Chapter 31 (NSFW)

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{ꔫ NASH ꔫ }

It's Christmas night, and Nash is waiting outside by Sienna's car. He can feel the winter air hit his face and sting from the cold. Sam walks out, digging his cold hands into his winter vest. No wonder he's cold; he's in a short-sleeved shirt. Nash steps off his lawn, strolling towards him, and hugs him warmly. When Sam's arms are put around him again, Nash feels like he could melt into him. He always felt comforted when Sam embraced him, and he hoped he felt the same right now.

After what happened, they've been non-stop texting about updates with his mom, police reports, and how both of them have been feeling mentally. Nash doesn't know much about the police, but he has to go into questioning tomorrow to tell his side of the story and why the hell he threw a vase at Todd. Nash doesn't trust the police or the FBI, just based on stories he heard online.

People said something traumatic can bring people closer, and Nash is starting to believe it. He loved Sam before, of course, but stuff like that is like a connection. It's like being interlinked with the same scars.

"Ready?' Sam asks, not letting go, but his arms loosen.

"Can we stop and stay here for a few moments?" Nash suggests, and he feels Sam's hand rest on his hair. They both stay like that for minutes, just holding each other like it's the last time they will ever be able to.

The car door opens to the driving seat, and Val stands, rolling her eyes, but she has a soft smile. "Hey, love birds, you can hug in the back seat; we're going to be late for the light show!"

Nash finally pulls away and drags Sam to the back of the car. The car is way warmer and darker, but Ophelia is next to Val in the front. She'll never know how grateful Nash is for her being there for his sister when he couldn't be. He listens to them sing loudly to Monster by Lady Gaga as they make their way to the light show.


The show is perfect; families stick together, kids chase each other, and teens fool around and laugh with each other. It's so full of life.

"Do you ever wonder how they get the lights up there?" Nash asks, looking up at a tall tree that arches over a bit. Lights are painted all around into shapes like trees or Christmas stuff like Santa and the rain reindeer. It's so full of colorful lights that it reminds Nash of the party. Sam thinks for a moment before answering, "Ladder and bravery, I guess." He keeps his hands in his pockets, and Nash wonders if he even owns a coat.

Ophelia chirps in, "Guys, we're going to get ice cream. Want any? We will get it to you." Nash looks over to Sam, who shrugs. "Sure. Get me mint chocolate."

"Me too," Nash adds. They walk off, and the two boys are alone, beside the crowd, but they feel so invisible. It feels surreal that Nash has always been so overly aware of people around him. Now, it's like they are the only two in the world. They walk down a tunnel of lights like a half circle. It's all crystal-white lights with a glittery shine to them that makes them look like stairs twinkling.

"Man. Life is beautiful." Nash mumbles, but he realizes he sounds more high than appreciative. He feels a warm hand on his shoulders that turns him. Sam isn't looking up; he's starting at Nash, and it makes his heart skip a beat. "Nash," he starts softly.


There's a thickening silence, and Nash stares at Sam. His perfect curly hair falls onto his forehead, and his cheeks are rosy from the cold. "Not life; it's you."

Nash flushes, "What?"

"You're beautiful. Life is shit. But when I'm around you, all of a sudden, it doesn't suck as much. It's like ever since I met you, I've been an ass, and you've just been so sweet." He pauses and looks down to the grass below. "I'm sorry for so much I've done. I want to be better than..." Sam is frowning and seems ashamed. Nash puts his hand on his cold cheek, making him lift his deep eyes again.

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