Chapter 13

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{ꔫ NASH (PAST) ꔫ }

Nash walks down the stairs in his Christmas soft socks and red pajama pants he wears every year. His moms and Val are already downstairs, and he can hear 'Last Christmas' playing on the radio with Siennas humming. The smell of chocolate chip pancakes fills his nose and makes him want to start floating like a cartoon. It must be Sienna who made them; she's a way better baker than Ember. Ember is more on the cooking side for steak and pork. When Nash hits the carpet the twinkling Christmas tree lights that are in the left corner wake him up more. The family room normally has an indie look with fake vines hanging on the wall and the couch having a weird pattern of blue, purple, pink, and gold. He walks past the tree and goes into the hallway.

A soft giggle before, "RAH!" Val jumps out behind the wall that leads into the dining area, and Nash lets out a high-pitched shriek that makes Ember laugh hard. Val smiles and starts laughing along with Ember proud that she accomplished her little scare.

Sienna turns from the kitchen and walks to the dining room where a round table is placed in the center. The table is decorated with a Christmas cloak and white lilies in a vase. Sienna's blond hair is pin-straight, not a single strand of hair out of place compared to the loose curls Val made with her curling iron. Sienna has a plate of chocolate chip pancakes and a big smile on her face. "Merry Christmas!" Sienna excitedly exclaims. Nash stops bickering with Val quickly and smiles back.

"Merry Christmas, mama," Nash replies, not soon after Val says the same. Ember the cushion chair that's placed at the table, grabs her phone to record. "Already, who's ready to open presents?" Ember asks as she points the camera towards her kids and hushes them to the living room.

"fuck yea!" Val cheers willingly running to get gifts in the corner.
"Language, young lady!" Sienna gasps as she puts down the pancakes on the table. Ember laughs and then gestures to the presents that lay on the floor. The green tree is decorated with pictures and ornaments Nash and Val made when they were in the 4th grade. On the right side under the tree are Val's gifts, and Nash is on the left.  Nash and Val sit by their gifts and start tearing off the decorated Christmas paper. The scenery is perfect. Two loving moms and two kids.

Except that even since Nash has come out as trans, it's been harder to not be awkward. Or even when it gets brought up, Sienna starts to cry. She knows she shouldn't, putting all that weight on her child's back is healthy but she can't help her fears taking over sometimes.  It's not easy on anyone. Even with all of this, sometimes Ember and Sienna forget that Val has problems too, and needs help. It brings this jealousy that is so obvious, yet never empathized with. Nash knows she can feel isolated, no one should ever feel that way in their family so he stays as close to her as possible. He had been since the day he was brought home as a toddler, she was already there. 

Val smiles and beams as she holds up what she has to embed in the phone, "The iPhone 12!!"

Ember looks satisfied. She had worked an extra job at the local bakery that Nash found just so her kids could have a happier Christmas. The owner was an older lady so she loved that Ember was so willing to do extra hours.

"Do I get a new phone too?" Nash teased as he grabbed a present, a flat one that flops, meaning it's clothes. He frowns.

"I think you'll get something that you'll appreciate more." Sienna answers. Sienna and Ember aren't very rich; they are struggling a lot but hide it well from the kids. It's quite hard to hide things like how many more presents other kids got than you, so they keep this cheap—minus the phone and the present Nash is holding— so their kids can get the thrill of opening an unknown present. The moms look at each other, preparing for the worst or best.

Nash picks up his last present, while Ember makes sure to focus on him. He tears off the paper, throwing it to the side, even though Sienna hates the mess it makes. He tilts his head and then gasps, holding it up in front of his face. It's a black binder, something transmen normally use to flatten their chest. Nash knew he was going to ask for something like this eventually, but was too scared to. It makes him happy that his parents thought about it without mentioning it. It's like they can read his mind.

"Since you came out, we decided you might've wanted one," Sienna mumbles with a soft smile, her slim hands clasped together as they lay on her lap, looking nervous.

"I love it, thank you." Nash gushes, smiling, and brings the binder down close to his chest.

"Wanna try it on?" Ember requests and Nash nods urgently. Sienna walks him to the bathroom and tells him that if he needs help, she's right outside. A few minutes pass, with the noise of soft Christmas music playing and Nash struggling to get it on. Finally, the door opens. Ember is still recording, and Val is standing next to her, waiting as she snakes in a chocolate chip pancake. Nash comes out in his PJs still but with no bump of a chest. It's a bit weird to see it, but it fits him well. It makes him feel a lot more gender-affirming. Sienna's face lights up as Nash twists completely flat, it's a bit tight but he heard that he'll get used to it on the internet.

"Does it hurt?" Val wrinkles an eyebrow.

"No, it's just right." Nash looks down at himself, and for once in a while, he doesn't feel uncomfortable.

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