Chapter 39 - Frail, Sickly, and Poor

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When Nie Yan exited the game, he immediately began an intense and rhythmic exercise regimen consisting of resistance training, squats, boxing, martial arts, and reflex training. He completed each set of exercises ten times, only stopping once every five minutes to rest and replenish his stamina with nutritional supplements.

Besides punching force, strong kicking power was also an important requirement in martial arts as well.

Nie Yan was prepared to do weighted squats. His two legs immediately felt strained when he attached thirty kilograms of weight to his body.

He placed both hands behind his head and began lowering his body from a standing position. He stopped when his knees bent at a near ninety degree angle, and then he began returning to his original position. One repetition… Two repetitions… After three repetitions not much time had passed, yet his back had already began to sweat. When he completed twenty repetitions, he felt his entire body was on the verge of collapse. However, after drinking some nutrition tonic and resting for two minutes, he continued onward with his second set of squats.

Within his moment of rest, his stamina progressively recovered while his exhaustion was swept away.

After going back in time, my current body’s recovery ability is rather decent. With such a good aptitude, I definitely can’t let it go to waste, Nie Yan couldn’t help but think.

When his body began gradually adapting to the additional weights, he added another five kilograms. He then picked up his machine dynamics textbook and began studying while doing squats.

His body was pushed to its physical limits, yet he clenched his teeth and continued to persevere.

“The combined application of the lever arm and torque inside the machine… The calculation of current strength… The problems I had so much trouble with in the past were actually this easy.“ Nie Yan began writing and drawing on his notebook. His writing speed was fairly quick. In but a brief moment, he had solved a highly difficult problem regarding current strength.

His body was exhausted at this moment. However, his mind was exceptionally active.

Even if he returned to the past, he had still experienced a lifetime’s worth of bitterness and solitude. Therefore, Nie Yan knew it was not easy to come by his current happy life. He wanted everyone in his life to be happy. He wanted himself to become stronger. No matter if it was in game or real life, economical ability or personal fighting accomplishments, he had to be strong in all those areas. Only then could he have the power to protect all that he held dear.

Cao Xu, if you’re unwilling to let my family go in this life as well, I’ll definitely kill you! Nie Yan’s expression flickered with murderous intent. He then added another five-kilogram weight and quickened his pace.

One, two, three, four, five…

The sound of his heavy breathing echoed out of the room.

The affection for his loved ones and the hatred for his enemies, these were two emotions were at extremes. However, either one of them could cause a person to burst with endless potential and ability. And, at this moment, both were propelling him to move forward.

“Ninety-seven… ninety-eight… ninety-nine…” Nie Yan had reached his limit long ago. He was persevering solely through willpower alone. The weights were pushing down on his body; he was unable to breathe. However, at that moment, he explosively roared, “One hundred!”

Nie Yan put every single muscle fibre within his being to use. Bearing the forty kilogram weights which weighed down on his body, he shakily pushed himself upright. In the instant he straightened out his body, he felt he had drained every last ounce of strength he had. An intense fatigue rushed forth as he collapsed on the floor.

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