Chapter 121 - Junior Magic Resonance Potion Recipe

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Nie Yan had to admit. Like many other players, he was extremely greedy, particularly when equipment was involved.

Even the slightest possibility of top-quality equipment emerging was more than enough to make countless players go frantic.

However, he wasn't a person without rationale!

With the Fate Dice, he had been both lucky and unlucky. Despite losing ten Strength, he also obtained astonishing benefits-Undead Rite and Pandora's Box. Considering the events since then, the usefulness of the former spoke for itself. As for the latter, it possessed the overpowered abilities of influencing luck and raising the grade of an item. As such, he was entirely content with disregarding the loss he suffered.

Nonetheless, that didn't necessarily mean he was willing to repeat such a gamble.

If, instead of him, an irrational person were to arrive here, they would definitely be blinded by greed and open these coffins without much consideration.

On the off-chance a Vampire Prince emerged, no matter how strong the player was, would they be able to run? Of course not! Such a high-level entity would never allow its prey to escape. Therefore, their situation would be tantamount to a death sentence!

From Nie Yan's perspective, the consequences of dying weren't something he could brush off. Not only would he fail to retrieve the Chapter of Freedom, he would lose the Chapter of Courage as well.

He might be greedy, but he also understood his limits and only sought things that were achievable with his ability. As for opportunities that led to outcomes outside of his control, he felt better off forgoing them. After experiencing it once, he no longer wished to tangle with the fickle hands of fate.

He walked past the coffins and passed through a corridor sandwiched by iron bars. When he encountered a region with too many monsters, he patiently hid in a corner until the Crawler Ring and Silk Spinner Ring's abilities were off cooldown before climbing over from a relatively high and hard-to-reach location.

Furthermore, as he grew more accustomed to the Crawler Ring's ability, he became even more proficient in using it in conjunction with the Silk Spinner Ring. Now, he was able to cross over most obstacles effortlessly.

Without the Silk Spinner Ring, a player who possessed the Crawler Ring, upon arriving here, would have no choice but to turn back lest they be killed in one of these passageways.

After using the Crawler Ring to cross over a mob of Vampires, he carefully scanned the passageway below. Completely empty... I should be safe. He deactivated the Crawler Ring's ability after which he dropped down from the ceiling and gently landed on the ground, not making a single sound in the process.

However, just as he was about to make his way forward, the sound of a spell being cast, originating from a pile of crates, arrived in his ears.

He spun around in search of the caster and noticed a pale-faced figure with a sinister appearance, condensing a dazzling sphere of lightning in its hands.

Wandering Mage: Level 23
Health 820/820

Many players often underestimated these Wandering Mages because of their low health, but Nie Yan knew better than anyone just how terrifying these monsters were. With their formidable magic power, they were easily capable of emptying his health pool in only two spells. Fortunately, the cast times for their magic was relatively long.

Perhaps he would be able to throw off this Wandering Mage if he ran now. However, there was a good chance that he might alert the monsters up ahead, sinking himself into an even more dangerous situation. As such, the best course of action was to deal with this problem while it was still within his control.

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