Chapter 8

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{☆ SAM ☆}

Sam just got done with leg day, so he might as well walk to the gas station. It's not like he would want to call his dad anyway. He gets into fights with his dad daily and would rather walk home or anywhere than talk to him. The car ride was fine until his father started ranting about Sam's mom, and it got heated fast. Sam is quite a mama's boy and would treat her like a queen. Meanwhile, his dad is a Christian, abusive, alcoholic snob. Not all Christian people are bad, Sam knows that, but he's one of those Christians that gay people are the devil and anyone who doesn't believe in Christianity is a Satanist.

Didn't help much that he also saw that blueberry-haired kid he hit earlier staring daggers into him. His mom gave him that lacrosse stick and this kid was throwing it around like he was some cheerleader. He had a right to self-defense. He has seen him everywhere ever since he did that. It's kind of creepy but it's also... fun? Sam loves flirting with anyone and it works this kid up just right to be satisfying. He doesn't know why it works, half the time people just laugh at him or roll their eyes but his reactions are priceless.

Since the gas station isn't that far away from his house, he should be fine. He strolls in and is greeted with the smell of weed and probably shit. Sam ignores any greeting from the cashier and goes straight to the back, where the freezers are. The back is dark and has that buzzing noise that never leaves your ears. It's straight out of a horror movie he watched with his ex-girlfriend, Penny. He misses her and they broke up 5 months ago.

Sodas, water, lemonades, iced coffee, and some other drinks that no one has ever seen before and won't ever drink are shoved into the freezers. What the fuck is lemonade milk? Do people drink this?

He opens a freezer and grabs a soda, his favorite. The breeze of the cold air stings his face before letting the freezer close he then sits down on the tile floor. Is it gross? Yes. Does he care? Nope. His legs hurt. He found the price, which was 2 dollars before sipping it. He isn't gonna pay, he'd rather just drink it back here than throw it in a trash can and walk out. Cococola has enough money they'll be fine, can't say the same for this gas station though.

"Are you stalking me or something?"
Sam flinches a second later lifting his eyes to find that guy with blueberry hair and blue eyes that match it. He has a bruise along his nose that reminds Sam every time he sees him that he's no better than the man who made him.

Sam looks away embarrassed from jumping so hard. He rubs his nose before collecting himself before replying, "What makes you think I would want to?"

Nash stays quiet and stares at him. Well, this is not awkward at all. Sam has always been so confused with this guy. He assumed Nash was a new kid, but then he saw him in his neighborhood often walking mostly in the summertime. None of the homes were for sale, so where did he come from?
"Who even are you?" Sam asks but it comes more aggressive when it was supposed to be genuine.

Nash raises his eyebrows. That completely slipped out of Sam's mouth. Oops. This town is small, so everyone just knows each other. There are about 600 kids in the 10th and 11th grades alone. "I'm Nash. Nice to kind of meet you, Sam." his soft pink lips curl into a smug smile.

Sam groans, "I know that, dumbass. I mean, where did you come from?" Wow, he realizes he's more sassy when he's having a bad day than he likes himself to be. This kid just keeps seeing him at his lowest but still won't stop coming around.

"my mom?"

"quit being smart. I mean, I've never even seen you before."

"I've lived here my whole life. We're neighbors. We've been in the same classes. We used to play outside with each other. "

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