Chapter 17 - Lacerate

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As Nie Yan opened up his textbook, various equations ranging from complex mathematics to theoretical physics appeared in front of his eyes. He managed to quickly solve all of them in a surprisingly short amount of time. In light of this development, he noticed that his cognitive abilities had vastly improved since his reincarnation. Though it hadn’t reached the point where he developed photographic memory, his memory had still improved quite significantly. Moreover, he sensed that his mind had become sharper as well. For example, he had finished twice the amount of work in half the time when he was studying.

In addition, there was an even more astonishing discovery. He felt neither the slightest bit of fatigue nor weariness despite having intensely exercised for quite a long period of time. In fact, after every training session, he felt his strength increasing in small yet noticeable increments.

Nie Yan was quite satisfied with his current body. As long as he received the proper amount of nourishment, it would rapidly transform and rise in stature— similar to how it had in the past during his senior year of high school. However, there was only one complication: the nutritional supplements he required were simply too expensive. At present, the expenses weren’t something he could handle. In fact, the lowest quality nutritional supplements had a price tag of around five hundred dollars, while medium quality ones could cost upwards of several thousand. Sadly, his household carried only two portions; one of which he had already used earlier in the morning.

Finally, at five o’clock in the afternoon, Nie Yan entered the game once more.

Upon reconnecting, he discovered a nearly endless swarm of Water Spiders skittering around him in all directions. It appeared that every single monster in the vicinity had respawned.

Fortunately, players were invulnerable for the first thirty seconds upon reconnecting. They would appear in an ethereal state as if they were a spirit. In this state, they would not only be unable to attack, but monsters would be unable to attack them as well. Nie Yan took a detour around these Water Spiders and swam away from the area where he had concealed himself.

After thirty seconds had passed, he began farming the spiders in the surrounding area once more. Currently, he had already gathered 25 Fine Silks and five Rare Fine Silks which came from the Water Spider Leader the day prior.

With his current hunting speed, Nie Yan estimated that it would take around three more hours for him to complete this quest.

When I return to town, I’ll definitely have to make more money. That way, when I come across another gathering quest like this one, I can just buy the needed materials from the market instead. With this plan, Nie Yan would have no need to go through the tedious labour of gathering the materials himself.

Another hour passed by, and Nie Yan received a notification—it was from Yao Yao.

「Nie Yan (Nirvana Flame), where are you right now?」

「I’m still farming Water Spiders. Why, you need something?」He didn’t stop killing Water Spiders, even while he chatted with Yao Yao. After activating Assassinate with his right hand, he stabbed a nearby Water Spider with his dagger. As it died, it miserably flipped over and curled up.

「My friends and I went to the Treant Forest earlier this morning.」


「Huh, you’re not going to ask how it went?」

「There’s no need for me to ask.」Regarding this Treant Forest, Nie Yan already understood this instance quite well. In the past, it had taken him and his friends five attempts to pass the instance. If the party didn’t have Warriors with at least sixty defense and two hundred and 20 health, they wouldn’t stand a chance. Therefore, it would be impossible for them to clear the instance.

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