Chapter 28

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ꔫ NASH ꔫ }

"Aww, look at these earrings. They're little dangly paintbrushes!" Nash comments as he holds up the earrings. The tip of the small paintbrush is coded as red, while the stick is black. Nash looks over to Sam, who is smiling at him softly.

Nash couldn't come up with date ideas; he'd never really been on one, so he left all the date planning to Sam. The mall is what was chosen, and since it's Friday, almost before Christmas, it's pretty damn crowded with families and couples.

Sam has a flannel on, and Nash has no idea how he is not freezing all the time. To go with his flannel, he has baggy jeans and a white T-shirt. Nash can't help but stare; all he ever sees with Sam is him in his lacrosse uniform or something like shorts and a t-shirt. All Nash is wearing is a hoodie, a new one, and, of course, sweatpants, but Sam doesn't seem to care.

Sam gently takes the earrings from him, observing them. "If you want them, then get them." He turns the earrings over and scans the back until he finds the cost: "20 dollars!? That's a scam."

Nash snorts, "Yeah, I don't have that kind of money." He watches Sam smirk before Nash starts walking away, looking at others, not overpriced stuff. Not much luck, though; everything is over 20 dollars, and the earrings are probably the cheapest thing in this damn store.

They walk along a shelf that is connected to the wall, and Sam stops. "Yo, boobs? For a cup?" Nash looks over and flushes. "Put that back!” he whispers urgently.


"Yes, put it back before someone sees you holding it," he whispers.
Sam's quiet laughter fills the air beside the soft music in the background and other people's chatter.

He puts it back. Not soon after picking up another with dicks painted on, "How about this? You like these, right?"

"Sam,” Nash can't help but crack a smile, though. Sam is so corny, he can't help but love that about him.


Sam walks close to him, their arms pretty much rubbing together as they make their way to the food court. It's crowded, and Nash doesn't feel like having a panic attack, so he stays close to Sam.

He feels better if he feels protected in a big crowd, not that he's going to get attacked or anything. It's just the thought of everyone watching that freaks him out, but when he's near Sam, it's the least thing on his mind.

"So," Sam cuts into their silence, "you know those earrings?"

"Yeah?" Nash answers, lifting his head to him. Sam keeps his head turned forward. He unclenches his fists, which hold the paintbrush earrings. Nash's eyes light up happily, taking them from Sam's hand, his fingers touching each other as he does.

"Wait," he realizes as he puts them in his pocket. "When did you buy these?"

"I didn't," Sam replies.

"Dude! You stole them?!'

He shrugs, "Yup."

"Dude, what the hell?" Nash punches him in the arm, but it's not hard enough to hurt him. Sam leans down a bit towards him. Nash can smell his cologne, and it's nice to think that Sam put it on for him. It makes him get butterflies.

"I didn't hear my thank you." Sam teases and Nash pushes him away but ends up pulling him back when the crowd suddenly gets thicker.

"I appreciate you risking your future for some dumb earrings." Nash mumbles.

A satisfied smile spreads lips, "That's more like it."


The food court is worse. All the tables are taken, and the lines stretch out for a mile. Sam pulls Nash in towards him practically in a hug. It's more obvious that they aren't two guys hanging out and that it's much more. It's nice at the same time, though, for him not to care what people think anymore.

"Too crowded? We can dip and go somewhere else." Sam suggests, but Nash just shakes his head.

"I'm fine right now. Just hungry," Nash replies, and Sam nods. Nash focuses on his breathing to keep calm and on the two of them alone. They get their food; Nash has a chicken wrap, while Sam has a plain pizza. They move through the food court until they find a small corner with two chairs and the smallest table ever.

"Good enough!" Nash sighs, and he drags Sam over to the table.

They sit across from each other and talk about the lacrosse game that is going to happen after Christmas break. When Sam looks away from the table to the crowd of people, he stops in the middle of taking a bite of his pizza.

"What?' Nash asks questions before looking at the crowd as well. Following Sam's gaze, he makes eye contact with Penny and Mark, freezing when he sees them. Sam moves his chair to Nash's side and slumps down next to Nash. "God damn it, skinny ass. Hide me."

Nash can feel his stomach drop. "Why?' Is Sam scared to be seen with him? He's probably still in love with her. How can he not? She's beautiful. Nash can feel a pit in his stomach where insecurities are rising. God, he feels like his sister right now.

"She's going to try to talk to me."
Oh. Pushing all those thoughts away, Nash leans towards the table, but Sam is taller and not very lanky like Nash is. It's no use. Nash looks over to the crowd, and Penny is staring at them still. She says something to Mark before getting up and making her way towards them.

"Uh, Sam," Nash warns, and Sam sits up, acting like he never noticed her, groaning when he sees her walk over. When Penny gets here, she's standing across from them, and before she can open her mouth, Sam stops her.

"Why did you come over here?" Sam narrows his eyes.
Penny shifts her black hair over her shoulders and tilts her head. It makes her look stupidly beautiful, but Nash knows how petty she can be."I could say the same for you."

"I'm on a date. With Nash."
Penny eyes Nash for a couple of seconds. It's so intense the way she stares, and Nash knows what she's doing. She's comparing herself to him in every way. What is different between them?

Everything, like Sam's taste, did a complete 180. Penny is loud, and Nash is relatively quiet. Penny has black hair and black eyes, and Nash has blue hair and blue eyes. They both do art, but he does it out of passion. She does it for some extra points.

She shifts her eyes toward Sam and says, "I didn't know you moved on so fast."

"It's been half a year. I have a right to move on.' Sam snarled at her; she just crossed her arms over her chest.

"whatever. Have fun being gay. I'm sure your dad loves that." She hikes away.

Hell no. Nash gets up with Sam's soda in hand, and when she turns from his footsteps, Nash spills the soda on her shirt. He doesn't make it look like an accident. The spill runs from her chest to her stomach on her purple shirt.

"oh shit... I'm sorry! Have fun being stained. Bitch." He hisses, tossing the can at her and making it spill more onto her makeup.

She has her mouth wide open in shock, while Mark just stands a couple of feet away from her. He looks too scared to step in. Nash gets pulled away by Sam, and he can hear Sam laughing.

When they are outside, Sam's hand stays on Nash's shoulder. “What the hell is wrong with you?” He mocks Nash, making him roll his eyes. "You wasted my damn soda!" Sam adds.

It makes Nash smile again: "I'll buy you another."

"Nah. You can repay me in another way."

"You wish.' nudges Sam in the arm as they make their way to the cheap car Sam has.


On the road, they are quiet, listening to music on Nash's phone since the radio isn't very good anymore. It's nice to just have this moment of peace with Sam, just being around each other. The sky is pink, purple, yellow, and blue. The clouds are a shade of red. Sunsets have to be the most romantic thing ever.

That moment doesn't last long. Sam gets a call and tells Nash to take his phone and put it on speaker. When he does, it's Sam's mom, Mrs. Amelia. She's crying and can tell by the way she is shakily breathing and how her voice cracks when she whispers, "Sam, I'm going to need you to come home."

He admittedly takes her off speaker and pulls over. Exiting the car and telling Nash to stay, he tracks a few feet away, talking to his mom in a hushed voice.

Nash knows what this is about. Amelia doesn't go out much; that's what Ember told him, at least. The bruises—Nash remembers his mom talking about them. Ever since Sam's dad found out she still had a life, he stole it away. There are only a few reasons why she would be crying.


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