Chapter 23

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{ꔫ NASH ꔫ }

The content that Nash felt a week ago was shattered. Not only does Sam ignore him for weeks, but he also walks into Nash's home and eats dinner with his family like nothing happened. If this is his way of apologizing, Nash will never forgive him for years. 
Even though he has done all of this, there's still that lingering feeling of something more. Something is missing from him, and everyone around him knows it because of the way he's been acting. In a way, he's relieved that Sam is here. Maybe he'll give what Archie said to him a second chance to express himself and force him to communicate. 
Ember's footsteps are quiet and tiresome in the hallway before entering the dining room. Nash's lips curl into a soft smile as he presses his cup to his lips, sipping it in delight. He always gets to sit back as the scene unfolds. He hopes Sam is ready for the worst.
If anything Sam deserves, it's a nice, humbling experience with Ember.
Sienna turns first, grinning brightly as her wife enters the dining room. The way she looks at Ember with such love and happiness. Most marriages end in divorce, but this marriage will end at the grave. Unless there is an afterlife or some soulmates in a different universe.
"Hey!" Ember sighs. Her voice seems weary, but besides that, she looks to be in a promising mood. Until her eyes land on Sam next to Nash, face is red with anger. She clenches her work bag while Sam is uncomfortably shifting in his seat. 
"Hi, Mrs. Ember," he mumbles. He's a bit more pale but quickly regains his tan color when he looks away from the women. Ember also simmers down as well. 
"Dear, what is he doing here?" Ember asks before shifting her eye to Sienna, who has this perplexed look on her face.
"He's staying for dinner!" She replies, sorting her face from her confusion, trying to lighten up the mood. Ember doesn't protest from there, instead plopping in her seat next to Sienna. Sienna starts to rub her arm, knowing she isn't happy about this, though she is not completely sure why, besides the fact that Ember is generally just a protective parent. It took months for her to trust Mark with Val. That didn't turn out well since Ember was right all along. So this? This is going to be...
Nash picks up his fork, making himself cut that thought off with the slight speaking of the plate. It's not like they are a thing, so it doesn't matter what Ember thinks. He shoves some cut pieces of London broil into his mouth. It's awkward for someone to talk to since he's too mad at Sam and Val to start anything and his moms will both ask questions.
He can notice his mom doing the thing she does when the bills get loaded: rub her forehead and close her eyes like she has a headache. Except, this time it's not about bills or work.
"I'll go get your dinner," Sienna suggests in her light tone as she gets up, trailing into the kitchen. 
Ember continues to rub her forehead in hopes it will soothe her thoughts. She opens her brown eyes, lifting them to Nash. "So, are you two a couple now?"
Nash's eyes pull away from Ember, feeling the warmth go straight to his cheeks. Sam is already looking at him with a flustered look but also a challenging glint in his eyes. That question only adds to the thick layer of awkwardness.
"Yeah, yes, we are," Sam replies confidently, turning his head to Ember with a cocky smile. Nash forces himself to not choke on his food or scoff at his purpose. They aren't a thing. not even close. Nash's anger is starting to ball up, and soon it will explode if Sam keeps on talking like that. To think he has the right, Nash thinks to himself.
Sienna comes in, ceasing Nash from opening his mouth and spitting a bunch of insults into Sam's face. She sets the plate filled with food for Ember in front of her. Ember sits up before leaning closer to Sienna, mumbling, "Did you agree to this?"
"Agree to what?" she asks, her voice above a whisper, like she has nothing to hide and is very assured about being open to others. 
"Them being a thing!" Ember hisses
She smiles and says, "Well, I do now.” she sits.
Ember scoffs, rolling her eyes. "His father isn't a good man; who knows what he is like? I mean, if he's raised by one, then—”
"Mom." Nash cuts in but ends up getting ignored. He's mad at Sam, sure, but that's too far and beyond fucked up. Sam is nothing like that man, not even close, and Nash finds it offensive himself because he's been like him for a while. He wouldn't like a man who would treat women like waste. 
"Not if he's dating our trans son." Sienna teases with a soft chuckle. Exactly! Nash thinks, thanking her in his head. 
"Not only that. Have you seen those bruises on Amelia?" Ember
Amelia, Sam's mother, used to talk to them a lot but ended up stopping because of her husband and her beliefs. He said they were just using Amelia to have a weird lesbian threesome with her. That's not true, duh, but Sam's dad is controlling, ridiculous, and wants Amelia to be his and only his. 
"Mom!" Val finally yells, which makes Ember shut up because they haven't talked since the last dinner with the last guest. It seems like a real shitshow whenever someone visits them. Everyone is silent until Val adds, "Grow the hell up; he's not his father! How would you feel if we said you were like your parents, huh? Plus, I would never let a man who I knew was going to hurt Nash during their relationship date him." 
Ember cocks her head, her eyebrows still locked in an angry expression. "Excuse me?”
Sienna buries her hand in her hands before letting out a choked cry from the stress and so much arguing they've been doing lately. Nash finally looks over to Sam again, who is just baffled at this whole situation. Sam looks back at Nash as his lips thin into a straight line; he doesn't even look angry, just shocked to his core. They do not say anything, silent beside Sienna's slight crying, but it's all said with their eyes: 'Well, this is awkward'
After a moment of silence, Sam clears his throat. "I can leave if... I should leave. I'm going. ” He gets up,
Quickly grabbing his arm, "No," Nash argues while making eye contact for the first time in a while. Sam flinches, making his grip soften, knowing he shouldn't have grabbed it so fast. He doesn't want Sam to leave; he just got here, and he has to admit that he hopes that this whole no-contact thing will end tonight. Sam's a mess, but who isn't? Nash is the furthest thing from perfect, so he can't sit at the table and act like an angel. Hell, so is Ember.
Sienna took a shaky breath, wiping her tears away before adding, "I'm sorry, Sam. We're a mess, and you don't have to go."
"It's okay; I'm used to it." Sam smiles sweetly, knowing there's a second meaning to those words. Bruises. Mrs. Amelia has bruises, but Sam doesn't. At least not in areas Nash has seen, which are almost everywhere. His face reds from that, though, shaking it out of him. “Stay,” he whispers, his hands not leaving his arm in desperation to not let go again. 
The rest of the dinner consists of Sienna ranting about how Ember and she met at a concert when they were in their late 20s. Ember was still goth at the time, and Sienna was in her grunge phase. Ember's mood seems to light up more when Sienna chats about her like she's the luckiest woman alive. In a way, she is. Love like that is hard to get.
After dinner, Sam helps Sienna with dishes, talking silently with each other. Nash can't help but watch him from the dining room. The way his sleeves are rolled up shows his toned forearm. He loves that Sam is so friendly to his parents, no matter how friendly they can be; it makes him want to stare for hours. Nash doesn't know how he feels anymore; confusion is probably the highest emotion right now. 
After they are done, Sam stops at the kitchen's wide door frame that leads into the dining room. With his face soft and apologetic, he waves, "Bye." 
'Bye," he replies quietly before Sam walks away, hearing him open the front door. 
No, Nash thinks right after. They can't end this night without talking. The front door closes, and Nash gets up and runs out, feeling like he's clawing his way to his heart and hearing Ember ask where he's going before he slams the front door shut.

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