Chapter Twenty Seven

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Mahia quickly walked towards the lecture hall because she had got late today. She burst opened the door and entered while everyone looked at her. Because of running she was heavily breathing and she looked at front.

' for coming...late.' Mahia said while heavily breathing and looked at front. There was young girl maybe few years older then her was standing. She was really pretty.

'No worries. Come and sit down.' She said while smiling and Mahia nodded her head in yes then Mahia walked and sat down the first place she find.

'Okay, let me introduce myself again. I am Uzmi Rana, from today on wards I will be one of your new lecturer.' Uzmi said while smiling and they all nodded their head and lecture started. They took notes and after finishing the lecture they all walked out. Mahia walked and entered in the canteen and sat down on same spot in Connor then took her books and started reading.

'Why did you left when I ask you to come and have lunch with me.' Khadijah said and Mahia looked up at her then away from her. Mahia collected her books and stood up to walk when Khadijah stood up as well while looking at her.

'Where you are going now?' Khadijah asked and Mahia looked at her

'We can't be friends.' Mahia said and turned over to walk again but Khadijah walked and stood in front of her.

'Bur we are already friend.' Khadijah said and Mahia looked at her with blank face then sighed.

'Why you are behind me. I said we can't be friends.' Mahia said while getting annoyed and was again about walk passed her but Khadijah got hold of her hand and stopped her.

'You eyes are always so sad, and your smile is fake. I just want to see you happy. I feel a sister connection with you. That is a reason I am behind you.' Khadijah said and Mahia looked at her while Khadijah was smiling.

'Please be my friend.' Khadijah said and Mahia looked at her innocent face then sighed and nodded her head in yes.

'Great, are you free now?' Khadijah asked and Mahia nodded her head in yes.

'Good,  lets go to my house. I will make them meet my first friend since I had come here from since past three year.' Khadijah said excited

'First friend.' Mahia asked surprised and Khadijah nodded her head in yes.

'Come one then.' Khadijah said then got hold of her hand and they start walking.  They sat down in the Khadijah's car and drive away. Car stopped in front of house which was big but still not huge. Khadijah parked the car and they walked out from it.

'Come on in.' Khadijah said and they start walking. They walked in while Mahia was silently following Kahjdiah who opened the door and entered in the sitting room.

'Mum and Dad, meet my new friend Raina Adam.' Khadijah said and Mahia looked at front where a couple in mids of there 50s were sitting. Women had been covering herself from head to toe with head scarf just like Khadijah while Man was covered with clothes and had short bread. Then Mahia looked at herself who was wearing sleeveless shirt with jeans with straight hair and first time in life she felt shame over her clothes and she don't know why?

'Salam dear.' Her mother said while standing up then walked toward her and hugged her. Mahia awkwardly hugged back to her while women moved away.

'Such a nice girl.' Man said and put hand over her head while she smiled to him.

'Yeah she is really nice, just smile less.' Khadijah said while they start smiling and Mahia looked down.

'Come in dear, Romana. Get something to her.' Her dad said to his wife while Mrs Romana nodded her head in yes.

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