Chapter 188 - Chapter of Justice

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At this moment, two crisp system sounds rang out.

You have discovered Kavana's crystal coffin.

Quest Progress: Search for clues. Find out the cause of Kavana's death.

Nie Yan examined the crystal coffin. It was tightly sealed. He was unsure of how he should proceed. If he tried opening the coffin by force, it'd surely trigger a chain of dangerous events. He absolutely wanted to avoid such a risk.

The Chapter of Justice hovered in right front of Nie Yan. It was but an arm's length away, but he was helpless to retrieve it.

He considered the two system notifications. Find out the cause of death? What? Am I supposed to cut open the body and perform an autopsy...? It doesn't matter. He shook his head. I'll get the chapter now, then I'll try to complete the quest if I can. If I can't, then so be it.

Let's see... There should be a special mechanism to open this thing. Nie Yan searched around for a bit, uncovering some inscriptions on the side of the coffin.

Nie Yan examined them. This was some sort of prayer!

Dear Sir Kavana, you have the tolerance and kindness of a saint. I hope you rest in peace... As I face the sea breeze of the Silent Gulf, I often think of you. If I had a choice, I wish I could've been born as an ordinary human girl instead. That way I wouldn't have to stay here all by myself. I'd be able to die peacefully by your side. I'd no longer have to abide by my promise to you of staying in exile for several millennia... I ask that you forgive the sins of my clan. I hope that my people can receive redemption.

-Dragon Girl Venita

Nie Yan's mind trembled as he read through the text. It mentioned a specific location, Silent Gulf!

If he wanted to uncover the truth behind Kavana's death, that was the best place for him to look.

Nie Yan recalled a legend of the Silent Gulf he'd heard in his past life. It told of a mysterious girl, possessing an otherworldly beauty, who appeared once every ten days on an isle. She would stand near the reefs just before dawn, silently gazing at the horizon until the morning sun arose, whereupon she would quietly depart.

Many players had attempted to acquire a quest from her, but they would always return with nothing to show for their efforts.

After a while, most players gave up, and the girl's background became an unsolvable mystery.

She had come to be known as Watcher Venita.

Logically speaking, even a dragon would gradually grow old after a thousand years. Yet according to the rumours from his past life, Venita still appeared as young and beautiful as ever.

Venita regularly appeared on the isle, even up until the time Nie Yan stopped playing. It seemed no one had completed the quest related to Kavana in his past life.

Well, considering it's a Legendary quest line, I guess there's a lot of connecting quests. I'll probably have to unravel many mysteries to progress... Huh? Nie Yan was struck with inspiration as he read Venita's appeal near the end of the text. In keeping with the highest etiquette among Paladins, he expressed his profound respect to Kavana's corpse by placing his right hand over his chest.

Once Nie Yan completed the gesture, the top of the crystal coffin gradually melted away, and the Chapter of Justice gently floated up.


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