Chapter 27 - Meteor

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Not only was Tang Yao the first one to attack the Leader class Rock Spider, but he was also the one putting out the most damage. It was because of this that the spider’s aggro had been firmly placed on him. Meanwhile, the spider had completely ignored Nie Yan who was attacking it with a combination of skills, leaving the latter behind as it continued pursuing Tang Yao. Nie Yan took advantage of the current situation and, while the spider was still distracted by Tang Yao, fished out the vial of poison within his knapsack and used it to coat his dagger.

Five seconds later, he finished applying the poison. He approached the spider from the rear and stabbed his dagger into its abdomen while using Vital Strike.

−10% Defense

The Rock Spider became poisoned and a status debuff was applied.

Additionally, Nie Yan’s Vital Strike was a critical hit and dealt quite a bit of damage!

「Scritch! Scritch!」The spider shrieked out in pain. It switched its focus to Nie Yan and pounced towards him.

The spider’s sudden change in targets caught Nie Yan off guard, forcing him to hastily fall back.


Despite his attempts to flee, however, the Rock Spider’s attack still managed to connect—draining the larger half of his health. Seeing his health bar quickly deplete, Nie Yan didn’t dare to be careless. He immediately fished out a Basic Health Potion and downed it, then rolled away and began retreating.

The spider followed in pursuit.

With the spider’s attention elsewhere, Tang Yao was free to fire off a salvo of spells. He sent off Arcane Missile, Arcane Blaze and Arcane Fireball in quick succession.

“I’m going to be out of mana soon…” Tang Yao glanced at his health and mana bars and found that he had roughly a quarter of his mana remaining. His mana expenditure was too ferocious, there was simply no chance his natural regeneration could keep up.

“Do you have any Mana Potions?” Nie Yan asked.

“I have a Basic Mana Potion.”

“Then hurry up and drink it. We’ll deal with it later,” Nie Yan instructed. When he turned back to face the Rock Spider, he found that it had already neared his position. In response, he brandished his dagger and struck out with Concussive Blow, forcing the charging spider to abruptly halt its movements. Nie Yan took advantage of this and put some more space between himself and the spider.

Even though the spider had been struck by Concussive Blow, it still managed to land an attack during the exchange. Nie Yan glanced at his health bar and found that roughly an eighth remained. Seeing this, he hurriedly used a Combat Bandage on himself.

+20… +20… +20…

During all this, Tang Yao had fished out a bottle filled with a blue liquid from his knapsack and drank it. Drinking the potion actually gave him a slight heartache; not because of the potion itself, but because that single bottle of blue liquid was worth ten coppers. To him, it was a life-saving treasure, one that he wouldn’t use even in dire circumstances.

Tang Yao’s mana was instantly restored to ninety percent. With his mana now replenished, he unleashed several spells in succession. Each and every one of them exploded on contact, dealing a high amount of damage.

Before two seconds had even passed, the Rock Spider woke from its dazed state. Upon waking, it immediately abandoned its attempt to pursue Nie Yan and instead rushed towards Tang Yao.

Its aggro had shifted once again.

“Keep at it! It’s almost dead!” Nie Yan shouted. Once his health was fully restored from the Combat Bandages, he rushed to the spider’s side once again.

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