Chapter 157 - Heaven-Acclaimed Genius

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Nie Yan informed Guo Huai that he had his eye set on some of the equipment dropped by the elites of Victorious Return, a few of which were even better than his own. They were all Sosil Valley and Medusa's Lair-quality. Aside from the Thief equipment for himself, there also happened to be some Arcane Mage and Holy Mage gear that were perfectly suited for Tang Yao and Yao Yao to equip. With their gear improved, hunting monsters would become much more efficient. At the same time, he also had a few things that he wanted to send back to make space in his bag.

The best items on him were his accessories and special items which couldn't be found on the marketplace. However, as for his more replaceable pieces of equipment such as gloves, shoulderguards, and so on, they were actually inferior to the gear of the elites from Victorious Return.

The Starry Night Potion Shop should've already produced a couple Intermediate Health and Mana Potions by now. Find someone to retrieve some, then assign a trustworthy person to deliver them here, preferably a Thief.」Nie Yan instructed Guo Huai. A Thief was most suited for the role of a courier; plus, they were fast as well.

Alright, just tell me your coordinates. I'll send someone from the guild to deliver the things you want.

Here's my coordinates: 38528.59683.

Good, they'll be coming over with your stuff soon. The player I'm sending is named Sun, so be wary if anyone else approaches you. Besides that, don't stay in one place for too long; otherwise, you guys might be spotted by Victorious Return's scouts,」Guo Huai replied. He was quite concerned about Nie Yan and Tang Yao's safety. After all, if something bad happened to them, then their fledgling guild wouldn't be able to bear the loss.

Wait, right before the part about staying in the same place for too long, what did you say?」Nie Yan asked in shock.

I'm sending Sun over to deliver the items to you. Also, I want you guys to be careful and not get spotted. Why, what's up?

Tell me again. Are you sure that that player is named Sun?

Yeah, I'm sure. He joined our guild right after we were established. If it's a question about how reliable he is, he has the highest contribution out of all our members with 600 merit points. He's also only fiteen years old, and he told me that he's a big fan of Tang Yao and really wants to meet him. The kid really worships him for being able to hunt Level 30 mobs. More importantly, he's pretty skilled too. He was originally Level 10, but he dropped down to Level 7 after volunteering on our mission to save you guys. What's more, he was actually able to take out three Victorious Return elites with him before dying. I definitely think he's worth nurturing. Why, is there something wrong?」Guo Huai asked in a puzzled tone. Sun was only a fifteen-year-old boy, still naive and innocent. It was unlikely that he was the spy of some other guild, especially considering how much he had already sacrificed to save their guild leader.

No, there's nothing wrong. You're fine sending him over,」Nie Yan answered after finally calming down. He wasn't sure whether this was the same brilliant player he knew of from his past life. As a legendary Shadow Dancer and three-time consecutive arena champion, Sun was praised as a genius Thief. After pondering a bit more, the timing did seem about right; Sun's age should only be around fifteen at the time of Conviction's release. Nevertheless, such a young boy would display astonishing talent a few months down the line. Many videos of his PvP battles would surface on the official website. After which they would lay the groundwork for dueling as a Thief, becoming recommended learning material, a digital canon of sorts, for anyone who wished to play the class. In fact, Nie Yan himself had learned many of his basics through watching them. Yet right now, Guo Huai was telling him that this legendary figure was actually a little brother of their guild who would be delivering the things he requested in just a moment. A heaven-acclaimed genius being reduced to the role of a mere porter, this was just too inconceivable...

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