Chapter 34 - The Holy Crusaders

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Nie Yan rapidly approached the earth, his body soon to crash into the ground. With his left arm extended, he activated the ability from the Silk Spinner Ring. A web line shot out and adhered to the cliff face between the vegetation, slowly decelerating his descent. The line was tough and resilient and resembled a rubber band as it gradually stretched itself to the limit.

The tension on the web line continuously increased.

The force of Nie Yan’s fall surpassed the silk line’s tensile strength and the line gave out with a snap, taking many of the branches and rubble from the cliff face along with it.

Despite snapping, the web line still managed to significantly slow down his falling speed.


「Thud!」Nie Yan fell onto the ground. Fortunately, the fall damage wasn’t too high and was within the limits of what his health could handle.

In normal circumstances, if a player didn’t have an item such as the Silk Spinner Ring to cushion the fall, they would most certainly die!

Having climbed and fallen over the other side of the mountain, the distance from his current location to Link wasn’t too far off. With safety being his number one priority, Nie Yan entered stealth and activated a Basic Haste Scroll. From a half-withered bush at the base of the mountain, he made a sprint towards Link. The large crowds in the town should offer a little protection.

Having failed its attack, the Guardian of Order beat its wings and hovered in the air. Nie Yan had already escaped the valley by entering stealth and disappeared without a trace.

After the fall, Nie Yan and the Guardian were more than one hundred meters apart. Even if the level disparity between them was high, it still couldn’t make up for the distance. Hence, even if the Guardian had a clear view of Nie Yan, it would still be unable to see through his stealth.

With regards to how stealth detection range was calculated, it depended on level disparity, the Awareness stat, and observation ability. With some rough estimations, Nie Yan was confident that as long as he stood at least one hundred meters from the Guardian, he would be safe from its detection. Even if it was a Level 100 Elite-class, its level, Awareness, and observational abilities couldn’t make up for such a large gap in distance.

Nie Yan turned his head to look back. At this point, the Guardian of Order still hadn’t left the area. Rather, it was heading over in his direction to investigate.

Without delay, Nie Yan held his breath and hid behind a large boulder.

The Guardian beat its wings and flew over. As it hovered in the sky, it investigated the area below it for any signs of movement, but didn’t manage to discover Nie Yan.

The hunter and the hunted: the Guardian of Order was like the eagle in the sky, while Nie Yan was like the prey on the ground.

There was still roughly a kilometer between him and Link. Under the attentive gaze of the Guardian, there was no way for him to safely travel such a large distance.

There’s still another method. I can use the Return Scroll!

It was possible to use the Return Scroll in this location; however, it would take a full twenty seconds to activate. Moreover, when channeling, the scroll would emit a bright light which would definitely attract the Guardian of Order’s attention.

With its flying speed, the Guardian wouldn’t need more than ten seconds to fly over to Nie Yan and kill him after discovering his location.

As the Guardian gradually descended from the air, the distance between it and Nie Yan became increasingly near.

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