend roll, I have to support her.

I have to distant myself from both of them.

* current day *

I've been in love with Ti since I was 15 and we're about to be 19 years old and my feelings still haven't changed.

She came back into the room and laid back down next to me on the bed.

"Who was that?" I asked her "it was Korey, he was asking about you" she told me. I scoffed.

"I don't understand why you guys won't become bro's again" she said.

She's so oblivious.

I always felt like Ti knew how I felt but never acted upon it.

"I don't want to be his bro" I said bluntly.

"But why?" She asked me, I sighed. "Well whether you believe it or not, Korey still cares deeply about you. He asked about you because he cares about your well being" she said to me.

If only she knew what kind of person he really is and what he's done behind her back.

She always seemed so happy with him which is why I never said anything. But she has to find out sooner or later. I just didn't wanna have to be the one to tell her, I didn't wanna hurt her and I also felt like it wasn't my place.

I told Korey that he needs to tell her or else I will.

So I grabbed my phone and texted him.

Keenan : So you haven't told her huh?
Korey : I'm going to. Stop stressing me, I'm trying to find the right time.
Keenan : you could've told her when you were here.
Korey : she was worried about you the entire time.
Keenan : tell her. Or I will.
Korey : you wouldn't. I know you wouldn't because you don't want her hating you for not telling her right away.

He does have a point , I don't want to hurt Ti but she deserves to know the truth.

Keenan : she deserves to know the truth.
Korey : and I will tell her.
Keenan : you never really loved her.
Korey : I love her more than you know and more than you ever will.
Keenan : don't try me right now , she's laying right here beside me.
Korey : I dare you.

I left him on read and looked over at Ti who was falling asleep beside me.

I know she's exhausted, which is why I didn't want her helping me out in the first place. She's always been the type to work harder than she has too. She's been nothing but amazing to me.

How could someone do that to her? How could he claim to love her so much but get another female pregnant.

Ti was sound asleep and I was wide awake. I wanted to fall asleep next to her but I knew at this state my body wouldn't allow me to just fall asleep.

I reached over to my bed side table and grabbed the pill bottle. I popped one into my mouth and downed it with the water Ti had got for me earlier.

Normally it kicks in within 10-15 minutes and I be out like a light. I got myself comfortable without trying to move so much so I wouldn't bother or wake up Ti.

I could watch her fall asleep next to me every night.

I would never hurt you like he did Ti.


yikessssss!!! Lemme know what you guys think.

At the moment my story is at 2.7k reads and I can't thank you guys enough for sticking with my story. Let's try to get this story to 3k by January 1st, And that's in five days. I think we can do it? What do y'all think? I'll be updating again soon! So stay on the look out.

Much Love , XxJordyn

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