Chapter 15

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{ꔫ NASH ꔫ }

The coach unlocked the men's locker room for Nash but turned before he let him in. "The stalls are in the back if you need some more privacy," he points toward the end of the locker room and Nash nods in understanding.

The coach is an older man, the same man that helped Nash up after he got punched, around his mid-50s so it's quite surprising he understands Nash's gender shit. A lot of men don't, which is fine for him because not everyone needs to be in his life and business. Though, It's still nice to see someone respect it, even if they don't 100 percent understand. “And… don't get punched anymore. It won't look good for our tea,” he adds sternly but then he cracks a chuckle teasing him.

Nash grins at him before stepping in, his fingertips on his almost fully healed bruise that now just looks like a dark spot on his face still feeling the ever-lasting sting. The locker room smells like sweat and musk making Nash wince. At least when Nash used to go into the girl's locker room it smelt like strong pound cake perfume and flower lotions.

Nash starts to make his path over to the gray stalls trying to avoid any eye contact with half-naked men around him. Unfortunately, Nash's eyes disagree and are found on this tan tall guy who has his back facing him. He has a nice toned back, broad shoulders, and a slim waist. This guy does more than practice. His brunette hair is curly in all the right ways. Nash can't help but feel a rush of adrenaline when he stares at this random man, he doesn't get it often but man, he doesn't even know him and he already got Nash wrapped around his finger.

The curly-haired dude puts on the red jersey and Nash looks at the number, wanting to know it so maybe they can start talking. 35, Nash quickly snaps his eyes away from the man and walks away, slipping into the stall and covering his face with the jersey the coach gave him as his cheeks turn all of the shades of red, he can feel his body heat up.
Nash gets changed while questioning himself. Is he still into Sam? When he had a crush on Sam in middle school and a little of 9th grade while Sam was still a short lanky boy. Now it looks like he grew up and stepped up his game with working out. 35.

Either way, good for him. He looks great. Nash pinches himself, don't think about that right now. Don't think about how his curls look way too beautiful to not touch and play with. Or how he wants to run his hands down Sam's back. Damn it, screw hormones. Nash runs out to the field where his teammates are warming up by jogging around the outline of the field. It's only practice so the nerves aren't as high, though Nash never played sports with guys, and when he did it was in gym class. He stays away, on the side alone and away from everyone though some people look over at him confused about what a lanky art kid is doing here.

The coach blows his whistle and orders everyone to split up into two teams. Nash waits on the side for someone to pick him up like he would in gym class. He's never been great at making new friends. Hence why he doesn't have many, only Archie, another art kid, and Nova, a quiet cute girl. Nash hears footsteps and faces where it's coming from to see a taller guy with blond hair and dark skin.

"hey, wanna join our team?" he asks as he gestures his head to a group of random teammates Nash has to meet.

Nash thinks about saying no, but he doesn't have much of a choice,” Uh, sure.'  They walk over to the group. Nash feels the lump in his throat as they all turn to him, so many eyes.

"Guys, is this guy a new teammate- name?" the blond guy turns to him and snaps.


"Nash is gonna be joining our lacrosse team. By the way, I'm Julian. Nice to meet you."

Julian holds out his hand and Nash shakes it feeling the rush of anxiety seep out and being able to relax slightly. Everyone else introduces themselves but Nash forgets their names right after. They all seem nice and patient. Will that hold up when they're playing though? Or how about if they know Nash is gay and trans? All those questions make his anxiety suck back into him. His teammates all assign positions and Julian tells Nash he's an attackman, meaning he's going to have to try and score. He's only played 1 on 1 with Mark, but now he can't do that. About Mark, he's over by the bench and he looks awful, with a black eye and broken nose. He won't be able to play for a long time.

Nash gets in his position staring at Julian who is a midfielder or whatever they call it. It means he will run on both sides. The ball gets placed on the field and the other team, let's call them Team A gets the ball first and Julian is off trying to fetch it back. Nash watches as the players fight for the ball like their life depends on it. The ball gets flung over to Team A's side and all the teammates run over to where the ball is going to land. Nash jumps up and catches the ball in his stick. In shock, he stands there until he hears Julian shout over to him a second later.

He's closer to the goal but still jogging. Nash swings his stick just as Sam slams his lacrosse stick into Nash's. The ball is launched near the grass rather than the air but Julian throws himself and saves it just before it lands. Nash starts to run towards a spot where the defenders aren't by but Sam's tall body pushes him to the side out of the way.

"Damn you, get off my ass." Nash hisses. He can see a smirk spread on Sam's lips, "since when did you join lacrosse blueberry?”

“Shut up.”

One of Team As teammates catches the ball and runs to the line where the teams met, chucking it to another teammate. Nash can finally relax, he doesn't give two shits if he loses or wins.

After the game, team B, aka Nash's team lost by about 3 points. Nash sits on the grass where he was a week or so ago completely out of breath. Julian strolls over breaking away from his group of friends, "Not bad for the first time. Just try to keep moving with the defense. Don't let Sam distract you, he's good at what he does and we'll try to get a guy who's your height and weight next time.”

Nash nods, "thanks. I'll work on it."
Julian nods back before walking away to his group of friends again. Okay, Nash lied. He wasn't going to practice outside of school. There's no chance he'll be able to outrun Sam too, so what's the point? However, lacrosse isn't as bad as Nash thought. Nash catches a glimpse of Sam coming up to him and Nash quickly stands.

"Deja vu?' Sam smirks and crosses his arms with his new lacrosse stick.

"Would you ever punch me again?" nash questions as he tilts his head up in a thinking face.

Sam stays quiet for a while and they just stare at each other. "no. I wouldn't."

Nash feels like he was just told the craziest thing in the world or won the lottery, "Wait really?"

".....yes. I wouldn't hurt people I care about and haven't done me wrong."

Nash's lips twitch, slowly getting this smug smirk, "You care about me?"

Silence for a couple of seconds from Sam like he's trying to process something before he shifts to the side, “Did I say that? I mean people who. Whatever, you wouldn't understand it.”

Nash laughs before the coach's whistle goes off for his teammates to let them know the locker room is unlocked. Nash quickly says bye to Sam even though they are both going to the same place. Finally, no more sports bras and more gender-affirming care from his binder. Nash gets into the car and Ember smiles softly at him. She's been a bit quiet since Val yelled at them and completely called them out. She also has a dark circle under her eyes to add to how much she feels guilty, she is not very good at apologizing but she's been giving Val gifts and trying to spend time with her a lot.

"How was it?" Ember's voice is not as stern as it normally would be and her hand grips the steering wheel ready to hear how terrible it is going into a rant about how sports are dumb.

"Not that bad," Nash answers as he downs half his water bottle and buckles in. Ember eyes eyebrows raise in shock, and her lips pucker out in satisfaction before she then backs out of the parking lot.

The rest of the car ride is quiet but Nash's head is crowded with Sam. He cares. Why? Since when? Does Sam feel the same things as Nash does? That longing and a lingering feeling of something. He seemed to be still upset about his ex, Penny, considering the party. Maybe Nash is just being dramatic. Or maybe there is something more going on in Sam's life he doesn't know about yet.


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