Chapter Thirty Five

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Mahia entered inside the house then into sitting room and Mr Ibrahim,Mrs Romana, Khadijah and Harris looked at her then stood up. After that wedding dress incident she came here after a week.

'Wow, Mah shah Allah. So great to see you.' Mrs Romana said and Mahia greeted then smiled. Then she walked and stood in front of Khadijah and moved a packet of box towards her. Everyone confused looked at her while Khadijah got hold of packet from her hand then start opening it. She opened it and there was same wedding dress in it and Khadijah surprised looked at her.

'It's a same dress.' Khadijah said

'Yeah, it's your wedding dress. I specially made new same dress on week period notice for you.' Mahia said and All of them were surprised looking at her.

'What wedding dress?' Mrs Romana asked confused and they looked at her.

'It's nothing, I want to buy that wedding dress for her so I did.' Mahia said while hiding away the whole incident and they all smiled

'But dear you should 't have. We can't accept it.' Mr Ibrahim said and she looked at him then walked and stood in front of him.

'You call me daughter and then you don't want me to buy something for my sister.' Mahia complained and Mr Ibrahim looked at her then start smiling and nodded his head in yes.

'Well Sit down and I will get coffee for you.' Mrs Romana said and walked out

'I will let you kids to talk, you know privacy.' Mr Ibrahim said and stood up then walked out while laughing and they all smiled as well.

'It must be really expensive, you made it on special order.' Khadijah said and Mahia looked at her

'No need to worry. It's alright.' Mahia replied and again their was silence while Khadijah still was dumbfounded looking at dress.

'From where did you order it?' Khadijah asked

'From London, same designer who made mine. I ask my friend Kunza to order it and then I just pay for it.' Mahia said and she nodded her head in yes and again there was silence.

'And I am sorry for that reaction. I want to come before but I was so embarrassed so I decide to come with dress and say sorry.' Mahia said while breaking the silence and Khadijah looked at her then smiled .

'I am sorry too. I should not had wore it without your permission.' Khadijah said and quickly hugged her while she smiled and hugged her while Harris was just looking at stupid crazy girl with the heart of gold. He smiled looking at her while she was talking .

'But you choice is great.' Khadijah said after a while and Mahia looked at her then to dress.

'It's not my choice but my husband and he sucks in choices because he chooses me to be his wife on first place.' Mahia said while smiling and Khadijah laugh.

'How was your love story?' Khadijah asked and Mahia looked at her but stay quite

'Come on tell me, I wants to know.' Khadijah pleaded and Mahia looked at her for a while then defeatedly sighed.

'We used to hate each other alot from staring. We both came from totally different world. I used to annoyed and hate him because he was my secretary and bodyguard.' Mahia said and start laughing while Harris was dumb folded looking at her because that was first time he actually heard her laugh since she came here and that too was not fake.

'You know  I used to make him wore me shoe, remove my nail polish and insult him, I used.......' Mahia start talking about him and Harris looked at her happy face.  And there was so much love on her face while she was talking about him, Harris thought while looking at face then put hand over his chest to make the pain went away which he felt so unbearable to tolerant. Then he painfully smile and stood up and walked out leaving her talking about Adam to Khadijah.

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