Chapter 11

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{♡ VAL ♡}
"Val! It's not what it looks like!" Mark pulls away from the black-haired girl as he gets closer to Val. His hands go up as if to comfort her as well as convince her that this isn't cheating, but Val only takes a step away. Her eyes tear up as she looks at the girl again, who still has a shocked expression on her face. Val quickly grabs her phone that is set next to the girl and starts walking away, feeling her anger bubbling up.
"Val!" Mark calls after her, but he doesn't go after her. She runs through the crowd as her mascara stains her cheeks from the tears flowing down her cheeks. That girl was so beautiful. Way more beautiful than her. She was skinnier and prettier; her makeup was flawless; and even her hair was better. Of course, Mark would go after a model like her and be disloyal to Val. Who would ever love Val? Who would ever find her attractive? She's chubby, her face is round, and she's short. Nothing like a model.
Val slams open the screen door, walking out of the loud party behind her. She wants to rip out her hair. She wants to scream and punch him and that damn whore. Herself, too, for being so damn blinded by his charms. The gifts he gave cover up any red flags of falling out of love. She knew that something was wrong when he didn't kiss her before she left the game on Wednesday. She knew it. The way he was always texting on his phone. 
She glances around and doesn't see Nash anywhere. She groans loudly, sounding more like a yell, before going onto her phone to see a text from Nash: 
"Feeling a bit better, Nova and I are by the drink thing. Meet us there."
She turns off her phone and sits on the house's front step, needing a minute before she explains to Nash what just happened. Un-fucking-believeable. Fuck Mark, fuck that girl, fuck this party, and fuck how women feel like they have to change so much for society and romance.
After all those years, Mark throws it away because he can't keep it in his pants. Men like him want more and more. Men like him make Val never feel enough physically. Men like him give her eating disorders and unhealthy workout plans, and then furiously eat when she can't take the pain of hunger anymore. 
3 years.
All that pain and work can't compare to the pain she feels now. How deep it is in her heart and how she never felt so betrayed. After a while of staring at nothing while sitting on the cold cement step, she lets out an ugly, furious, painful cry until it forms into a scream. She stands up and throws her purse near the sidewalk. She hopes she shatters any hope for him in the future. Shattering things he gave her to win her over in that purse one is here, and no one sees her like this; if she were, she’d stay quiet, or else she’d be labeled as overreacting. 
She grabs her red purse and gets on her knees, throwing things like jewelry and cute little plushies that Mark got her. They are mixed in with makeup and random products. Val keeps throwing shit away on the frozen grass, not even sure if she's crying or huffing at this point.
"Damn, are you okay?" Sam stands behind her, and Val quickly tries to wipe away her teary mascara but only smudges it more. What's the point of lying? It's obvious she's not okay. 
"Umm." Her voice is shaky as she tries not to sob, "Mark cheated on me." She gets up from the sidewalk and awkwardly stands up. How long was he here? She watches Sam's face morph into a half-frown. 
He lets out a sigh. "Oh sh*t, for real? With whom?"
She looks away, still feeling ashamed that she trusted him so damn much. “I don’t know. I walked in on them.”
"Damn, I'm sorry."
Val attempts to wipe her eyes again, checking her fingers for mascara smudges. "Can you just get Nash for me?" She sniffed. He’s not much help, but Nash is good at comforting her and knowing how to make her feel better. She reminds herself that, at the end of the day, it’s the people who will never break that trust. But right now, it’s hard to think about that. All she wishes for is the worst for Mark. Sam turned around without another word, his hands in his baggy jeans, and went up the three cement stairs to the party.
 {☆ SAM ☆}
Sam squeezes in between the overly crowded groups of people and walks over to the bathroom. He doesn't notice any blueberry-colored boys, so he makes his way over to the drinks. 
He narrows his eyes. The lights are so colorful. It should be a health hazard, and it makes it even harder to see the color blue. After a while, Sam sees Nash, recognizing his hair and shortness. He’s over by the corner with a red cup in hand, leaning on the long white drink table with lots of bowls filled to the brim with spiked juice. Nash is wearing a black hoodie, besides the fact that this is a party, not a sleepover. Is that the only clothing he wears? 
Next to Nash is a very worried-looking Mark, with a black-haired girl wrapped around his arm. Cheating prick. Sam thought that Mark was a nice guy and a great boyfriend for Val. All the times he and Mark talked after lacrosse practice, he seemed decent. It’s gross how some people just put on a mask. That black-haired girl looks so similar. Sam starts walking closer to them to get a better view. Then he realizes that she's wearing a purple tight dress, the same one his ex wore tonight. She has the same wavy, shiny hair. Same makeup too. 
Penny. Mark hooked up with Penny. Oh, fuck no. That disrespect—Mark knows damn well about Sam being a baby about the breakup and how heartbroken he was. He JUST got over her because he finally had eyes on someone else. Now this? It’s Bro code to not hook up with your friend's ex, so not only does Mark go behind Sam's back but also his very loyal girlfriend. Nah. Not only that, Sam's dad has cheated on his mom many times; all Sam could do was listen in his bedroom, as they found. Then comforted her when she cried in her bedroom. This is different; he’ll make sure Mark never even thinks about cheating again. 
Furiously stomps over to Mark, ready to destroy him and make sure this guy can't have any kids in the future. Mark looks over to Sam, and his eyes widen more. He quickly pulls his arm off of Penny. Mark is a coward; he can’t stand up for himself or anyone. Sam finds it pathetic. Nash just looks hella confused about what's going on, while Penny looks uncomfortable once Sam walks up to her eyes, screaming for him to go away, though she stays quiet. Whatever, she doesn't even matter to him anymore. 
Sam can't blame Nash for being confused; he didn't see Val freak the hell out. Mark probably is not telling him shit too and only asking where Val is so he can talk his way back into her heart, a common way to manipulate. That's not the reason he's here. He's just here to prove a solid point with him and take Nash away. 
"What the fuck, man? Cheating on Val and now going behind my back too?" Sam gets all up in Mark's dumbass ginger face. It's sad how this guy, who is a year older, is shorter than Sam by a long shot. About 6 inches. 
"Wait, what? Cheating?" Nash gasped and looked in between Sam and Mark.
"It didn't mean anything, I swear," Mark says, putting his hands up in defense.
"Excuse me?" Penny snarls as she crosses her arms over her chest, giving him a sassy look. Sam feels offended that she's offended. Whatever, fuck her; she broke up with Sam months ago; he isn't still bitching about it. Still, his hands think before his brain. Why is he trying to convince himself he's not upset about this too? 
Sam pushes Mark away, making him stumble into the long table of drinks and spill some on Nash. Nash jolts away from whatever is in that bowl but moves on from it quickly: "You cheated on my sister!? I’m going to FUCKING KILL YOU!"
Sam leaps at Mark, making them both roll over the table and spilling the rest of the drinks. It causes everything to crash on the floor—cups, bowls, food, and drinks. People look over all the noise, and even with the booming music, they quickly take out their phones. Nash places his hands on the side of his head, feeling everyone's eyes, but everything happens so quickly that he freezes. Sam pins Markdown with his knee, regaining his balance and raising his fist for the first blow. 

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