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It's officially move in day! I woke up with a smile on my face even though it's like two in the morning. Check in is from ten a.m. to two p.m. , so we are up at three a.m. because the drive from Detroit to Washington DC is about seven and a half to eight hours.

We might get there earlier because of how my mother drives to be honest. I jumped out of my bed and actually made it for the first time in like a year.

I walked into my bathroom and turned my shower on , I ran out of my bathroom to go check and see if my parents and little sister were up. My mom was up reading something on her phone and my dad was brushing his teeth in their bathroom.

"Knock knock" my mother looked up at me and smiled "it's move in day!" She said so excitedly I ran up to her and we started jumping up and down while screaming "I don't think I've ever seen this house this loud at three a.m." my little sister Tay'vian said while walking over to us.

My mother and I pulled her into a hug and we all fell onto the bed "oh no y'all don't! We gotta get up and on the road, Tiara is Keenan up?" My father asked. We all laughed "I believe so, he's been up since one probably" I told him.

"Well call and make sure! Come on now! Everyone up .. showers.. brush your teeth" my father said. We all got up still laughing. I walked back into my room and grabbed my phone to call Keenan "I'm up" he answered "I knew that, y'all on your way here? I asked him "yeah in about fifteen" he said "okay well I'm about to get in the shower I'll see you when you get here" I said to him. "Aight" he said and then hung up.

Maybe it's just me, but something is definitely off about him. I got into the shower finally, my bathroom was steamy. I made the water too hot and it stung my butt a little bit so I had to hurry and make it warm before it touched my feet. I washed up and brushed my teeth in the shower.

I then got out did my morning facial routine which is just the clean&clear orange morning scrub with the bursting beads. I moisture my face with cocoa butter and facial hydrating mist, then I'm good to go.

I checked the weather in dc on my phone and it says it's gonna be about 90 degrees, so shorts it is. I grabbed a pair of my PINK brand shorts out of my container, then a regular tight fitted white beater shirt, I put on a pair of socks and my slides.

I put my hair up into a high top knot on my head and then I moisturized my body before putting my clothes on. I grabbed the last container out of my room and headed downstairs.

"We ready?" I asked "yeah we've been waiting for you" Tay'vian said I rolled my eyes "I'll take that" my father grabbed the container out of my arms and took it to the car "Nikita suggested getting breakfast once we hit Pennsylvania , so for right now here is some fruit" my mother handed everyone fruit salad bowls "thank you Ms.Yolanda" Kamryn and Kevin , Keenan's younger twin siblings said. They were the same age as Tay'vian which is fifteen.

"No problem" my mother said back "alright we're all ready and packed let's get on the road" Nikita, Keenan's mom said. We followed everybody out of the door, I stopped Keenan "hey you good?" I asked "yeah why wouldn't I be?" He said. I gave him my look where he knows that I know he's lying "not right now Ti" he sighed and headed towards his parents car "I thought we were riding together" I said "we can once we hit Pennsylvania , I just wanna sleep" he said "ok" I said with a little attitude so he can see that I felt some type of way.

I walked over to my dads truck and got in, my mom turned around "Keenan's not joining us?" She asked "guess not" I said. My mom left it at that, she knew not to ask anymore questions.

I put my air pods in my ear and my father started the car and we were now on the road.


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