Chapter 53 - Top Quality Round Shield

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“Hmm… Oh that? That was nothing. I just spoke to them in Dragon Tongue, and they mistook me for a real dragon. The dark elves have been slaves to the dragon race since the ancient Dark Era. Even in the present, their society still considers themselves servants of the dragons which is why they were so respectful and fearful of me. Thanks to the information they provided, I also received a branching quest line so I’ll be handing it in after we return to town,” Nie Yan replied.

“Dragon Tongue? When did you learn the Dragon language?” Yao Yao asked. It appeared Nie Yan still held quite a few secrets since he continued revealing surprises one after the other.

“Yeah! I heard dragons were extremely rare,” Tang Yao added. Nie Yan was truly becoming more and more outstanding; even the language of the dragons wasn’t out of his reach.

In the same moment, Dusk’s eyes sparkled as he thought of a certain possibility. Could Nie Yan’s ability to speak Dragon Tongue be related to the emergence of that dragon in Link town?

Nie Yan soon realized his slip of the tongue and turned to look at Dusk. From the expression on the latter’s face, he could tell this fellow had grasped onto some clues.

“Yesterday, actually. I ended up accidently stumbling into a ravine where I found an old book. When I turned the pages, I discovered it was actually an old history which recorded the events of past eras. Before I knew it, I received an announcement telling me I learned Dragon Tongue, Kasate Giant, and Ancient Common. Afterward, that dragon emerged and chased me around before I managed to make a lucky escape,” Nie Yan replied in a casual manner.

This explanation was specifically directed towards Dusk. He felt it was better to partially tell the truth than to allow the existence of the Chapter of Courage to be leaked.

Dusk readily accepted the explanation. After all, he didn’t feel too good sticking his nose so deeply into another person’s secrets either.

“Truthfully, learning new languages isn’t that hard at all. Head over to the library when your levels are higher, and if you pay one gold, you’ll be able to learn the Ancient Common language. Also, if you head to the libraries belonging to the Giant race, you’ll be able to learn the Kasate Giant language after paying three gold.”

“How do you know all this?” Dusk and the others asked in astonishment.

“Head over to the library and look for yourself. Just browse through some of the books there, and you’ll have an even better understanding of the entire Atlanta continent. There are various class-related books as well. If you manage to read them all, I guarantee you’ll be experts as well.”

“Ahhh? Who the hell goes to the library? An entire library has so many books. Even if you randomly pull one off the shelf, it’ll still have up to million characters! If I had to read every class and history related book in the library, it would take me a month at the very least! Who the hell has that much free time on their hands?”

“Yeah! Who has the time to read those thick and heavy books?”

In his past life, Nie Yan often suffered setbacks while playing his Thief and developed an interest in reading as a result. After spending over a month reading at the library, he couldn’t help but admit the history of the Atlanta continent as well as its stories were quite fascinating and engaging. From the origins of his class to the biographies of legendary Thieves and their abilities, he read it all without missing a single word. Thanks to his exceptional memory, he gained many insights. By the time he walked out of the library, he left with a thorough understanding of his class. After several more years of polishing his skills, he ranked as one of the top fifty Thieves and was somewhat famous.

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