Chapter 1

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{ꔫ NASH ꔫ}

Nash is lying on the grass, looking at the fluffy clouds. He brought his sketchbook, but the lacrosse game he was dragged to was so loud that he couldn't concentrate. His head turned to the boys playing in shorts and red jerseys for their team. How were they not cold? Nash is in a gray hoodie and sweatpants and is still cold. This winter is colder than others surprisingly, even though global warming has been biting everyone in the ass the last few.

Nash hears footsteps and looks above him to see his older sister of just two years, Val. She lays down next to him on the ground.

"You know laying down on the grass won't make you any warmer," Val joked as she twisted her head to Nash. One of her curtain bangs swoops into her pale face.

"Maybe the worms will cuddle me," Nash replies and smiles. He's always loved nature, to the point it pretty much raised him. Well, okay he likes SPRING nature. Val chuckles lightly and then looks at the boys running to the other goal. Probably just her boyfriend, Mark. She's obsessed and they’ve been dating for years. You’d think they’d fall out of love by now considering high school relationships. Nash doesn't discriminate though, good for her.

The only reason Nash is here is for Val to see her boyfriend. He also thought it would be relaxing, but it's not. He's more focused on whether he's going to be struck in the face with a ball. Not only that, but he can hear the ref yelling at the team and it gives him a headache.

Player 23 swings his stick, making the goalie step to the side to protect his goal. The ball is going in the opposite direction. Is he blind or something? Nash can't complain, because his school team, the Roaring Tigers, scored. They never win but looks like this other team is pretty damn bad.

Val pulls her eyes away from her boyfriend to the same cloud, Nash was just staring at. She lifts herself off the ground, now sitting on the frigid grass. She's always been so graceful, even if her body is more on the chubby side. She always seems to pull it off in every way possible. Being confident is way more attractive than having no ego at all. Which is Nash, he’s not very confident in himself anymore. Nash sits up with her, hearing her laugh as he does.

"What?" Nash asks as he raises a brow.

"Your hands are all blue!"

Nash looks down at his hands. His fingertips and a bit of his palm are colored. He dyed his hair last night but didn't have gloves. He couldn't wait to get them, mainly because he was having a gender crisis. "Yeah, I should've bought gloves, huh?" He jokes as his lips curl into a smile.

Val nods, but her ocean-blue eyes go off to Mark again. She loves him half to death, and it gets annoying how much she yaps about him.

After a while, Nash gets bored of lying down and picking at the frozen grass, so he gets up. He then notices a lacrosse stick lying on the grass. It's unintended and looks so lonely... Yeah, Nash is weird like that. One lacrosse stick and one extremely bored boy.

"What are you doing?" Val asks as he picks up the lacrosse stick and starts swinging it around like the spirit stick those cheerleaders use.

Val watches him drop it a few times; he's not very athletic or elegant. She knows that this is a bad idea but doesn't stop him. Why? Because she's bored too.

Nash throws the lacrosse stick up in the air making it spin. Val speaks up finally, "Nash, you're going to break—"


Val and Nash's mouths hang open as they stare at the lacrosse stick. Its head snapped off, with a piece of the stick still attached to the ropes. Oh, shit. Now, Nash knows he's not athletic, but he didn't think he was that bad. Now he's going to have to tell whoever owns this that their stick is dead.

"What the fuck!?"

Nash spins and sees Sam, his neighbor, also known as a popular kid and Nash's childhood crush. His eyebrows frown, and his jaw is clenched. Sams's short, curly, brown hair swoops back a bit due to the wind. He's also wearing a red jersey with the number 35 on it and the tiger logo on the shirt. Double shit, that's his lacrosse stick. Nash turns pale, and the three of them continue to stare at the broken lacrosse stick.

"What the hell, man?" Sam walks near Nash and pushes him away from his now-broken lacrosse stick. Nash moves back as Sam picks up the two pieces that were snapped in half, his eyes scanning over the injuries. Val just watches them, her eyebrows still raised.

He chucks the pieces on the floor, his brown eyes glaring at Nash. the same glare everyone else in the world gives him when they aren’t happy with him. "My bad," Nash mumbles, forcing a small sympathetic smile, which only pisses Sam off more by the way he narrows his eyes and shakes slightly. It’s like he’s holding in some beast.

"Yeah, it's your fucking bad," Sam hisses as his fist clenches.

"It's not that serious; you can just get another one, right?" Nash suggests, not sounding confident.

Val tries to step in before it gets worse, but Nash simply shakes his head. He can stand up for himself even though he's in the wrong. He wants to prove he's come far from middle school bullying.

Nash is still looking at Val as he hears footsteps coming closer to him. "Look, I'm sorry I broke your stick," Nash admits, looking away from Val to Sam. The last thing he sees is a fist to the face before he falls onto hard around the cold ground.


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