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Kendall , Lani , Skylar and I were all in Skylar's car hotboxing.

"Did y'all notice anything off about Nate?" I asked them "other than the fact that he is a gorgeous human being? Nope" Kendall said.

"Yeahhh what Kendall said" Lani agreed "why'd you ask though?" She added.

"He seems like he's really cool, but I don't know I had got a weird feeling from him when we were at lunch that day" I told them.

"What kinda weird feeling?" Skylar asked me.

"I can't really describe it, it's just that everytime I looked his way .. he was already looking at me" I tried to explain to them.

"Maybe he was admiring your beauty?" Lani asked.

"I wouldn't say that, I don't know you guys but his vibe just caught me off guard because he didn't give that when I first met him in class,"

I really tried to put into words the vibe Nate gave off at the lunch table.

The way he just looked at me, like he had something up his sleeve.

"I'm gonna go over Keenan's tonight and see how things go, Skylar come with me?" I asked her.

"Of course" she said. "Aw why not one of us?" Kendall asked "because you'll be too busy distracted by his beauty and not focused enough on the mission" I told her.

"I mean ... okay maybe you're right. But tell us what happens" she said.

"Of course".

"So have y'all tried talking to Cassie yet?" Skylar asked. "Me and her haven't spoken since our little encounter yesterday morning" Kendall said.

"I spoke to her today" Lani said "what happened?" I asked.

"It was really just small talk"

* earlier today Lani's POV *

My communications class was finally over and I headed out of the journalism building to go meet up with my friend Calvin.

As I was leaving out , I looked into the lounge and spotted Cassie. I stopped in my tracks and debated if I should go over there and talk to her or keep walking.

After two minutes of debating I finally walked over towards her. I haven't seen or spoken to Cassie since that day Tiara came in the room confronting her.

She was just sitting at a table reading her book. I pulled the chair open and sat down across from her.

She looked up at me "yes?" She questioned.

"Hey..." I said back. I couldn't of been more awkward "what are you doing?" She questioned me again.

"I wanted to talk to you and see what was going on" I told her truthfully.

"What? You're kissing Tiara's ass now too?" She said.

Woah what? "Excuse me?" I said back.

"Did she send you over here to find out why I'm acting the way I am?"

"No Cassie .. we all were worried about you and wanted to know. I saw you while I was leaving out the building and decided to come over and see what was up myself, but since you wanna act like that I can definitely leave" I started getting up from the table.

"And you know what Cassie, we all care about you and love you and even though Tiara was upset with what you did , she still put her feelings to the side to see if things with you were okay, none of us know what the hell has gotten into you lately. But since you wanna act like that... then maybe you are better off by yourself."

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