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I wish I knew how to describe how I feel at this very moment. I'm so mixed emotional to the point where I feel numb. I don't know whether to be angry , sad or just hurt.

This new chapter of my life wasn't suppose to start off like this. I thought I was going to be having the time of my life, but every since school has started things have just been going downhill.

First the whole Keenan and Alexis thing, Keenan ignoring me and acting like our friendship didn't matter to him. The whole accident, Alexis's death. Keenan going into this depression. Now Korey.

Korey was the last person I expected this from. Both him and Keenan have just been hurting me nonstop and it's crazy because the two of them always claim how much they love and care about me. They talk about how they'll never hurt me and yet, they're the ones who've been hurting me the most.

And it's not like I can just get rid of them, that's a lot easier said than done. I love the both of them with every thing in me but I cannot take this anymore.

I still wanna go to school at Howard. That's my dream school that's where I want to be. But at the same time I don't know how I'll be able to avoid Keenan or stay away from him since we're in the same friend group.

I don't know my mind is just wondering right now.

As I was driving through the city of Detroit I was just taking in the buildings and the lights that lit up the city.

Normally when situations happen like this and I wanna runaway, I go to Keenan, but I don't want to be around him right now. All the girls are back home in their home towns and Skylar is in D.C. I literally have no one to go to.

My phone kept vibrating, I parked my car in the McDonald's parking lot and grabbed my phone to look through it.

I had messages from Keenan, Korey, my mom, dad, miss Nikita and Tay'Vian.

The only person I clicked on was Tay'Vian.

littlesister💜: where are you? I'm coming to meet you!
I was gonna reply but she texted me again.
littlesister💜: oh never mind I have your location. Stay there! I'm on my way!

I replied to her message and just sat here in the parking lot waiting for Tay'Vian to arrive.

I also read everyone else's messages not caring that my read receipts were on. I clicked on my moms first.

Madre💞: I know how you get when things like this happen. Please be safe and keep me updated with wherever you go. I love you Tiara my sweet baby and I'm so sorry these things keep happening to you. But just always remember that God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers. You will get through this my love. Oh and btw your dad almost beat the shït out of Korey. But of course his parents stopped him. His father was actually gonna let it happen but his moms wasn't with it.

I replied back to my mothers message telling her that I love and appreciate her. Then mentioned where I was and told her that Tay'Vian is on her way to come and meet me.

Next I read Miss Nikita's message.

MommaKita❤️ : my darling, I'm so sorry these boys keep putting you through this. You're a strong girl so I know for a fact that you will get through this pain that they keep causing. I'm so disappointed in the both of them. I've always loved you like you were my own Tiara and I will continue to do so. Be safe and let us know when you get home.

I teared up at her message because she is like a second mom to me and I'm just so happy that I have two strong women in my life because without their encouraging words and how they both carry themselves. I would be so lost in life.

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