Chapter 198 - Field of Corpses

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The official forums were abuzz with activity because of the provocative video released by Unhindered.

The players from Unhindered frequently jeered at Asskickers United in discussions related to the video. Even though the members of Asskickers United would attempt to refute, they simply lacked the ammunition to fire back. Numerous members expressed dissatisfaction over how the executives of the guild handled the situation, or rather the lack thereof. Many of them were so riled up that they were itching to start a massacre in Kiln Fire Woods.

But very soon, a response was posted to the video. It was another video along with a few brief sentences.

It was a recording of Nie Yan and the other nine members slaughtering a large group of Unhindered players.

10:09, Players Killed: 153. Asskickers United doesn't rely on an advantage in numbers. Ten of us are enough to massacre Unhindered!

A hair-raising video followed by a domineering reply! It sent shock waves rippling through the community. It depicted Warriors and Paladins sweeping through everything before them, Thieves taking lives like they were reaping wheat, and Mages dealing damage that would make people faint from fright! Most awe-inspiring of all was the part where Undying Scoundrel annihilated over sixty players in a flash with Hellfire. It was truly breathtaking!

Nie Yan's group mowed through the players from Unhindered like they were chopping up fruits and vegetables!

They displayed an unprecedented degree of skill in PvP! It couldn't help but draw sighs of admiration.

What a powerful group of individuals!

Was that really the might of Asskickers United?

The words paired along with the video carried a bit of suspense. It ignited even further discussions among the players on the forums.

10:09, 153 players killed... Did that imply that the vengence of Asskickers United was far from over?

The line that followed got many people fired up. Asskickers United doesn't rely on an advantage in numbers! It was a brutal slap to the face of Unhindered. So what if they ambushed the main team of Asskickers United? It took a thousand of them to deal with twenty players! Even then, some of their targets still managed to get out alive. Was that really worth bragging about? The opinions on the forums quickly changed. Asskickers United retrieved its honour.

The implication was clear: Just 10 of our members killed over 150 of your players! Let's see if you can still act so arrogantly now!

Finally, there was the overbearing declaration at the end. Ten of us are enough to massacre Unhindered!

Could ten people really massacre all of Unhindered?

Everyone was eager to find out.

The community immediately brought the reply video to the top of the forums with their lively discussion. It was shared and posted elsewhere countless times, often labeled with various eye-catching titles.


The Ten Slaughter Gods!

Ten Massacre a Hundred, Piling up a Field of Corpses!

The Might of Asskickers United!


Such posts were by no means an uncommon sight.

The players of Asskickers United were very demoralized. Many of them couldn't even bear to check the official forums anymore. Every once in a while, a few people had the urge to go and sling some insults back but they just couldn't bring themselves to actually do it. They felt consumed by sadness, and the inaction of the guild executives served to dishearten them further.

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