Chapter 17

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  {ꔫ NASH ꔫ }

Nova steps into Val's room with a bag of chips in one hand and her stuff for the sleepover in her other hand. "Hi, guys!" She chirps, sitting down in the small circle Nash, Val, and Ophelia have made on the carpet floor. 
Nash thought it would be a good idea for Val to spend time with some friends. There's less time to think about someone who doesn't deserve to be mourned. Also, she's been sleeping all day, so it would be good for her to talk to someone and just have fun with people who truly love her. Surprisingly, she didn't protest! Maybe she was hoping someone would ask but didn't want to admit it. Val can be stubborn sometimes like she wants someone to read her mind; luckily, Nash sometimes feels like he can. That connection of a sibling, even if they came from different mothers.
"Hey, Nova! We were just talking about the time Nash almost crashed the car when he was practicing." Val smiled. It's nice to see her smile again. Nash rolls his eyes playfully and says, "One time."
Val nudges him, “The only time you tried.”
Nash started to practice driving a couple of months ago with Ember when he turned 16. They practiced in an empty parking lot, and the only thing that was there was big poles. Of course, he almost crashed into one and smashed the car. Nash has a history of things not going his way or just being plain clumsy and sabotaging himself. Ember was there to emergency park the car, so she saved the day. Nash stopped driving after that. 
Now, Val picks on him for it all the time, even though she was the same when she tried to practice. Same pole, the same situation, and the Ember is always there to stop them. Luckily, that didn't stop Val, and she has had her driver's license since 17, now 18. Val isn't one to step down after one thing goes wrong unless she has to. She didn't stop crocheting when she made one sleeve shorter than the other. She didn't stop watching a show after a bad episode. Lastly, she didn't stop loving Nash when he showed his flaws and imperfections. Besides Nova, she was the one person there when he was bullied, and now, with this whole situation with Mark, he's doing the same with her. 
"One time too many," Ophelia adds. Nova chuckles before pushing her bag to the side. Nova isn't all that close with Val, but when they talk, it doesn't seem awkward. Sometimes Nova would help Val with their hair. Normally, Nova braids since she has practiced on herself many times, each time flawless. Since they are buddies, Nova decided to come. Val didn't want all her friends over since she thought it might be too much. Just people she knows don't stab her in the back. It's not that many people. 
"Guys, you know what we should do?" Ophelia's voice lowers to show a dramatic, mysterious vibe to it.
Val sighs, running her hand through her strengthened hair. "Oh god, what now?" 
"Truth or dare."
Val scoffs, while Nash and Nova seem to nod in agreement. This is a great opportunity for Nash to brag about this non-pussycat skill: "Hell yeah, I'm a pro at truth or dare."
"Oh really? want a bet?" Ophelia smirks.
"He is. One time he ate a worm just for 5 bucks." Nova adds before Val makes a face unknown of this, "gross."
Ophelia giggles, "Hey, five bucks is five bucks. Anyways, who's first?"
"Oh! Me!" Nova excitedly exclaims, "Val, truth or dare?"
"I dare you to let Nash text anyone in your contacts." Val frowns before reluctantly giving Nash her red phone, which she's had since 16. Her eyes have prayers in them to not text Mark. Knowing her brother, Nash grabs her phone and goes through her contacts until M's comes up, clicking on Mark's icon that has changed from hearts to his first and last name. 
"Nash no." Val tries to snatch her phone, but Nash dodges it with an evil smile. "Wait, wait!" he protests, saving her and typing with his other hand. 
"NOO!!!" Val shrieks before shoving Nash, making him roll over, wrestling it out of his hand as he laughs like a five-year-old. She feels the strength multiply when Nash does anything cheesy on her phone or room; she doesn't fuck around when it comes to privacy. 
She sees Nash hit send as the phone is in her hands, and he backs away, letting her take over the situation, finally. "I hate you for all eternity." Val jeered, gripping her phone, while Nash just looked proud of himself.
"Read it out loud," he demands, and Val closes her eyes before looking down and going over it aloud to the group.
"I always knew gingers were soulless, but I didn't think they would be heartless either. Go fuck yourself, dumb cow." She reads and then puts her phone down, giving Nash an aggravated look as her hands rest below her chin. Nash and Nova crack up hard while Val is rubbing her temples, and Ophelia has her jaw hanging open. Val punches Nash in the arm, but not hard enough to hurt him. 
"ow! Hellman, my face bruises just healed; don't give me one more on my arm!" Nash yelps.
"Oh, stop; that didn't hurt. You've been punched harder." Val rolls her eyes. Well, great. Now she's either going to have to just block Mark or awkwardly explain to him that her brother took her phone. She's not fully mad, though; he deserved to be humbled. She turns off her phone and decides she isn't going to look at it until she's gotten some sleep and to just enjoy the time with the people around her. 
"my turn!" Ophelia clasps her hands together and says, "Nash, truth or dare."
Ophelia smiles sinisterly, looking at Nash. "I dare you to let Val call someone off your phone."
"What the hell? What is this, revenge?"
Val holds out her hand, curling her fingers into a motion, telling him to hand it over and surrender. "I'm waiting," she says, a thick layer of sass on her tone. Nash does what Val did not even 5 minutes ago. Give up his phone. Val unlocks his phone; she knows the password since she loves snooping, which is a bit hypocritical, but who isn't? Nash realized he needed to change his password after this. When Val moves away, Nash can hear her type something and then hear the FaceTime ring before someone picks up. She props up the phone on her nightstand, waiting for the person to pick it up. Then they do. 
Nash is off-screen, sitting against the wall, but he narrows his eyes, trying to see who it is. Brown eyes and brown curly hair. You've got to be shitting me, he thinks.
"Umm... Hi?" Sam's voice sounds tired, even though it's only midnight. Nash thinks it sexy, though, right after he shakes himself to get that thought out of his head. Sam doesn't seem like the type of guy to have a sleep schedule with a gym, a diet, and a healthy life. 
"Sam.. I'm calling off Nash's phone. He wanted me to tell you that he misses you and wants you to come over, but is too scared to tell you because he just feels like he is hyperventilating when he sees you." Val pouts. Nash feels like he's having a heart attack or starts hyperventilating.
He's not sure what to do but to just look at Nova for support while stuck in time, frozen. She's grinning so much for her best friend. He wants to grab the phone, hang up, and then move far away. This is a flight-or-fight situation, and his body decides neither. He's like a deer in headlights. He's not freaking out because Val is telling him to come over and that Nash misses him. He's freaking out because it's true.
He misses Sam. Nash wants to know more about him. Nash realizes, crap, he does have a crush on Sam again. It's worse than before, too. It's a lot more personal. Yeah, he hit Nash, but then he did so many other things that just balanced out the wrong.
"what? Now? Why?" Sam stares into his phone, his eyebrows knit together. 
"Yes, Now. He would rather tell you himself when you get here." Val winks, and Nash jumps in, covering her mouth and making her fall to the ground. Her giggles can be heard through the screen.
"AHH, don't listen to her! I NEVER SAID THAT!" Nash shouts as the phone falls to the floor when Val tries to grab it but smacks it out of her hand. He can hear Sam laughing before FaceTime ends. 
"Oh god. He is coming over, isn't he?" Nash panics as he retrieves his phone, staring at Sam's number on his phone, which he didn't have before, so that means Val knew it from Mark and Sam being friends. 
"yup." Val smiles, lying on her stomach. "Have fun with that, bro. We will keep Nova company.”

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