hollow with a heart (re-write)

By ZBX6779

370K 4.7K 6.6K

Rias loses her composure and tells Issei that she regrets reincarnating him all because he didn't confess lik... More

part 1: LIES
part 2: wild fire
part 3: no more.
part 4: angry Valkyrie.
part 5: what do I do?
part 6: back to square one
part 7: stray
part 8: I've become so numb.
part 9: it gets worse.
part 10: answers.
part 11. my other half.
part 12: wake up
part 13: who will end it?
part 14: first laugh.
part 15: the rating game.
part 16: hollowfication.
part 17: more answers
part 18: next step.
part 19: Kyoto.
part 20: repent
part 21: vacation & lights.
part 22: new home and rivalry.
part 23: information and graduation
part 24: not the one.
part 25: sides & AMF.
part 26: bound & free
part 27: fear or love.
part 28: cafe sweet Phoenix.
part 29: at last.
part 30: a note for a "hero"
part 31: not going to happen.
part 32: Romania
part 33: blood.
part 34: preparations
part 35: almost time.
part 37: is it finally over?
part 38: new home and rating game.
part 39: a true queen.
part 40: party party party.
part 41: hollow beast.
part 42: the life of a fox.
part 43: the life of a fox part 2
part 44: happiness
part 45: family and a friendly game.

part 36: it has begun.

2.8K 49 140
By ZBX6779

Issei, Vali and Ahri went to end Rizevim and save his parents. Everyone else alerted the entire underworld via calls, Irina went straight to heaven and got everyone up to speed, all forces were preparing for battle. As Rossweisse and her team prepared for war, they were met with a an army of evil dragons, drakes and wyverns. They began to attack as the cities were being evacuated, every high class devil and their teams were trying to fight them off but their opponents weren't ordinary by any means.

Rossweisse: Crom and Asia, see if you can make some of them join us, that would be great.

Fafnir: if not then let's kill them!

Asia dons her armour and they fly, Kiba and Xenovia start cutting down the drakes, Ravel turned into a phoenix and Koneko sat on her back, they fly and begin to take down the dragons. Gasper unleashed his creatures of darkness.

The dragons, drakes and wyverns attacked and we're killed by Gasper's creatures. He called them Grimm. Rias gave him some of her blood when needed and sent a great number of enemies into oblivion. Rossweisse was cutting them down with her dual scythes and saw Kuroka just standing in one place and smiling.

Rossweisse: why aren't you fighting?

Kuroka: I'm waiting.

Rossweisse: for what?

They heard a monstrous roar.

Kuroka: that, I sensed a powerful signature approaching.

Rossweisse: then we fight together.

Kuroka: no need, I'll take it on. Watch this.

One her eyes turned green.
She was then enveloped by blue flames and started to grow in size while still covered in flames.
She was now as big as the dragon that's truly massive.

Kuroka's power was almost rivaling Yasaka's in her full 9 tailed state. This attracted a lot of the enemy's attention and created an opening, everyone attacked and killed a great deal of them. Kuroka and the big dragon attacked each other, she led it away from the city as the others killed those dragons that tried to attack her. Gasper was tearing them apart, Ravel and Koneko were making them drop like flies, Akeno struck them down with a lightning storm and spears. Meanwhile Asia and Crom were trying to convince some of the dragons to join them. A few had some intelligence while the rest were mindless killing machines.

Asia: won't you please join us?

Crom: it's worth it.

There were 4 of them that were thinking it over, they agreed after a few seconds.

Dragon: name.....us.

They were not as strong as grendal but are way more intelligent as they listen to reason.

Crom: so you 4 want names. Sure.

Asia: how about Eric, Stan, Kyle and Kenny?

Crom: ....cute..I guess.

One of the attacks from the other devils in the distance kill Kenny.

Asia: omg they killed Kenny!!!


Devil: sorry?

They continue attacking the other resurrected dragons, wyverns and drakes. There was so much collateral damage, Kiba used his speed and Issei's new sword to take down his targets, Kiba saw the blood get absorbed into the blade, it was getting sharper and more durable with each drop. It wasn't getting bigger or heavier. With the increased sharpness Kiba cut through them like butter, with all that blood, the blade started to glow with a golden light, it picked up the faint magical signature of the grail, it grew stronger and stronger, Kiba was astonished at how easily it was scaring the dragons.

Kiba: this really is ascalon 2.0.

They refused to fight and faced a quick death. There were reports of dragons attacking the other mythologies which took down. Each resurrected creature was like an army but like an army, they were falling one by one by one. They were still causing a great deal of damage and there were minor casualties, had they not prepared for this then the numbers would have been far greater. Rossweisse was catching her breath and slowly recovering her magic reserves behind cover, there were no enemies for the time being. Euclid appeared behind her.

Euclid: you're quite a warrior.

She was startled and made some distance.

Rossweisse: who the hell are you?

She saw his silver hair and his familiar face.

Rossweisse: wait...that face..you resemble lady..

Euclid: Grayfia yes, she's my sister but I'm here on some important business. Would you like to join us?

Rossweisse: .......... you're retarded.

She created a small communication circle on her ear that was hidden by her hair.

Euclid: oh come now, name calling is beneath us.

Rossweisse: I'm just being honest as you.

(Rossweisse: I think Issei's sass is rubbing off on me).

Euclid: noted, I want you to join us, someone with your skill and power can become the queen along side us.

Rossweisse: why be a queen when I'm already a king?

Euclid: I shall give you one chance to reconsider. Join or die.

Rossweisse: interesting, counter offer. Surrender or die.

Euclid: and what makes you think I'll do either?

Rossweisse: pick one when you turn around.

Euclid raised an eyebrow. He looks behind him and sees Sirzechs completely covered by his power of destruction, the small pieces of rubble was floating from his power that was still rising.

Euclid: well shit.

Sirzechs: faking your death for so many years....do you have any idea what you out my wife through?!!

Euclid: she betrayed us the instant she chose you!

Sirzechs: Rossweisse get out of here, I've got to knock some sense into my brother in law.

Rossweisse: yes sir!

She fled.

Euclid: oh so you're approaching me?

Sirzechs: of course I am, I can't kick your ass otherwise.

Euclid: then come as close as you like!

Their powers flared, Grayfia recognized both power signatures and couldn't believe that her brother is alive. She flew straight towards them and saw them locked in combat. She was so conflicted, help her brother whom she thought was dead or help her husband who loves her to no end. The two were about clash once more but she got between them and stopped the fight.

Grayfia: ENOUGH!!

Euclid: well well, hello sister.

She slapped him hard.

Euclid: that stings.

She slapped him again, Sirzechs reverted to his usual form but had a look of concern on his face.

Grayfia: do you have idea what you put me through?!!! I though you were dead!!

Euclid: such talk will not work on me.

Sirzechs: shut up and listen to her!!

Euclid: don't think you can order me around you pretender to the throne!!

Grayfia punched him in the gut and then hugged him.

Grayfia: you stupid fool!! Why did you leave me?!

Sirzechs was ready to strike him down if he tried to hurt his wife, her brother saw this and couldn't defend himself much with Grayfia hugging him so tightly. She was crying her heart out, Sirzechs rarely ever saw her like this but when he did, he could feel her heart break, he wanted nothing more than to kill Euclid for hurting Grayfia but if he did then he would only make it worse. Euclid didn't answer her question.

Grayfia: TELL ME!!

Euclid: you betrayed us!!



Grayfia: why? Why does it matter who sits on the throne?

Euclid: it does matter!!

She let's go and faces him.

Euclid: you left our family!!

Grayfia: I made a hard choice!

Euclid: what's hard about staying with your family?

Grayfia: yes what is so hard about it? Why didn't you stay with me? Mom and dad were gone before we even started fighting in that damn war, I found love where I never though it would and now I have my own family.

Euclid: !!!

Grayfia: I have a son with Sirzechs and he's a damn good father and a great husband.

(Sirzechs: aww.)

Grayfia: I have mother and father in law who treat me like their own daughter, I have a place I can call home, I have a little sister in law who is really caring but and a whole lot more, I see her team like my own family too including her former pawn. I feel especially attached to him.

Euclid: you mean the red dragon? What makes him so special?!!



Grayfia: he reminds of you... You and he are very much alike.

Euclid: I'm nothing like him!

Grayfia:....you're right, you're not...not anymore. He's strong, kind, caring, protective of his family and will do anything to do what's right...just like you used to... I see him as my little brother cause he reminds me of the little brother I though I lost. I missed you...

Euclid: ....

Grayfia: now tell me...where have you been?

Euclid: .... With the chaos brigade....

Grayfia: why? Why would you willingly join terrorists?

Euclid: cause we'll get back what is rightfully ours.

Grayfia: it was never ours!!

Euclid: what?

Grayfia: think about it, those before us ruled because they had power and used it to put others down but where are they now? That's right. They're dead but here is the difference, those in power now use it to help others and you can't seem to bare it. The strong live and the weak perish.

Euclid: our parents were weak?!!

Grayfia: THEY WERE AMONG THOSE WHO WANTED WAR SO YES!!.... But as the war raged on...after so much death... The beast wrecking havoc...they saw the error of their ways and tried to end it. It cost them their lives...

Euclid: how....do you know this?

Grayfia: they told me, they didn't want you to see them as weak for changing sides. A view I shared with them. Euclid... please help stop this..sniff...come home.

He saw that he hurt her greatly, memories of him and his family ran through his mind, he was starting to regret his actions.

Euclid: I no longer have one...

Sirzechs: yes you do!

They look at him.

Sirzechs: you have a nephew who heard stories about you courtesy of his mother. He would love to meet his uncle and I would love to get to know my brother in law. If you don't have a home then join our family.

Euclid: after everything I've done? Why open your home to me? What makes you think I won't kill you all in your sleep?

Sirzechs: I didn't forget your actions, not just the whole terrorist thing but hurting my queen is unforgivable. I'll follow her lead. She wants you to join us then so do I. Vali, Cao Cao, Arthur, la Fey, Kuroka and Bikou are happy now.

Euclid: I still don't trust you, you made my sister your maid!!

Sirzechs: I did nothing of the sort. She chose that of her own volition. She's the strongest queen throughout history. Everyone knows that, the only ones who are stronger are the devil kings combined, gods, great red and Ophis...plus the beast. The point is that you're welcome in our home and if you try anything to hurt her or our family then..... I don't have to tell you what we will do to you.

Sirzechs and Grayfia's power was oozing out and shaking the ground a bit, he saw the stone cold look of murder in their eyes, Euclid instantly figured out that Grayfia left her old life behind in favour of her family especially of her son. She'll protect him like any mother would...even from her own flesh and blood if she had to. He saw a dark shadows over their faces but their glowing eyes...ice cold blue and murderous red. Euclid looked around and saw that he and the other chaos brigade members did....

(Euclid: the Valkyrie is right...I'm retarded.... I should surrender...I like breathing and if they continue to increase their power, I won't be able to do that anymore.)

Euclid: ......his name...

They stopped showing him their killing intent.

Grayfia: hm.?

Euclid: your son... what's his name?

Grayfia: Milicus Lucifuge Gremory. He's 8 years old.

Euclid: hmp..you named him after our father...alright...I surrender.

Sirzechs binds him in magic chains.

Grayfia: you're currently a prisoner of war, it'll be a while before we can even trust you in the slightest.

Euclid: I'm aware of that.

They take him away, Grayfia was smiling the whole time, she got her brother back.

Sirzechs: when you're ready to talk, let's talk.

Euclid smiled.

Euclid: thank you....brother.

Back with Issei, Vali and Ahri. Vali was already in his balance breaker.

Issei remembers the base Rizevim refered to, their biggest one, right where the hostile gear users and minions were killed. The trio entered the base, it was so quiet...too quiet.

Issei: I know you're aware of our presence. Come out now.

Rizevim comes out of hiding while slowly clapping his hands. Diehauser appears with Issei's parents tied up.

Rizevim: just you 3? I'm insulted.

Ahri: correction, you're dead. Nobody takes my future mother and father in law and lives.

Issei's parents were touched by her words.

Rizevim: you're a sassy one.

Issei: cut the bullshit! Let them go and I'll make your death a quick one.

Rizevim: like how you made his a quick one?

He snapped his fingers and a portal opened, Shalba walked through. He had mechanical arms.

Issei: you're still alive?

Shalba: so are you, guess we're both disappointed. Now are you ready to die?

Issei: *sigh*... Ahri. Vali.

Ahri: sure sweetie.

Vali: on it.

Vali seemingly teleported to Rizevim, Issei and Ahri used Sonido, there was a quick flash of silver light where Shalba stood, Issei was right behind him with ascalon in hand. Ahri appeared behind Diehauser and used her strength to free Issei's parents. Diehauser didn't expect the 2 of them to be this fast and was caught off guard, she used the knife she had and held it to Diehauser's neck. Vali held nothing back and punched Rizevim into the dirt in one strike.

Shalba and Diehauser were still processing what just happened.

Shalba: what..

Issei: mom...dad...close your eyes.

They do as they were asked. Shalba turned around and felt shape pain throughout his body, like thin wires cutting through him. He fell apart into several large pieces. His blood was sucked up by the dirt.

Diehauser: what...just happened?

Ahri: he died. Want to be next?

He lets Issei's parents go and they open their eyes, Issei unties them and opens a portal.

Issei: my friend is waiting for you, you'll be safe. We'll take care of this guy.

They thank him and go through. They were welcomed by Irina and saint Michael who promised to protect them. Back with our favorite couple. Ahri let go of Diehauser after she saw him smile.

Diehauser: ha.. HAHA HAHAHA

Issei: go ahead, it'll be your last laugh.

Diehauser: you absolute fool! This is such an obvious trap and you two walked into it. Oh I'm going to enjoy this, it's so boring being no.1. no one can even come close to my power but it's okay I'll have fun breaking you two like sticks WAHH!!


Issei changes his Vasto Lorde form and straight up fires a cero at him. It hit him directly. Issei knew that he's not dead and boosted. He grabbed Diehauser by his leg.

Issei: you made 3 mistakes. 1st was taking my family as your hostages. 2nd is that you should have just killed us when you had the chance. 3rd is when you start monologuing like a piece of arrogant trash!

He pummeled Diehauser repeatedly and boosted with each strike but after several power hits, Issei saw almost no visible damage on him other than the damage caused by the cero which is minor to his surprise. He backed off.

Issei: Ahri stay alert, something is very wrong about him.

Diehauser: or very right.

He gets up and wiped off the dirt. Ahri hollowfied and got ready to fight. Issei boosted several times and transfered the power to Ahri.

Ahri: we'll need it against this guy.

Issei: yeah, let's hold nothing back.

Diehauser: interesting power you have there. Too bad it's... worthless!

Issei changes back his old self.

Issei: named your ability after your self worth. I almost feel bad for you. Balance break, promote to queen.

Ddraig: cardinal crimson promotion!

Diehauser: worthless.

His balance breaker disappeared but he felt his hollow powers return. He used Sonido and appeared beside Diehauser, he kicked him right in the face with full force, his head only moved an inch.

(Issei: something really is different, his aura isn't the same.)

Diehauser looked at him and smirked.

Diehauser: I see you noticed something different.

Ahri: you've changed since the last time we saw you. What did you do? You're stronger than before.

Diehauser: oh nothing, just used the king Piece.

Issei: but...that's illegal.

Diehauser: um..hello? Terrorist here.

Issei: soon to be a dead one.

He boosted his power and attacked relentlessly, Ahri joined him, Diehauser had to go on the defense against their combined power. He blocked almost all of their attacks and had to use his "worthless" ability to nullify any powerful attacks that he couldn't block. Issei put him in a head lock and Ahri used her chakra sphere to attack, she aimed for his face and he looked at it, he used his signature ability to nullify it and kicked her away. She was hit with so much force that she hit the ground and slipped on it like a flat stone on water, she was hurt badly but luckily she had a phoenix tear with her. Issei was livid and continued to boost, he was starting to choke Diehauser to death or snap his neck, he tried everything to free himself, his eyes were starting to roll backwards and he turned his head just a bit, enough to see Issei and used "worthless" on him to nullify his strength.

(Issei: so he needs to see his target to nullify their abilities.)

Issei quickly clawed at his eye and damages it, despite now being blind in one eye he didn't stop glaring at Issei with his other one, Issei couldn't access his hollow powers and he can boost fast enough to defend himself. Diehauser grabbed Issei and flipped him on the ground, Issei felt his breath leave him and his back bone was fractured.


He couldn't move much, Diehauser cover his damaged eye and saw the blood on his hand, Issei took the opportunity to go full hollow to heal, he prepared a cero but Diehauser expected that, he nullified it and stomped on Issei's gut. He let out a small scream from the pain. Ahri got up and saw him in pain, she saw Diehauser pick up ascalon and stabbed Issei through his leg.

Issei: GAHH FUCK!!

Diehauser: you fought well but now you shall know true pain.

Ahri: let him go!!!

She was filled with rage, so much so that her chakra was flowing out of her, her usual blue chakra was turning red and it enveloped her.
Diehauser saw that this is something unstable and he used his nullification ability, to his surprise it didn't work.

Diehauser: WHAT? HOW?

Issei: Ahri NOW!!

Diehauser charged at her, he kept his glare on her the whole time.
Ahri prepared another chakra sphere and then threw the knife at him, aiming straight for his eye, as soon as the knife was close enough he tries to grab it, his fingers were an inch away when he saw Ahri appear out of nowhere and grab it, he looked at her when he should have focused on the sphere as she thrusts it right in his back, he felt his skin bring ripped apart, it felt like thousands of needles piercing his muscle and bones very slowly. Once the chakra sphere dispersed he punched her but she dodged it, she smirked. He remembered that he left Issei unattended. He turned around and Issei was gone, he didn't feel his presence and felt killing intent coming from his blind side. Instinctively he moved his head and saw ascalon go right by his head. He grabbed Issei's arm and saw his hand go right through it.

(Diehauser: an illusion?)

Issei had healed completely with his hollow regeneration ability but fighting the number one rating game champion with a king Piece was no joke. Issei was getting tired and didn't use his king form cause it's a combination of both powers. If Diehauser nullified it then it would be game over, he had to use each ability separately if he wanted to have a chance at winning. He was starting to get slow, he used himself as a distraction and Ahri would take the chance to strike. Because of his blind side, some attacks connected and did some damage. Both tried a frontal assault despite running out of stamina, he grabbed them both by their necks. Issei boosted to his limit and prepared a cero dragon shot, Ahri used her chakra sphere and enveloped it with her cero flames, her red chakra and blue flames merged and turned into a dark purple sphere, both were ready to be fired simultaneously, both attacks were in sight and he tried to nullify them.

Issei & Ahri: penetrate!!

Both attacks were close range and he couldn't dodge or nullify the attacks. He let go of them and put his arms up to defend, they fired and the attacks connected, they broke each barrier instantly and hit Diehauser directly in his chest, he was blasted away, the dual attacks eviscerated everything in its path, there was no trace of Diehauser.

Issei: *huff huff.*.. King Piece is quite the drag.

Ahri sat down and smiled at him.

Ahri: no kidding but I'm just happy that he's dead.* Huff huff*

Issei: we do make one great team.

He looked around and found ascalon in the dirt. He reached for it and from the ground emerged a hand that grabbed him by his arm, another hand grabbed ascalon and pierced Issei in the chest. Issei looked at the ground in horror, he saw Diehauser rise up from the dirt and plunge the sword deeper into his chest, both were wounded. He coughed up blood and fell to the ground, he can't heal unless the sword is removed. Ahri saw her soul mate lay motionlessly on the ground.

Diehauser: not bad at all, if it wasn't for the king Piece I would have been dead. It really did increase my limits beyond my imagination.

Ahri: ..... Issei....

Diehauser: be honoured that you were struck down by me, you both put up a great fight but ultimately fell short. Well done red dragon emperor. I shall make sure that your lady friend gets a merciful death.

He pulls out ascalon without care, Issei was healing slowly, Diehauser looked at Ahri that walked up to Issei then back at Diehauser.

Diehauser: do you hate me?

Her eyes glowed red.
Her chakra enveloped her entire body, her claws and fangs grew longer, her soft tails looked like they were now made of needles. Her chakra cloak looked like it was boiling.

Ahri: you're dead!!

He knew that he can't nullify this, he had no choice but to fight.
They started to go all out once more, her rage pushed her powers beyond it's limits. She withstood all his attacks, her chakra cloak was a protective cover, Diehauser is now getting scared, his signature ability that made him number one is useless against her, he was hit by a barrage of chakra spheres, he barely managed to deflect them and his wounds from before were taking a toll. Ahri was getting more powerful and more dangerous, her hollow mask manifested and it grew into a large fox skull, there was a spine, tail bones, arms and legs bones attached to her actual limbs. Diehauser was losing badly and created a small black sphere, a last attempt to kill her. He threw it upwards and yelled.

Diehauser: planetary devastation!!

There was a powerful gravitational pull that ripped the ground apart, large pieces of dirt, trees, rocks and the rubble of the base was being sucked up towards the black sphere. Ahri was sucked up to and was blasting any incoming rock or rubble, she grew as big as Yasaka in her 9 Kitsune form. The amount that was pulled upwards was now as big as the average mountain. It almost like a small moon that was right over one's head. Ahri was now buried under all that.

Diehauser: to think you pushed me this far.... If we fought in a rating game then it would never have reached this magnitude of power display.


Diehauser: !!!

Ahri's tails appeared out of the mass and was tearing it apart, her head followed next and she let out a roar. Issei heard it from the distance, she was breathing out her cero flames that burned the rocks and dirt.

The melting rocks were falling, it was a literal rain of fire and it was right on top of him, Diehauser created a barrier and avoided getting burned.

Issei saw her turn into that, he figured out that she now had the ability to turn into a full Kitsune but this is unstable. This is her juggernaut drive. He looked at her and felt as if his entire body was on fire. He got up and limped towards her, gradually he gained speed as he felt his energy return.

(Ddraig: it seems our combined power isn't the only threat!

Issei: no, I won't let her experience that fear! Not that pain! The reapers might come after her... Ahri....)



He found the strength to use his second armour, he picked up ascalon and flew towards them in high speed, Diehauser was too occupied at the sight infront of him, Ahri created a large number of red and blue chakra spheres, they merged and became a large purple one, it was so dense that the rubble Ahri created was starting to form around it. She was about to fire it at the sphere when Issei appeared in top of her.

Ddraig: divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide divide!!!

Her purple sphere grew smaller and smaller than cracked, it broke apart and disintegrated. She let out a roar as she started to revert back to her old form. All that chakra Issei divided was inside of him, he had all that corrupted chakra and was effecting him heavily. He charged a dragon shot and transfered all that corrupted chakra into it, he aimed for the sky.

Diehauser: that's still enough energy to wipe out the planet.

Issei used Sonido and appeared behind Diehauser and fired it. Last time Diehauser dug through the dirt, he stood on a boulder and can't dig through that.

Diehauser: no no N...


It was a direct hit this time, right through his head, now there was hardly anything left of it. Just a dead corpse. The gravitational field disappeared and the mountain size sphere was falling to pieces. It fell back down, Issei saw Ahri in her usual form and used Sonido to grab her, he pulled her to safety. As soon as he did his armour broke apart.

Issei: Ahri!!

Her skin was all red, it looked like a layer of her skin fell off and she wasn't conscious. He created a portal to Kyoto and jumped through it. The portal opened right infront of Yasaka herself and she saw Issei with injuries that were now barely healing, he held Ahri in a bridal style.

Issei: help her please!

His cries for help caught everyone's attention. Yasaka and others rushed over to help, they took her straight to the medical bay, Yasaka called Azazel who rushed right over with phoenix tears.

Azazel: Issei!

He took out the small bottle.

Issei: help her first!

Azazel looks at Ahri, she's in worse condition than Issei. He used it on her and her skin healed completely. Yasaka examines her.

Yasaka: her chakra flow is in a state of flux but I can help her, she'll be okay Issei.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Issei: thank you....

He passed out from exhaustion. Luckily he was already in a bed right next to Ahri's.

With Vali.

He was holding nothing back, he was nowhere near equal in power even with his balance breaker compared to Rizevim but he fought on. Rizevim had more fighting experience. Vali used to be a battle maniac but his grandfather is a warmonger and enjoyed it to the fullest. He could fight smarter and longer than Vali. Vali's armour was breaking, he was getting tired despite using divine dividing on Rizevim a number of times. Rizevim took to the air and used his 12 devil wings to create sharp gusts of air that cut right through his armour and skin, Vali fell to his knees with pieces of his armour around him.

Vali: *huff huff..*

Rizevim: *sigh* just give up junior. You can't win.

Vali: I who shall awaken, I am the heavenly dragon who lost all to the principal of domination. I envy the infinite and long for the dream. I shall become the white dragon that masters the path of domination. I shall lead you to the furthest limits of innocence. JUGGERNAUT DRIVE.

He activities his juggernaut drive and attacks but soon discovered that it wasn't enough. Rizevim was hiding his true power all along. We was toying with Vali this whole time.

Rizevim: how about you just join your grandpa here and become stronger under my wings.

Vali: death before dishonor.

Rizevim: .....your mother said those words to me...

Vali was getting pissed off more and more but he reached his limit. He punched the ground and made a small crater.

(Vali: weak...I'm too weak... How can I avenge my parents if I'm too weak?!!

Ophis: then I'll make you strong.

Vali: Ophis?

Ophis: take my power and in return, you'll give me answers about Ddraig's host.)

Black snakes appeared from the ground and bit Vali. Rizevim thought that Ophis was going to kill him. He started to laugh. The snakes merged with Vali and this power was so immense yet nothing compared to Ophis itself.


His newfound power was equal to Issei's king promotion. His new armour looks like this.

Rizevim saw this.

Rizevim: Ophis you traitor!!!!

Vali had 12 metallic razor sharp wings that floated behind his back, he sent them towards Rizevim, be tried to dodge but was unsuccessful, they locked on to him. Vali appeared behind his grandfather and tore his wings off, he screamed and fell to the ground, Rizevim used a magic spell to blast Vali into oblivion but it did not even scratch him. Vali broke all his grandfather's limbs, he screamed as his bones were being broken one by one.

Vali: before I kill you, tell me why you killed my parents.

Rizevim: cause they were weak. I wanted the next generation to be the best but your parents were weak. I wanted to create the perfect warrior, one that will take power when they have a chance.

Vali: congratulations...you created me.

Albion: divide x30.

Vali and Albion divided Rizevim out if existence. He did it slowly to make sure he feels that he's powerless now. After Rizevim was gone for good Vali's new armour disappeared. He truly hit his limit. He just sat down and saw the massive sphere in the sky with a giant fox that was going berserk. He saw the sephiroth graal laying where Rizevim once was. He picked it up and held it. He then looked back at them and saw the sphere collapse with Diehauser's energy disappear.

Vali: *huff huff huff.*...sorry you two. I..need to catch my breath.

Ophis: you need more than that.

Vali: .....thanks for the power boost.

Ophis: answers..now. why has Ddraig's host changed into something I don't know? I can't sense his presence very well.

Vali: *sigh*.... He's like you in a way. We can't sense your presence either.

Ophis: no one can be like me. I should eliminate him.

Vali: don't. He's needed to stop the beast should it wake up. He's on our side.

Ophis: you've changed. You feel more emotions and smile more.

Vali: Ophis...if you want the whole truth then live with us. There are things that are far better than silence.

Ophis: such as?

Albion: you'll see. You'll be pleasantly surprised. Ddraig's host is unique as is mine.

Ophis:.... I just want my silence.

Vali: the dimensional gap is limitless, you can get as far away from great red as you can so easily but still you either argue with him or come here..... Is it really silence you crave?


Vali: but you want more.

Ophis: I have no desires.

Vali: wanting is a desire and silence is one of them. What's the other?

Ophis:....I do not know.

Vali: then come with us. You'll be happy.

Ophis: what is "happy"?

Vali: you'll experience it soon enough. We'll start with the little things. Such as food.

Albion: an excellent start.

Back with Issei and Ahri.

Issei recovered faster than Ahri as Ddraig helped him. He sat by Ahri's bed, she was still unconscious. He felt her held and rubbed it.

(Issei: so soft. Please wake up soon.)

Yasaka and Azazel kept Issei up to date on the situation. The dragon army has been dealt with, some joined their side thanks to Asia, Crom, Eric, Stan, Kyle and Kenny the 2nd. Issei chucked at the last for 4 names and knew exactly what happened to Kenny the 1st. Rossweisse and her team were currently getting patched up in the underworld.

Azazel: so I heard from Cao Cao that Diehauser was among the terrorists.

Issei: not anymore, he's dead...

Azazel: I see...

Issei: he used the king Piece.

Azazel: what?!!

Issei: his power was beyond what it was a while back. He admitted it but it only prolonged the inevitable. He's dead now.

Azazel: I got more news to share with you. Vali killed Rizevim with Ophis's help.

Issei smiled after hearing that.

Issei: way to go Vali.

Azazel:...... She'll be okay Issei. She'll wake up soon.

Issei: thanks....

Yasaka entered the room.

Yasaka: so what happened to Ahri?

Issei tells her about what he saw.

Yasaka: she's so strong, far more than I am. Her chakra was unstable but she's fine now.

Ahri: it sure doesn't feel like that my lady.

They look at her and see that she's awake.

Issei: Ahri!! Are you okay? Are you in any pain?

Ahri: Issei you heard her, I'm fine.

Issei: whenever women use the word "fine", it means the total opposite. Talk to me.

Azazel: let's give them some space.

He and Yasaka leave, as soon as they leave, Ahri lost her smile and hugged Issei.

Ahri: I...*sniff.*... I though he killed you.

Issei: and I though you were going to die...*sniff*..don't ever scare me like that again.... please?

Ahri: *sniff.*...I promise.

They stayed in each other's embrace for the whole day.

With Euclid.

He was locked in a prison cell with his powers sealed away. He sat there in silence, the sounds of battle have ceased. Grayfia, Sirzechs, Ajuka and Serafall enter his cell.

Euclid: I'm ready to talk.

Ajuka: please start by telling us why you and your associates did this.

Euclid: you already know the motives of the old satan faction.

Serafall: but why the dragon army? The beast is already very dangerous threat, should Ophis and great red battle it then it's over for us all.

Euclid: the army was meant to weaken any resistance. Everyone has grown stronger and stronger. Ever sense the red dragon emperor showed up. Everything changed but it seems that it was all for nothing, they didn't last long obviously.

Sirzechs: we found some illegal information regarding the manufacturing of "super devils". Care to enlighten us?

Euclid: a false hope, it was just one of our researchers following their own delusions. Lilith a.k.a the mother of all devils is dead, we found what's left of her remains and it was so decayed that we couldn't do anything. It's just a museum item at most. That researcher lost his mind and started to find other ways to create super devils. He used a Nekoshou and his experiments worked to a small extent but it backfired. She killed him. Good riddance if you ask me.

Grayfia: that brings us to the biggest question. Where is the beast hidden?

Euclid: I'll show you but bring in every powerful person you know. Including the red dragon emperor. There's still sometime so let everyone rest.

Serafall: how much time?

Euclid: almost a month I believe.

Ajuka: how about you just tell us instead of just waiting and risk seeing the beast waking up early?

Euclid: that's actually a better idea. We'll need to go to agares stadium.

They teleport there.

Euclid: now do you see that crack in the center?

They look at each other and slowly walk towards the crack, they look down and see the beast, still sealed and hidden right within the stadium this whole time. The beast opened one of it's eyes and everyone backed away. The beast fell asleep once again.

Sirzechs: oh fuck all kinds of duck.

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