Chapter 12

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ꔫ NASH ꔫ }

"WOO FUCK THAT CHEATER UP, SAM YEA!!!" Nova throws her arms up as people crowd around the fight with phones that shine the two up. Sam punches Mark square in the face, making his head snap to the side with a bloody gush out of his nose. Nash winces, knowing the strength behind each punch. Sam is getting way too many hits in, and all Mark does is squeeze Sam's neck in protest, though his grip is weak. Nash grabs Sam's winter vest, trying to pull him off before he makes the guy faint, but damn, this man has way too many pounds compared to Nash.

Sam just shakes Nash off before Mark grabs Sam's hair, slamming his head on the floor beside him. People are yelling and cheering them on. Nash turns to Nova with a terrified look as Sam struggles to get Mark's hand out of his hair like gum. Nova rolls her eyes and walks over slowly, grabbing both of Sam's arms and putting them behind his back like he's getting arrested. This time, Sam doesn't fight back.

Meanwhile, Nash is tugging Mark away from Sam as well, before Mark aggressively pushes him away, causing Nash to crash into a table. People shouting with excitement or shock fill the room. Quickly slipping away from Nova's hands, Sam strides, kicking Mark in the gut with force to make him double back, holding his stomach. Not soon after, Mark flees the scene and runs away from the fight into the crowd.

"PUSSY!!" Sam yells.

Nash balances himself again, grabbing Sam's forearm and dragging him out of the party as well. Again, Sam doesn't fight back or shake him off. He had never seen someone beaten up before, and he hoped this was the last. The blood, the overly masculine solutions to problems. He doesn't want to be that guy who separates how genders fight, but most of the time when it's a catfight, there's hair-pulling and slapping. But boys are fighting... Jesus. It's honestly surprising that he isn't having a panic attack.

Nash and Sam walk outside in the cold breeze, stinging their faces. Nash turns, glaring at him. "What the hell!?" Nash pushes Sam, but not hard enough to do anything but just nudge him a bit. "I didn't mean to try and kill him! You wanna do better?"

Sam's eyes finally shift to Nash.

"What's going on?"
Nash looks away from Sam and sees Val. Her mascara is smudged under her red eyes. She looks terrible; no offense. All of a sudden, Nash isn't so mad about Sam beating the hell out of Mark. Val tilts her head and looks down at Sam's bloody knuckles.

"I tried to stop him, but..." Nash presses his lips together and looks down in disappointment. "I'm sorry, Val; you didn't deserve what Mark did, and now this." His voice trails off. Val turns, and without a word, she pulls out her phone, scrolling through her contacts. He knows she's not happy, but she always kept it caged inside, becoming overly quiet when she was. After a couple of seconds, she hops off the three front stairs and walks away. All Nash can hear before she walks away is about meeting someone outside the party and meeting up.

Val's friends get into the car first. Val is silent, and Nash wishes he could take away her pain. Poor girl. He knows Val will have trouble sleeping tonight, so he'll probably stay up with her. The little things always matter; she always does the same with him when he is having bad days, so he wants to show the same care. Nova climbs into the middle of the back seat, and Sam then gets in as well, getting the last seat.

"Shit, Nash, there aren't any more seats." Ophelia bites a nail, and the other hand is placed on a wheel as she looks back for a solution. She can't just leave Nash here, and they are about 20 minutes away from home. There are indeed no more seats. Val has a shotgun; her one friend and Nova take the others; and Sam has the other seat next to them.

"Just sit on someone's lap; that normally works." Val's friends suggested. Nash frowns; he's not doing that. With Val, that would just be weird; Novas is too small, and he doesn't even know the other girl. Nash looks at Sam, and they make eye contact.

"No," Sam protests, shaking his head.

"I didn't say anything." Nash quickly defends himself.

"I know you're obsessed with me, but no." Sam smirks, making Nash scoff at his big ego.

"Would you guys shut up? Nash just sits somewhere!" Val yells, and everyone goes silent. Nash quickly looks at Sam again, forcing his eyes to be softer, hoping to God that Sam will just suck it up and do it because Val being angry is the last thing Nash needs. Sam rolls his eyes and shifts straight up in his seat stiffly. Nash holds onto the car door as he uncomfortably sits on Sam's lap. Sam's hands go to Nash's hips, moving him up his thigh more and then bringing his arms across his waist. Nash's breath hitches with each thing he does, like his hands are electric to the touch. Nash closes the door and tries to relax, but it's nearly impossible when Sam is in his seat belt.

"Ready?" Ophelia checks before driving. Val and her friends talk mad crap about Mark until they arrive at Nash's and Val's home. Once Ophelia pulls up to their house, Nash quickly gets out and almost falls. He can hear Sam chuckling behind him from the car, and Nash looks back, giving him the death glare. Val steps out and walks to the door, ignoring the byes from her friends. Before following Val, he turns around and slams the door in Sam's face. He can see him roll his eyes through the window before opening the door and stepping out as well.

Nash strolls to the redwood front door, where Val is. "That was my debt payment!" Sam calls over to them before running off into his house. Ophelia hushes him and drives off quickly. Nash can feel the frustration and sense of longing in his bones that make his head hurt.

"So immature," Val mumbles as she rumbles through her purse, pulling out the keys and jamming them into the keyhole. probably imagining that being Mark.

"Wanna watch a movie? Maybe something dumb we can make fun of, like Twilight?" Nash asks as Val pushes open the door to their dark house. Ember and Sienna are most likely asleep, so it wouldn't matter if they saw her like this. He can just smell the anger and resentment coming off of Val.

Seconds pass until she turns to her little brother and smiles sadly.
"That would be nice."

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