Best Is Yet To Come

By ScarlettLeigh13

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Sequel to Doubt Stacey returns to America after six months back home in Ireland/UK things are definitely diff... More

Chapter 1 - Guess Who Back
Chapter 2 - The Dating Game
Chapter 3 - Awkward Encounters
Chapter 4 - They are Endgame
Chapter 5 - Love of a Good Man
Chapter 6 - Am I Wasting My Time?
Chapter 7 - Little Speed Demon
Chapter 8 - Blind
Chapter 10 - Maybe Just Maybe
Chapter 11 - Halloween
Chapter 12 - Different Circumstance
Chapter 13 - Hometown
Chapter 14 - Fuck You
Chapter 15 - In The Car
Chapter 16 - Surprise Visits and Girl Talk
Chapter 17 - TLC
Chapter 18 - NYE
Chapter 19 - The Party
Chapter 20 - Royal Rumble
Chapter 21 - Match Day
Chapter 22 - Red Light
Chapter 23 - Where is she?
Chapter 24 - Work
Chapter 25 - Panic
Chapter 26 - Scared
Chapter 27- Put on a Show
Chapter 28 - In My Head
Chapter 29 - Far From Over
Chapter 30 - Believe and Trust

Chapter 9 - High school Teenagers

152 2 1
By ScarlettLeigh13

I am completely in shock at the death of Jon Huber. That has really taking me by surprised. My heart goes out to his family and friends at this awful time.
May he rest in peace
Always remembered

It was my birthday tomorrow and we would be in Cincinnati, Ohio for it to record Smackdown. Should be fun right? This would my first time being in Cincinnati since Jon and I spilt up, I still received the odd message from Les and Cody which surprised me but it was nice of them to still care. I was silently hoping though that they would not ask to meet up while in Cincinnati because that would be weird right? Especially considering Jon would be here and he would probably go and see them so that would be weird.

Its been a few weeks since the car ride with Jon and Joe and I just felt it would safer to travel with Saraya. I just felt like it wasn't the right time for Jon and I to be travelling together, especially that amount of distance as old memories and feelings were being dragged up which created uncomfortable situations neither of us needed. I also had a phone call with AJ who like John Cena told me to fix my friendship with Tyson which I agreed I would do but I just needed to make sure he wasn't upset with me, which he assured me he wasn't. After speaking to AJ I waited a few days before calling Tyson who surprisingly answered on the first try. He assured me their was no hard feelings between us and that our relationship wouldn't have worked anyway due to the distance. He apologized for leaving the way he did which made me annoyed because that was something I did not blame him for in the slightest. But we decided to put the whole thing behind us and go forward with a friendship instead.

"So, I spoke to Tyson today and he told me you are no longer together? What the hell?" I heard Sara voice from behind me. I was about to turn around when I felt her hand collide with the back of my head, jolting me forward.

"I didn't tell anyone Sara. I just kind of hoped everyone would forget about it after not seeing or hearing me talk about him for weeks." I sighed rubbing the back of my head. I was sitting in catering grabbing something to eat before my match against Alicia Fox tonight. I had finally returned to the ring at MSG against Nattie and it was one of the best matches of my career. The crowd were insane once I walked out to the ramp, I feed off their energy as I fought my way to victory. It was a pretty awesome return to the wrestling world. "Besides with all the shit you have going on with Kevin right now did you really need to know that?"

"Eugh don't remind me about that. My mom is actually coming to visit, I have to get her from the airport on Wednesday and she thinks everything is peachy between Kevin and I." She groans throwing her head down on the table making me laugh. "Which reminds me, you have to come see her."

"I'll come and see her but you better not bring up you and Kevin around me. If you are going to talk to her do it when I'm not around." I tell her pointing a fork full of chicken at her which she leaned forward and ate. It wasn't to be mean, or cold but I have got in between Sara and her mom before and it was scary so I wasn't going to put myself there again. Sara sat up, leaning forward and wrapping her mouth around my fork. "HEY"

"Don't put food in my face or I'll eat it." She shrugs sitting back and reaching up to adjust her cap. "Why did I have to say yes?"

"I've been asking myself that question for weeks." I sniggered with a head shake. Last week Saraya had finally came clean to Kevin and told him she didn't want to be engaged and of course this caused issues that they just can't seem to get past. They were arguing and fighting a lot more than usual and to be honest they could barely stand to be in the same room together. "Why didn't you just tell you mom what really happened maybe then you wouldn't have to lie to her?"

"Thank you Einstein! Yes that would have been easier but when have I ever done things the easy way?" She growls over at me. My eyes go wide and I purse my lips together, trying not to smile or laugh. "Sorry you know I hate being in this situation." She groans throwing her head back.

"It's okay." I nodded pushing my plate away from me and leaning back on my chair. The deep voice of Joe caught my attention and I looked over towards the door and noticed him enter catering with Jon. We both give each other a small smile, before I turn back around in my chair, lifting the fork and pushing a few grains of rice around my plate.

"Does Jon know you and Tyson broke up?" Saraya asks quietly looking over her shoulder at Jon who happened to also be looking in this direction. I just shrug in response, I didn't know who knew and who didn't as it wasn't a secret. It just wasn't talked about either so the chances of anyone knowing were slim. "He still has it bad for you. Do you ever think..."

"Don't" I snap unexpectedly at her causing her to look at me wide eyed and in shock. She slowly nodded her head as she swallowed whatever was in her mouth. "Sorry Sara I just, I don't want to talk about Jon right now."

"Did something happen?" She asked raising her eyebrow at me. "Do I have to go over there and kick that motherfuckers ass?"

"No, no...Nothing like that." I sigh, running a hand over my face lightly so I didn't smudge my makeup. "I travelled with them a few weeks back, it was...I don't even know what it was but we almost kissed. But I got hot coffee all over my legs and I had to take them off, so Jon gives me his shorts. The ones I claimed when we were together and then he sang along with the radio you know, Blind by Lifehouse. God he has such a beautiful voice but it was so raw and filled with emotion it almost killed me." I rambled on as fast as I could, hoping it was too much information for her.

"He still has those shorts?" Sara smirked leaning closer to me wiggling her eyebrows. Saraya knew the story of the shorts that's why she held onto that part of the story, something I was grateful for as I didn't want her focusing on... "WAIT, you almost kissed?" She hisses at me, partly annoyed I didn't tell her earlier but mostly in excited.

"Don't get mad, but that night at the party for leaving ROH he pulled me behind the bar and kissed me like I have never been kissed before in my life."

"YOU KISSED HIM." She yells standing to her feet, the chair flying out behind her. I glance around catering everyone looking over at us as she jiggled on her feet. Glaring at her I pulled her hand and motioned for her to sit down and be quiet. "I can't believe it, why didn't you tell me?"

"Because of this" I gestured towards how she reacted as she picked up her chair and sitting back down glancing at me apologetically. "I was with Tyson at the time also that's why." I carefully lifted my gaze to look over at Jon's direction, he was looking over at our table, a smirk on his face as he ate his food. It was like he knew we were talking about him.

"So you guys kissed and it was magical so..." Sara teased running her tongue all over her teeth and lips, staring intently into my eyes. I felt the blush creep up into my face turning my cheeks completely red as I avoided eye contact with her. "Damn girl, get it. Get it." She said poking my side playfully.

"Stop it. STOP." I chuckle swatting her hands away causing her to back away, smile still present on her face as a silence fell over us. "It was the first and last time it happened." I say after a while grabbing my water bottle and unscrewing the cap before taking a drink.

"I wouldn't say that. If Joe didn't wake up, you would have kissed." She pointed out and that got me thinking of all the other close calls Jon and I had. The time we had the argument in an empty room at RAW, the night at the gym when Tyson left to go back to Japan and the time I drove us both to Toronto. "And all the other times you clearly haven't told me about."


"Your face, you can't hide anything for shit. Remind me not to have you lie for me." She laughed shaking her head. "Have you talked to him about you know...getting back together?"

"No because I don't know if that's the right thing for us. He has his life now and I have mine. The past belongs in the past." I sigh playing with my fingers avoiding her eyes.

"He is not your past. He is your future. You are both too stubborn to see that." I heard her practically growl. I glance over at her and noticed she was playing with the food on my plate. She was facing forward so all I could see was her side profile but there was an annoyed expression on her face. "What is it you said to Tyson about Jon and Stacey?" She asks looking in front of her. I heard a chair scrap across the floor and shifted my gaze to Colby who was joining us with a plate of food for himself.

"Their endgame." He shrugged plopping down on the chair and giving me a smirk. "He still hanging around? Didn't get the message yet huh?"

"No need to be rude Col." I glare with a sigh before shaking my head at him. I didn't understand why he couldn't be happy for me, like he was fine when Jon was dating Renee so why couldn't I date people without them getting attacked.

"I'm just calling it as I see it." He shrugs shovelling food into his mouth. "Why do you ask?" He directs the question at Sara who glanced at me. I quickly shake my head not wanting the fact Tyson and I aren't together back to Colby and especially not back to Jon, not yet anyway.

"Curiosity." She sighs giving me an annoyed look for what seemed like the hundredth time tonight.


I had just returned from my match with Alicia Fox which I ended up winning by disqualification thanks to The Bella's interfering and attacking me. I was leaving the woman's locker room, my case behind me as I walked towards the underground car park looking for Saraya. She was no where to be found within the arena so my last hope was car park.

"Hey there you are." Jon voice stopped me in my tracks. I turn to look over my shoulder noticing he was dressed in his street clothes. A black shirt which clung to every muscle on his chest and his usual jean and combat boot attire, my mouth going dry, he looked good. Really good. "Sara said you needed a ride to Cincinnati, I hope its okay I kind of volunteered." He trails off chuckling and scratching the back of his neck. I was going to kill her.

"Um yeah, thank you. I appreciate it Jon." I nod looking down at my feet, silently plotting how I was going to make Sara suffer for doing this to me.

"Great, here let me." Jon spoke reaching over and taking my suitcase from my hand and carrying it towards his rental car. I tried to tell him no but he refused to listen and continued walking ahead like he didn't hear me. "Joe should be out in an hour or two. He loves to fuck about at the end of the night but you know that you've rode with him before."

"Yeah, what does he get up to?" I chuckled standing next to him as he leaned his arms on the roof of the car.

"I believe he clears out catering and takes a crap before getting into the car but that's just my thoughts and Colby's." He laughs shaking his head as he looks over at me, a twinkle in his eyes. A silence fell over us as we waited for Joe to make an appearance. I was about to ask Jon about that last time he was in Cincinnati when my phone rang in my pocket.

"HEY BIRTHDAY GIRL." AJ yelled through the other end of the phone causing me to pull the phone away from my ear, Jon laughing at my reaction.

"My birthday is tomorrow." I groaned into the phone, mouthing sorry to Jon for taking the phone call but he just shook his head letting me know it was okay.

"Nope it's Tuesday 13th here in lovely Nakano." AJ grinned into the phone. "So what you got planned for tomorrow, twenty nine years old. One year off thirty girl. You're getting old."

"Says the thirty eight year old."

"Eugh don't remind me." He groans into the phone making me laugh. "Damn, now I feel like shit, I'm old. Quick distract me, you with Saraya?"

"Uh no, she left me actually." I speak lowly into the phone but I notice Jon shift a little. It wasn't hard to hear the conversation as the car park was silent. AJ pushed the subject asking what I meant and who I was travelling with. "Um yeah, she told uh Jon that I needed a ride and left. So I'm riding with Joe and... Jon." I felt every time I mentioned Jon's name I spoke as low as I could. There was a silence on the other end of the phone before AJ's laughter bellowed through making me purse my lips together and stick them out. I didn't dare look at Jon at this point as I knew he heard everything.

"She got you good."

"Shut up. He is standing right there." I whisper harshly into the phone as I heard Jon laugh behind me.

"HEY AMBROSE." AJ yelled as I closed my eyes, pretending this wasn't happening. "DID YOU KNOW THAT STACE..." He didn't get a chance to finish his sentence as I decided to end the call before I endured any further embarrassment. I swear, for grown ass adults they go on like they are still in high school and it drives me mental sometimes.

"I take it from that conversation you had no intentions of needing a ride tonight." Jon spoke from behind me. I could hear the smile in his voice. I decided to face my demons and turned on my heel to face him shaking my head. "I'm sure Stephen is still available if you'd be more comfortable?"

"Ill be fine. Unless you would be more comfortable with me riding with him?"

"No, no I'm good with you riding with us." He nodded placing his hands on his waist a silence falling over us both once more.

We waited another few moments in silence before the sound of Jon's phone interrupted it. I watch silently, my arms wrapped around myself as Jon pulled his phone out of his back pockets a smile crossing his face as he read the message, his head shaking as he handed me his phone. It was from Joe.

Caught a ride with Sara... Have fun but not to much...

Once I finished reading the message, I rolled my eyes letting out a scoff as I handed back his phone. I was surrounded by teenagers stuck in their high school years. I placed my hands on my hips, trying to shake he feeling of annoyance from my system at the thought of my so called friends. Why were they so hell bent on getting Jon and I back together?

"We should probably get going, no point hanging around here anymore." Jon sighs, the smile still on his face as he opens the driver side door.

"Can I drive?" I asked, a coy smile on my face, my eyebrow raised in the process as I held my hand out for the keys. Jon looked in my eyes, then down to my expecting hand.

"HELL NO" He laughs shaking his hand and getting into the drivers seat. "Get in here before I leave you" He chuckles nodding over to the passenger side and shutting his door.


The ride to Cincinnati with Jon was great. Just like old times, we sang along badly with the radio. Talked about the WWEs plans for the future with both of us and how annoying our friends really were. Nothing better than a good trash talking especially when they deserved it.

We arrived at Cincinnati in the earlier hours of the morning. We were both exhausted so once we arrived at the hotel we checked in immediately and Jon insisted in walking me to my room which made me smile.

"Thanks Jon." I smile with a small nod. It was like the end of a first date when neither of you knew what to do. I leaned my back against the hotel door while he stood in front me, hands shoved in his pockets.

"No problem. I actually wanted to give you something." He smiles, his right hand going into his inside jacket pocket and pulling out a small white envelope and giving it to me. "Happy Birthday Stacey."

"Jon you didn't have to...."

"I wanted to." He interrupts, a smile on his face as he looked at me expectingly. I returned the smile as I opened the envelope and pulling out its contents. "After our ride to Toronto I couldn't pass it up." He laughs as I stare at the passes in my hands.

"NASCAR racing experience with Richard Petty in Vegas ." I chuckle shaking my head at the two passes in my hand. "I love it. Thank you." I grin leaning forward and reaching up to place a lingering kiss on his cheek, taking him by surprise as he stiffened up. I pulled away slowly, staying a few centimeters from him. I stared up at him as he stared down at me.

"Goodnight." He whispers lowly, his tongue darting out of his lips to wet them, drawing my attention to them. "Enjoy your birthday." He suddenly shook himself and backed away grabbing his case and walking off in what I assume was his room. I stood in place for a few moments more before going into my room, my mind plagued with thoughts of Jon.

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