Chapter 189 - Elite

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After doing what he needed in his personal storage, Nie Yan set out to the Asskickers United guild headquarters. Guo Huai, Zhao Li, and Hao Cheng were still busy with guild business. In fact, ever since the guild was established, they had never found any free time to level. The benefit to that, however, was that they had become quite skillful in handling administrative affairs. Although the guild still required individuals who were especially talented in administration, they wouldn't feel at ease handing over that responsibility to others.

Aside from that, Guo Huai had also recruited a few people from his family's firm. He put them in charge of combing through the backgrounds of every guild member. They had managed to weed out countless moles that were sent by Victorious Return and other guilds.

Nie Yan looked over the list of players who had signed a contract with the guild. There were over a hundred individuals in total, each a peak talent in some respect. It could even be said to be a galaxy of talent. Eleven of them had the potential to receive a Shadow Dancer, Magister, Archbishop, or similarly ranked title later on. They consisted of Sun, Leader Young Seven, Taotie, Undying Scoundrel, Blue Yarn Thread, Blowhard Summer Bug, and so on.

Altogether there was one Archbishop, two Shadow Dancers, two Guardians, two Sword Saints, two Magisters, one Sage, and one Champion. Even right now, they displayed immense talent. Each one of them received generous treatment from Asskickers United. They had access to the best resources in the guild. The Starry Night Potion Shop would supply them with plenty of potions, pills, and other consumables every day. Nie Yan himself had invested over 100 gold into them. They could form teams and find excellent teammates whenever they wanted. As a result, they were growing at a rapid pace.

These players had secured more resources because they entered the game relatively early. The fact that they were talented and hardworking-along with a myriad of other factors working in tandem-allowed them to reach the pinnacle in the previous timeline. And in the present timeline, Nie Yan had bettered their conditions in every aspect.

All in all, given the proper environment, a genius would always rise to the top.

Taotie, Undying Scoundrel, Blue Yarn Thread, and Summer Bug were chatting near the entrance of the guild headquarters. As they were prepared to set out and level, they saw Nie Yan walking over. They all greeted him courteously.

"Hello, Boss Nirvana Flame!" Taotie called out. He was a twenty-odd-year-old man in shiny bright Paladin armour. He had a full set of Gold-grade equipment on, several pieces he had obtained by himself while the rest had been provided by the guild. At the current stage of the game, he was only a slight bit lacking in comparison to the top-elites of Withered Leaf.

"Hello boss!" Undying Scoundrel greeted Nie Yan. As an Elementalist, the Elemental Resonance Set he wore was already the best Level 20 set a player of his class could get.

They were all peak players of Calore in Nie Yan's past life, Yet they were all gathered here right now.

Nie Yan nodded, acknowledging them with a faint smile. He hung around for a while to chat which made them feel slightly honoured. From the moment they joined the guild, they could tell that the astonishing resources of Asskickers United was in no way inferior to those of behemoths like Victorious Return. Nie Yan and Tang Yao's identities were shrouded in a dense fog of mystery that no one could see through. Nie Yan rarely showed himself in public. While with Tang Yao, almost none of the guild members had ever seen his face aside from in the videos Guo Huai had uploaded. As a result, they had come to revere these two figures in their minds. They didn't expect Nie Yan to be so approachable. It was quite a surprise.

"You guys are now the elite members of Asskickers United. The guild has provided you with the best environment and resources it has to offer. So I hope you guys can show the guild your worth in the future. Accomplish great things, and the guild will never mistreat you," Nie Yan said. He had already spent quite a bit on them. As long as one or two them reached the same heights as they did in the previous timeline, it would be worth the investment.

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