Chapter 4 - Flying Stone

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“W-wait a minute! What did you say those coordinate numbers were? Does that place truly drop many Stealth skill books?” the Paladin hurriedly asked. After hearing the manner in which Nie Yan had spoken in, he somewhat began to believe this passing Thief.

22385.21338.23329, the location is near the Fallen Shaman Camp, but it’s still a fair distance away. The area should be absolutely safe. After farming for around twenty minutes, a Fallen Shaman should spawn once every five seconds. A Silencing Paladin like you can train there up until they hit Level 5. Brat, you’re still too inexperienced. If this great master were to casually hand out even a little bit of game advice, you’d be able to receive endless benefits!” Nie Yan shamelessly boasted while patting the Paladin’s shoulder. “How about it? Give me another discount?”

“Four coppers, I won’t go any lower.” The Paladin was still skeptical about Nie Yan’s words. However, he was indeed able to obtain around six skill books a day by farming the Fallen Shamans outside of the Fallen Shaman Camp, just as Nie Yan had said. Though this Fallen Shaman Camp… he had gone there once before and nearly lost his life. The location in the coordinates Nie Yan provided should definitely lead him right outside of that same camp.

Nie Yan’s words completely matched this information, so it probably shouldn’t be false. The Paladin muttered to himself and began pondering…. Should I head over to those coordinates and take a look myself?

“Three coppers, if you’re not willing then I’ll be taking my leave. However, if you’re willing to give me this book as a gift, I’ll give you some more valuable information regarding the Fallen Shaman Camp.” Nie Yan gave an incentive. After seeing the Paladin still appearing hesitant, he turned his body and prepared to depart.

Nie Yan was embarrassingly short on funds. He didn’t have a lot of money to spend on the Stealth skill book. However, it was still essential for every Thief during the early stages of the game. This truly won’t do. I’ll have to put it off for later. At least until I can manage to get a bit of money grinding off Level 1 mobs in the beginning area….

“W-wait, hold up!” Seeing Nie Yan about to leave, the Paladin hurriedly called out to him. He hastily picked up a Stealth skill book from the little shop he had set up and said, “Isn’t it merely a single Stealth skill book…? I can easily farm out six of them in a day! Here! I’ll give this to you as a present. Now tell me, what’s information you have on this Fallen Shaman Camp?” It just so happened that he and his companions would be setting off to train in that area shortly. Thus, he really wanted to be as informed as possible about the area. In the Paladin’s eyes, Nie Yan certainly did appear to be a very knowledgeable person.

Nie Yan glanced back at him. This Paladin does seem to be an honest person. I was able to secure a Stealth skill book, and I didn’t even need to spend a single penny. Recalling this, Nie Yan was in a great mood.

“Seeing as you’re being sincere. Don’t head over to the coordinates I just gave you. If you really did head over there looking to train, then not even within five minutes passing, three Fallen Shaman Leaders would appear. A single cast of their Fireball would cause an explosion that would kill you instantly,” Nie Yan casually informed.

Upon hearing these words, the Paladin instantly broke out in a cold sweat as he felt a great chill run through his heart. When Nie Yan informed him that those coordinates were a good place to farm, he truly intended to head over there and try his luck. He never expected that not only were these coordinates false, they were also dangerous as well. If he hadn’t hurriedly called Nie Yan back… one could only imagine the consequences. It would have truly been an injustice if he had been killed in such a way.

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