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* Keenan's P.O.V *

We arrived to the house and I swear it felt like everything was moving in slow motion. The police cars pulled up and before Skylar could even park the car I jumped out but I was being stopped by the police officers , they wouldn't let me go in no matter how hard I tried to fight them.

The girls came up behind me and were saying things to the police, that's when I heard a gunshot go off.

Everything went silent "where is she!" I yelled. The paramedics showed up .. two of them.

They brought the gurneys inside of the house and we still were waiting.

The neighborhood we were in started getting more crowded with different people worried about what was happening in their backyards not having any idea that my girlfriend was here being maybe tortured by people.

A few minutes later , the police brought out Nate in handcuffs. He was looking straight ahead with a dumb look on his face. That's when me and him made eye contact and he just smirked at me.

I went for him but two police officers had to hold me back. The police shoved him in the car and slammed the door in his face.

I turned around to check on the girls and they were all crying and hugging each other.

Next a paramedic came out with someone on the gurney but it wasn't Tiara , it was another man that none of us knew .. so we just ignored his presence.

Not even a few seconds later another gurney came out and it was a woman on it.

"That's her" I told them. I went up to her and she was just laying there. Not crying , not moving, not doing anything "Tiara we're here babe" I told her.

I grabbed onto her hand and she slightly grabbed back but she looked like she was in so much pain.

The girls came to surround her. They told her how much they loved her and that they weren't going anywhere.

"We have to get her to the hospital or she's going to bleed out" the paramedics told us.

"I'm coming with you" I told them "are you family?" They asked me "yes" I told them.

I am family. Even though they knew I was technically lying they still let me get in the ambulance with her.

I got in and sat down next to her. "I'm so sorry Ti, I should've paid more attention. This wasn't suppose to happen" I started crying and she was just looking at me.

I saw a tear slide down her face and I wiped it "I love you , please stay with me" I cried into her hand.

* Yolanda's P.O.V *

We caught a 6:30 flight to dc and it didn't take us any time to get there. My husband, Tay'Vian , and Nikita were all rushing out of the airport and called an Uber to take us to the hospital that Keenan told us they were at in dc.

It was almost a 40 minute drive away.

I couldn't stop shaking , my daughter has been going through so much this year I don't know if she'll be able to handle this and that's what scares me the most. What if she just gives up?

I felt Tay'Vian grab my hand and she held it as tears began to fall down her face "I don't wanna lose her mommy" she cried.

I have to stay strong for her "and you won't. One thing your sister is , is a fighter. She won't leave you I promise" I kissed her forehead and continued to comfort her.

Please don't leave us Tiara , don't take her just yet God.

* Korey's P.O.V *

Anthony , Bre and I caught a 6:30 flight to dc , which will be landing shortly. Now I know me and Ti have been through some things and I basically broke her.

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