Chapter 199 - Names Red as Blood

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The last of the three groups in the vicinity, which had 60 Unhindered players, rushed over while Nie Yan's team was still picking off the survivors. They were here to provide support, confident that the other group would be able to hold out for a while against the attack. However, they didn't expect that by the time they arrived, the situation would be completely different from what they expected. Over fifty members of Unhindered had been utterly annihilated by ten people.

The names of Nie Yan and the others were branded a deep, blood red. It was like walking into a murder scene.

Nie Yan suddenly disappeared. With his fastest speed, he dashed toward the group of reinforcements like a lightning bolt before emerging among their ranks. Under the gaze of over sixty pairs of eyes, he streaked the blade of his dagger across a Priest's throat with a Vital Strike. The victim's health bar plummeted to zero as they collapsed to the ground.

The crowd of players were badly frightened. Nie Yan was previously several dozen meters away. In the blink of an eye, he closed that distance and killed one of their Priests. It all happened way too quickly!

What shocked many of them was the deep crimson of his name. Just how many people did he kill!?

The immediate reaction of the nearby players was to retreat. The Mages cast a shower of spells, whizzing towards Nie Yan.「Bang! Bang! Bang!」They battered him ruthlessly, exploding on impact.

However, Nie Yan held an overwhelming advantage in both level and defense. The spells from the Mages couldn't put a dent on him, dealing only ten or so damage each.

Nie Yan didn't retreat in the slightest, enduring the concentrated bombardment of spells. He dashed forward and mowed down two Mages with the slash of his dagger. At this point, only a sliver of his health remained. Just as he was about to pull back to recuperate before reentering the fray, a Heal from Leader Young Seven enveloped his body, restoring his health to full.

Nie Yan was too accustomed to playing alone. He forgot that a powerful Priest was supporting him from the rear. With the aid of this limitless health pack, what was there to be afraid of? Giving his cooldowns a quick glance, he stunned a Warrior with Concussive Blow, then finished them off with a Backstab followed by Eviscerate.

Nie Yan's damage was simply too ferocious. Was he really a Thief?

Edgeless, Monochrome, and the others finally caught up with him. Like a wedge, they drove themselves into the group of enemies, and commenced a slaughter.

When the Warriors of Unhindered ran into Edgeless, Monochrome, or Bladelight, they could only scatter!

Blowhard Summer Bug, Undying Scoundrel, and Miracle Dancer bombarded the enemy with spells, blasting numerous Unhindered players into the air.

"How many have you guys killed?" Blowhard Summer Bug asked as he fired an Arcane Flame Burst at a Warrior.「Boom!」The Warrior didn't know what hit him as he was sent flying.

"22!" Monochrome replied, cutting down a Mage.

"I'm on 27!" Edgeless said after taking a glimpse at his kill count.

"I've killed 89! Haha! I'm the king of killing!" Undying Scoundrel proudly exclaimed. Freeze! He froze a nearby Warrior in place, then moved to finish him off with another spell. However, a Holy Smite blasted the him away.

"Fuck! Boss, they're kill stealing me!" Undying Scoundrel whined.

Miracle Dancer shrugged his shoulders. With a smug look, he said, "You've already killed the most out of all of us. One or two less isn't going to make a difference."

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