Chapter 36 - Sleepy Fox

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With the Gold-grade armour having found an owner, Splendid Star hastily returned to his guild ranks.

Sleepy Fox felt extremely vexed. If Swift Slash hadn’t abruptly rooted him in place, that Gold-grade armour would have belonged to him!

Some felt elated and others felt upset, but no one could surpass the joy Splendid Star currently felt because he had become the biggest winner this time around. He glanced over and observed Nie Yan. Earlier, the timing of this Thief’s trip—albeit a basic movement—was simply perfect. No matter the timing or position, he was not even a single iota off. The perfection of his timing and positioning definitely wasn’t by coincidence; it was intentional!

Moreover, Nie Yan was closer to him at that time. Reasonably enough, if Nie Yan had attempted to trip him instead, he’d have no way to evade. However, Nie Yan still purposefully chose Swift Slash. If it weren’t for this, the Gold-grade armour would have never fallen into his hands!

“Ah… I didn’t manage to get anything.” Nie Yan shrugged his shoulders and spoke in an indifferent manner, then turned around to leave.

“You want to leave after all that!? Don’t think you’re going to be let off that easily!” Swift Slash coldly snorted. If it weren’t for Nie Yan, the equipment would have definitely belonged to him!

In the same moment he spoke, several dozen Dark Massacre members in the area coldly shouted and began converging around Nie Yan, blocking his exit in a semi-circle.

“What…? You people want to detain me here?” Nie Yan’s replied with an unperturbed smile. However, his mind was still deeply scheming. It would be somewhat difficult if he wanted to break out of Swift Slash’s encirclement with his power alone. Moreover, if Swift Slash wanted to come to blows, Nie Yan felt he wasn’t a good person to provoke either.

“He’s my friend. Swift Slash, if you want to cause him problems, first ask yourself if our Splendid Temple members will approve or not!“ Splendid Star interrupted, seemingly determined to oppose Swift Slash as he stood shoulder to shoulder with Nie Yan. While behind him, the Splendid Temple members—after hearing their leader voice out his opinion—stepped up as well.

It was only because of him that Nie Yan ended up provoking Swift Slash. So naturally, he wouldn’t stay himself from the matter at hand.

“Splendid Star, are you certain you want to contend against me!?” Swift Slash coldly threatened.

“Correct, our Splendid Temple isn’t afraid of your Dark Massacre guild. Brothers, tell me if I’m correct?” Splendid Star turned back and asked his guild members.

“CORRECT!” The people from Splendid Temple roared in unison.

“If you Dark Massacre people have the guts, then come up and fight! This old man will happily accompany you!”

“You ball-less sons of bitches! Don’t tell me you’re suddenly afraid!?”

The people from Splendid Temple began shouting obscenities with both sides entering a shouting match afterwards. With swords drawn and bows bent, either side began forming their respective ranks. The atmosphere smelled of fresh gunpower. A fight was going to break out at any moment. Splendid Temple had over seven hundred players remaining while Dark Massacre had nearly a thousand. From the look of things, each side had taken heavy losses from the Guardian of Order. Thus, in terms of numbers, Splendid Temple was at a disadvantage.

Nie Yan glanced at Splendid Star by his side. This guy was the exact same in Nie Yan’s past life—he valued loyalty quite a bit. It appeared Nie Yan didn’t make a mistake in helping Splendid Star today. However, if they were going to face off against Dark Massacre, Nie Yan had to bear the brunt. It seemed the upcoming battle was going to be considerably dangerous and fierce. If he died, the loss in level and experience were of lesser importance. What was most important was the Chapter of Courage—an item he absolutely didn’t want being dropped!

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